Sunday, November 8, 2015

Bigg Boss Season 9 8th November 2015 Written Update

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Bigg Boss Season 9 8th November 2015 Written Update
Bigg Boss Season 9 8th November 2015 Written Update

Bigg Boss Season 9 8th November 2015 Written Update

Weekend Special 

Salman invites everybody in bigg manager. He says individuals were stating nothing is going on in house except for trump card sections have changed everything. He says all have woken up in house with the exception of one part that is Rimi. He says MANDANA, RIMI, YUVIKA, SUYYASH, AMAN and DIGANGANA, one will be dispensed with from them. he says we must from Keith that don't impart anything to housemates, he will rebound and will share his catastrophe, we implore that God give him quality. Call is joined with house, Salman invites special case passages. Salman says Aman is energetic man to wind up bare, Aman says its your show so i thought to end up uncovered like you, Salman says none gets to be star with hairs, Salman ask Rishab how he is feeling to be in house? Rishab says i wanna express gratitude toward Bigg supervisor for giving me this open door, its an honor for me to be here, i came here with plan to wake them up, Salman says you have changed alot in house, Salman says Puneet have entered house as well, Puneet says you are looking s*xy in facial hair, Salman says you are not going right, you said that Salman, SRK and Akshay will offer for you after this appear, Puneet says it wasnt out of pomposity, Salman says SRK has won over me as he worked with you, all snickers. Salman salutes Rimi and Rishab, they request what? Salman demonstrates to them picture of Rimi and Rishab as wedded couple furthermore with children, all chuckles seeing their future. Salman demonstrates to them a paratha of heart molded, all snickers, video closes. Salman says to gathering of people that lets see story behind it. Video plays, Prince makes heart formed paratha for Yuvika and proposes her, Prince gives heart shape paratha to Yuvika and says we used to joke in regards to us being as one and in procedure, i have begun enjoying you in genuine, Yuvika grins, he says i am not requesting that you take choice here but rather i will seek after you after appear, then Rishab hitting the dance floor with Yuvika is indicated as well, then Prince sit on his knees infront of all and offers bloom to Yuvika, he says i like you alot, you look like doll, i would need to make you sweetheart, wife and everything, Yuvika becomes flushed, he embraces her, Tum hello there melody plays, then Rishab get some information about Prince, does she like him? Yuvika says ,, Rishab inquire as to myself? ,,video closes. Salman snickers and says dont know whats genuine. Salman join call again and says Prince gave you Pyaratha(pyar+paratha), what you did with it? did you toss it? did you eat it or did you impart it to Rishab, all snickers, Yuvika says it was nourishment so i ate it, Salman says to Prince that you havent got any reaction from her, Prince says yes and i won't compel her, Salman says you cant, Prince says i will regard her choice, she is my great companion, Salman ask Yuvika what she feels? Yuvika says there is nothing between us till now, he is exceptionally pleasant fellow, Salman get some information about Rishab? Yuvika says he is a sweetheart, all chuckles, Salman says jokes aside, lets do an undertaking, whom you dont wanna find in coming weeks from candidates. Aman says i dont wanna see Mandana, Rimi says all are taking an interest in errand so i ought to give my name, Salman says dont be discretionary, your constant tirade of going home has ended up exhausting so change your tape, Rimi says Mandana ought to go home, Suyyash, Kishwar, Yuvika and Prince says Mandana ought to go home. Rishab says Aman ought to go, Digi, Mandana, Rochelle and Puneet says Rimi ought to go home. Salman says Mandana must votes that is 6, he request that her stand in prison, she goes and remain in prison, she says individuals believe that i am playing admirably however i feel this house is not for me, i need to accomplish more in life, Salman says all are individual in this house, they are battling for themselves, individuals are voting in favor of you and can make you win yet housemates dont like you, they imagine that you are solid and needs to dispense with you yet individuals are voting in favor of you as they think you are solid, so you need to play for them, you are going truly well thats individuals have spared you, MANDANA IS SAFE, Salman jokes that now its opportunity to cry, Mandana begins crying and says i wanna go home, Salman jokes that you are not Rimi Sen, all snickers, Salman says what will you do in the wake of going home? you will go and party for maybe a couple day thats it, Mandana says i dont party, Salman is hushed, all chuckles, Salman says you are seen to everybody through this house, Mandana says i am not exciting any longer, i wanna go home, Salman says Rimi was enthralling in first week yet individuals are sustained up now, they are suspecting that she doesnt regard her voters, in the event that she is playing diversion that she wanna go home and is really picking up sensitivity then its not going to work any longer, she wasnt compelled to come here, she can go some place where she is compelled to stay like politcal house then what will she do ? she will begin crying to release her home? he says to Mandana that don't take after Rimi, its not exciting any longer, now she is exhausting and chafing, he says to Rimi that Rishab gave you criticism that you have change your disposition yet you didnt move and was imprudent, you know entire industry is watching you, on the off chance that you wanna work then you need to demonstrate that you are enthralling, this is not working for you, Rimi says i am similar to this just, Salman says no you are not care for this, i have worked with you, atleast demonstrate your potential, you have solid identity and you do have feeling, let me show to viewers, he closures call, he says i need to fix them, lets see what Rimi's potential is. Video plays, Rimi is seen belittling about Rochelle and Mandana, she says to Suyyash and Kishwar that Rochelle wanna get consideration all around, similar to she get to be companions with gatherings which are in more spotlight or attempt to contend with them more, Kishwar that why she is inciting Wildcards more as camera must be more on them at this time, Rimi says she needs to partake in everything and each gathering be it turning into their foe or companion while Mandana vary alot, Prince says Rochelle is befuddled, she needs to be in each gathering furthermore need to be their foe, Rimi says she is similar to just, video closes. 

Call is joined with house, Salman says to Rimi that you have conclusion, its your decision on the off chance that you wanna appreciate this excursion or be similar to dead-ladies, you are not genuine Rimi sen at this moment, now take pledge that I Rimi Sen will free India from my dialog that i wanna go home, Rimi rehashes his words and giggle, Salman inquire as to whether she wanna go home? she says no, Salman request that Prince embrace Mandana for his sake, Prince embraces her, Salman ask Mandana whom she wanna send home? Mandana says Yuvika, Salman says Yuvika has ended up next prominent challenger, he ask Mandana reason? Mandana says till a week ago she used to give grin just yet now she has assessment in everything, Salman says you wanna say that she is assigned thats why she is changed, all housemates concurs, Salman inquire as to whether its actual? Yuvika says first i am requested that give sentiment and talk and in the event that i begin talking then its said that i dont look great when i talk, Salman says there is one thing which has bothered me, i am not ready to handle what happened in house, i am befuddled, we will end up like that, lets see what gathering of people wanna ask you. Video plays, viewer ask Suyyash that when your better half was made pooch, you were seen crying however didnt take any stand for her, Suyyash says Prince was director and i was defenseless, i couldnt take any stand, Kishwar let me know that she wanna do this undertaking and i ought not do anything, Salman says if your sweetheart is so solid then why did you gripe to Andy? Suyyash says Kishwar have wrist issue so i was concerned for her, Salman says to Aman that who was your certain that Suyyash won't do anything when Prince requesting that he toss bone outside, you needed to toss bone outside, Aman says Suyyash listens to Kishwar alot, i was astonished that Suyyash didnt toss bone outside, i could see Kishwar in issue, she has torment by getting to be puppy for so long-term so i ran and tossed bone outside, Salman says you didnt have great relations with Suyyash and Kishwar then why did you toss bone out? Aman says on the off chance that it was my better half then i wouldnt have permitted her to do canine errand, Prince said that he is not stressed over getting selected so i was certain that i can toss bone out, Salman says if Rishab was approached to end up puppy for 3hours then he wouldnt have done it, he couldnt do it, he says to Rishab that do just this much which you can manage as well, ,, 

Rishab says i didnt know Kishwar had issue in wrist, ,, 

Salman says lets see one more inquiries, gathering of people ask Prince that you were stating in undertaking that you will make Rishab canine later however after errand, you upheld Rishab to end up commander. Salman says you had mouth to mouth battle with him, however then you turned into his companion later, Prince says i always remember things, i will make him pooch in assignment, let undertakings come, ,,

Salman says dont you think you weren't right? you could have gotten to be extraordinary by doing assignment for Mandana, you could have said to her forgotten about the past and i will win it for you, Mandana says i conversed with Keith too that i dont need to be skipper however i needed to clear things with Prince thats why i requesting that he do errand, Salman ask Kishwar that you were made pooch yet you upheld Rishab too for captaincy, Kishwar says Mandana ought to have imagined that i am young lady as well and on the off chance that i am made puppy for 3hours then it wouldnt run down well with me so i ought not do this with Kishwar but rather when i went up against her, she said that she was doing undertaking just, and about Rishab, i feel he is certified gentleman, we were giggling at him that what he needed to do in first days was thoroughly out of his character, Salman ask Aman his sentiment, Aman says Prince-Kishwar and Suyyash have individual mathematical statement and it generally come in assignments, Prince was yelling at Rishab in undertaking yet atfer errand, he changed sides and turned into Rishab's companion, Rishab says he didnt turn into my companion, Aman says yet he turned out to be benevolent with you so Kishwar and Suyyash likewise changed sides and turned into his companion as well, Aman says Rishab is clear, he came in house and made mayhem then he thought to change technique and got to be decent with everybody, he is changing himself as per circumstances, Salman says you are totally right. Salman says a thing happened in house, you may think its entertaining however it wasnt pleasant, Salman request that get it yourself, Rochelle says i utilizing slangs? he says no not that, Kishwar says when errand was on, i spat in Rishab's water, Salman ask Digi will you drink water given by Kishwar? Rishab says i was supposing why my throat is having issue, Digi says Aman did it, Aman says no i didnt, Salman says no he didnt did it, Salman ask Rochelle you knew it? she says yes, i became more acquainted with it later, Salman says you are grown up individuals, taught individuals, it was disturbing, digi says i needed to stop them however i thought it would be similar to affecting them, Salman says yet this was past cutoff points, you can do errand energetically yet need to imagine that you are appeared on Tv, he get some information about this? he says yes and it was oversight on our part, Salman says offering water to visitors is similar to gaining great focuses infront of God and you individuals are spitting it, Salman says you individuals spat in water even before he made you dog,he says to Kishwar that you would have done it youth yet now you are appeared on Tv, simply envision you drinking Rishab salivation? Kishwar says i am sad for this oversight, Salman says you havent got sensitivity too to do that doggy assignment as you did this thing, Mandana says this is not amusing, thats why i wanna go home, when bigg manager call them to assemble, they continue doing their things while i and Aman continue sitting tight for them, Kishwar says its incident from one week, Mandana gets prepared early morning then she insult others, Salman says its not in regards to Mandana, i am looking at spitting, Kishwar says i am sad for that, Keith likewise spat in sustenance, Salman says i am stunned that pleasant individual like Keith did it, i dont think it could be Keith's reasoning, numerous errands was done in 8seasons however this sort of thing never happened, Kishwar says all are quiet now yet that time all were snickering and laughing, Aman was additionally there, he didnt stop us, Aman says you are not kids that i ought to stop you, i didnt spit in nourishment, Salman says he didnt spit in nourishment, Prince says Aman was acting like spitting, he didnt spit yet he arrived as well and didnt stop us, Salman says you are attempting to legitimize your demonstration, its like you are stating that a few individuals were doing it so its fine on the off chance that you do it as well, its like if lion's share is doing incorrectly thing then it turns out to be correct, Salman says i am stunned that even Rochelle was included in this, Salman ask Rishab what he needs to say, Rishab says its fair karma, they made me drink their salivation so they were requested that get to be canine later, its equitable karma that compelled to make them puppy, Salman approach on the off chance that he has excused them for doing that? Rishab says yes, its their propensity for spitting yet i get a kick out of the chance to overlook so i excuse them, Salman says to Kishwar that i am concerned thinking when you will go to eateries what will happen. 

Salman says snapdeal client will converse with you. call is joined with client, client says to Rishab that you had sensational passage yet it appears as though he fears Prince, Suyyash and Kishwar, Salman says you are calling him defeatist? cant you see he has additional teeth with which he will chomp them, all chuckles, Rishab says when i came in house, they were languid so i wake them up, i attempted to not be their companions, to not eat with them but rather they are great individuals, yet now i will cook my sustenance myself, in regards to Prince, just name ought not be Prince but rather you ought to be Prince from heart, my throat has contamination now, Kishwar it wasnt due to spitting, Rishab used to blend milk in lemon tea thats why his throat has disease, all giggles, client approach him to sign mug for him alongwith Yuvika, Rishab says beyond any doubt. Salman says one will go home tomorrow, see you tomorrow, call closes. Salman says RIMI, SUYYASH, AMAN, DIGANGANA and YUVIKA are nomianted, lets see who will be dispensed with. 

PRECAP-Salman and SOonam Kapoor will observe Diwali with detainees. ,,

Bigg Boss Season 9 8th November 2015 Written Update

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