Monday, October 19, 2015

Bigg Boss Season 9 19th October 2015 Written Update

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Bigg Boss Season 9 19th October 2015 Written Update
Bigg Boss Season 9 19th October 2015 Written Update

Bigg Boss Season 9 19th October 2015 Written Update


One detainee will be killed from Bigg supervisor today. 

Salman goes ahead stage and moves on Selfie le re melody. 

In house, Suyyash says to Vikas and yuvika that Rimi has come in house with a reason, she won't leave before finishing her work. otherside Rimi is crying that she is not wiped out. Digangana says that we are assigned however Rimi is crying when she is sheltered, Roopal says they are gotten as they were b***cing behind back and used to say that they are forthright, Salman took their case so they are feeling terrible. 

In front of an audience, Soonam Kapoor goes ahead stage, Prem Ratan dhan aayo tune plays, she moves on it, Salman Khan comes there and hits the dancefloor with her, after move, Salman gives Soonam mike and says isnt it most astounding melody? she says yes it is, Salman says you have come here to demonstrate this tune and to converse with prisoners, Soonam jokes and to see you as well. Soonam sit on visitor seat, Salman invites everybody in bigg manager, he says Ankit, Arvind, digangana, Roopal, Vikas and Yuvika are assigned, alot more needs to come in this season, individuals have adored this show in one week just, all need to go in house so we have chosen that some media personals will converse with prisoners through live talk, IBN's senior grapple Aakash Soni 

will converse with prisoners, he is associated through video call, he says to Salman that you are most senior stay, Salman jokes that you dont offer opportunity to us to end up senior grapple, Aakash ask Salman that you cleared out bigg supervisor 8 and was miffed however who made you rebound in season 9? is it accurate to say that they fear you? Salman jokes that they require me to run appear, i convey trp so they continue coming to me, he says simply kidding, the detainees give substance and i simply respond to their activities, aakash ask who you think from prisoners have the ability to wind up bollywood's star, Salman says i recollect that we have bollywood performer associated through video call that is Ayushman Khurrana, call is joined with Salman, Salman says we are coming here to work and you are smoothly sitting on sofa, Ayushman says you have begun singing, securing and acting so we need to sit at home, all giggles, Ayushman says i am huge devotee of bigg manager so i have arranged inquiries as well, Salman says soonam is here as well. 

Call is associated with house, Salman lets them know that Ayushman, Aakash and Soonam are here to converse with you. Ayushman says to prisoners that i have been a piece of reality appears, individuals like fun however they get a kick out of the chance to watch detainees doing errands pleasantly, all of you ought to begin considering assignments important, he says to Rimi that my work is to wake you up, you had spunk in films, you need to demonstrat to it here, why you are noiseless? Rimi says i feeling hard to change, i have great connection with all here, Aakash inquire as to why you are not demonstrating flash, you have potential, Rimi says this is first time i dont have association from outside world, i may adapt up to this and begin playing, Salman says Rimi has sparkle and she will blast like spring of gushing lava, she is cognizant in view of cameras, in the event that she is stating that she hasnt confronted issues in life then she is lying, she confronted issues in individual however now issues are coming infront of all world, she doesnt need to make discussions, Rimi says i never needed to consideration, Salman says just supposition your voice, what isn't right isn't right. Soonam says all are playing pleasantly, i need to offer credit to Mandana, she is attempting to talk in hindi, she has figured out how to cook Rajma as well, Salman jokes to not give her credit, half Iran talks in hindi, Salman ask how was Rajma today? Mandana says it was bad, Salman says then advise my mother how to cook Rajma, she had cooked it for all of you, Mandana says no.. Salman ask what now you will say it was great? all chuckles, Mandana says the rajma of bigg manager house is distinctive as we dont have numerous things here, Salman says that being said my mother's Rajma is bad, come and cook sustenance at some point, all snickers. Aakash says i wanna sing a tune for detainees, he sings Tumhara dil ya humara dil hai, Salman says you are singing so pleasantly, Ayushman is as of now sitting at home, you will send him to washroom by taking his singing profession, all chuckles, Aakash ask Mandana that you picked Keith to be your accomplice as he is just individual who can deal with you, who has tolerance to endure you, isn't that so? Mandana says this as well as Keith has experience, he has seen how to handle me, i am fussbudget and Keith knows it, Aakash says Rochelle you are pleasant individual, Salman jokes to Keith that you are stuck inbetween this, Soonam says to Digagana that you and roopal have turned out to be great companions yet you both dont converse with others much, Digagana says i was attempting to adapt up to work, we needed to cook nourishment and all so we couldnt join with others much, soonam says you both stop to act like secondary school young ladies, you have to wind up obstinate, Digagana says possibly we both are young ladies so set aside more opportunity to do work, Soonam says individuals need to see your identity, Salman jokes that digangana would take entire day to brush her hairs, all chuckles, Ayushman ask Prince what is your arrangement? Sovereign says i need to take after Salman, Ayushman says to prisoners that all of you need to increase present expectations, we ought not miss ex-challengers like Guatam or Krishma, leanr from Salman, Salman says i have rehearse, Ayushman says to Arvind that you began extremely well yet your wheezes are adorable, you are sidelined perhaps in light of the fact that you are not from this industry, whats your arrangement, Arvind says arrangement is to live with them, they are bearing my wheezes, Salman says punch the person who is not bearing it, all snickers, Soonam ask Aman who is your companion in house, Aman says Keith, i have great science with Keith, Salman says one week back you were stating that you had great fellowship with Kishwar, you were acting like her departed companion, Aman says when you live with somebody then you think about them all the more pleasantly, Ayushman says they all are living like a family yet Mandana has comprehended amusement truly well, she is playing admirably, Salman says he is calling your Manipulative, Mandana says i take it as compliment, this house is not true, i am living alone for over 10 years so i have experience, Ayushman says Rimi has affirmed that show is not scripted, Rimi says yes this has stunned me, Salman says to Mandana that be cautious Kishwar.. i mean eishwar is there as well, Aakrash says all are acting like they are enormous glad family yet one and only individual is playing pleasantly that is Mandana, Mandana says i know they all will change their features in coming weeks, i am fortunate to get Keith as my accomplice, i let him know that i dont mind his better half accompanying us, they can do anything, Salman jokes what you mean by doing anything? he says to Mandana that we are not understanding what you are stating, but rather you are looking pleasant so continue talking, all chuckles, Ayushman inquire as to whether bigg supervisor is more troublesome than live cricket, Rochelle says there you cannot express feelings however here you have as well, Aakash inquire as to whether Mandana can turn into her closest companion? Rochelle says we are not here to make companions but rather i have numerous things regular with Mandana and i get to be companions with everybody effortlessly, i am additionally cheerful that she is with Keith, she acquires out best Keith, Salman jokes that she is Rochelle devi, Rochelle says i will lose it eventually as well, Salman says they all go like companions in house however in end when they see their excursion, its all loaded with battles, he thanks everybody and closures call. 

Salman ask soonam that advance her motion picture in the event that she has come here, she says you are in motion picture as well, Salman says no i am bigg supervisor host here. Prem Ratan Dhan aayo trailer plays. after trailer, Soonam says its is greatest motion picture of my life, she welcomes Salman and takes off. 

Salman says there will be a greatest turn in house, prisoners will inspire opportunity to get their packs as closeout will be done on their sacks. he interfaces call to house, he ask how are all of you? Kishwar says we are pleasant, Salman says with the exception of all of you are decent, Salman says i will demonstrat to you a slide and you need to characterize it, he shows picture of Keith doing message of Mandana's back, Rochelle is documenting Keith's nail while Prince is taking a gander at them, he ask Kishwar what Keith must be supposing around then? Kishwar says stuck, Prince says he has risk all over, all chuckles, he demonstrates Rochelle's stunned and irregular picture, all snickers, Mandana says Rochelle must be thinking in the event that he is truly my sweetheart. Salman says we will errand in which we will perceive how well you know your accomplice, accomplices will remain on inverse side and Salman will put forth certain inquiries, they will compose answers and we will see their similarity by checking whether their answers match or not. to start with Keith and Mandana approaches, Salman ask what Keith do first in morning, both independently compose on load up that he takes tea, Salman says what science, too bad Rochelle, he ask the amount Keith-Mandana battles, they both compose none, Salman ask how often Mandana applies oil, Keith composes 2, while Mandana composes 6, Salman says Rochelle is glad. At that point Prince and Suyyash approach, Salman inquire as to whether Prince play with all young ladies of house, both compose no, Salman request that whom Prince needs tackle date, Suyyash composes Yuvika, Prince composes Rimi, Prince says you were requesting that whome Suyyash needs tackle date? Salman says i befuddled you. he request that Vikas and Yuvika approach and inquire as to whether they will leave today? Yuvika composes yes, Vikas composes no, Salman says YUVIKA AND VIKAS ARE SAFE. 

Call is joined with snapdeal guest of week, she says i wanna converse with Keith, she says you look decent in Mandana's garments, all chuckles, she says to Keith that Mandana said ordinarily that your sweetheart has no brain, she is not shrewd, you were listening quietly and didnt take stand for your better half, why? Keith says Mandana said it could be said that she is not savvy but rather enthusiastic and dont utilize her brains, i advised her that Rochelle is sweet yet utilizes her psyche in the end, Mandana says i let him know that Rochelle is sweet and she ought not get affected, Rochell says all are imagining that i am simply enthusiastic when i say things from heart yet they dont realize that i have enthusiasm and i do everything enthusiastically, thats my identity and it deciphers way all the more then any figuring from psyche, all applaud Rochelle. Salman says Keith will sign mug for guest, Keith signs mug for snapdeal guest. 

Salman says now we will see who will go out today, which combine will be wiped out, Salman says DIGANGANA-ROOPAL ARE SAFE, he says ANKIT-ARVIND ARE ELIMINATED, all are tragic, Arvind request that they live joyfully, Mandana cries, Salman inquire as to why are you crying so much, all embraces them, Arvind and Ankit begins leaving yet Salman says stand out detainee will go out today not match, the person who got less votes will be disposed of, he ask Arvind who will clear out? Ankit says Arvind will stay, Salman ask Arvind arent you missing your wife? Arvind says my wife had sent me here, she would be sheltered from wheezes for at some point, all chuckles, Salman says ANKIT IS ELIMINATED, ARVIND IS SAFE, all cries, Roopal cries as well, Arvind embraces Ankit and cries, Ankit goes out. 

Salman says Ankit went out and went to media individuals, lets see what happened there. 

Media individual ask Ankit that Suyyash is your companion and named so you feel sold out? Ankit says you cannot be unbiased in this house yet i did feel little deceived, media individual asks you had debates, Ankit says now individuals know me, i cannot fake in house 24*7 so now they dont know me from articles, media individual says you had discussions, Roopal in house however you didnt use them, Ankit says in the event that i am out of house then individuals may say that i am not gamer, i didnt act in house, i was what i am. 

Ankit goes ahead stage, Ankit says to Salman that one week was not less that 3months in house for me, Salman says Ankit is dispensed with, now we will what happens next house in house. 

PRECAP-Bigg supervisor says to prisoners that they need to choose who will be selected from pair, sets need to examine and choose which accomplice will name himself/herself from assigned pair. Mandana says to Keith that i am not going to get indoctrinated by your discussions. Roopal says to Digangana that i dont need to wind up yielding ruler, what is intelligent choice? later bigg manager says that Keith, Suyyash, Digangana and Prince need to offer to get prisoners baggage, the most elevated three offers will be summed and aggregate offer will be short ed from shows winning sum that is 50,00,000/ - . Digangana says to detainees that this not assignment to do physically or rationally, this is cash arranged, Roopal says to Kishwar and Suyyash that you need to battle in all undertakings, Prince says you were sitting tranquilly in last errand.

Bigg Boss Season 9 19th October 2015 Written Update

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