Showing posts with label Badtameez Dil today written update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Badtameez Dil today written update. Show all posts

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Badtameez Dil 8th October 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 8th October 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 8th October 2015 Written Update
Badtameez Dil 8th October 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 8th October 2015 Written Update

Abeer acquaints himself with new companion Appendix as Abeer Malhotra and work he would. Informative supplement begins his blah.. that as a rule a man oversees both work and marking with extraordinary trouble furthermore needs to figure out how to sweetheart's fits of rage. Abeer asks what sort he is. Supplement says he got a sweetheart, so he needed to take up corporate employment and when he didn't get individual fulfillment, he began singing avoiding his wife. Abeer inquires as to why stowing away. He says his better half does not care for his singing, so he signs here concealing and asks what is he doing here. Abeer says there is a young lady.. Reference section says he comprehended and says without young ladies life is vapid and with them, it is horrendous. Abeer gestures yes. Index proceeds with god made Adam and after that raised Eve to hell him. 

Abeer then begins his story that he wedded 8 years prior and separated inside of a couple of months, the story's contention is he wedded the young lady whom he adored and separated her and same young lady stuck him following 8 years and he again began cherishing her. Reference section requests that he get himself regarded as he is having self-destructive propensity. Abeer says she doesn't love him by any stretch of the imagination, 8 years prior because of adolescence they couldn't stay together and now she wouldn't like to stay with him. Addendum says young ladies like jackasses. Abeer inquires as to whether he is a jackass. Reference section says he is jackass, canine, and so forth what's more, now and again even nectar, shona… He proceeds with and says young ladies are constantly right and after that says he has a considerable measure of self image. Abeer asks what he implies. Addendum says he is not a jackass, so his marriage broke and recommends him to envision himself as jackass before his young lady, then she won't go far from him. 

He then says he will leave now as he ahs to drop his sweetheart to school in the morning. Abeer says he will drop him and takes him close auto. Informative supplement inquires as to whether he can control auto. Abeer says he can control anything aside from his young lady and her close relative, they made his life like a day by day cleanser. They both then piss on tree and Appendix says he made him drink so much that this tree will blaze by morning. Abeer inquires as to whether he will help him. Index requests that what he has do. Abeer says in the event that he will do seizing. 

Abeer and Appendix achieve Meher's building and see guard sound sleeping. Addendum picks a little sack and says they will grab the young lady in this and afterward ask pay-off. Abeer likes thought and embraces him. They both then achieve outside Meher's loft and Appendix solicits weight from young lady, on the off chance that they can convey her. Abeer says she is light. Index inquires as to whether they can convey in lift. Abeer inquires as to whether he was a trailor and says he doesn't need to fasten garments yet to hijack. Abeer then rings ringer. Index says entryway must be broken, moves a back and races to break it. Devki opens entryway simply then and he falls on her. She sees Abeer and inquires as to why did he come here intoxicated and who is this example. Informative supplement inquires as to whether this is the young lady and they both tie her hands and mouth. Abeer requests that bring some fabric. Reference section takes Meher's sibling's bedsheet. Sibling stirs and asks who is he. Informative supplement says his fantasies and sibling nods off once more. They both then wrap Devki in cover and drop her in auto. Abeer says he won't free Devki until Meher drops her acquiescence. 

Addendum hears Devki yelling and asks when will she stop. Abeer requests that he bring chloroform from medicinal store and he clears out. Devki sees Abeer's versatile and picks it. Reference section goes to restorative store and thinks how to tell scientist that he needs chloroform. He inquires as to whether he has one that numbs body. Scientific expert says quite a few people purchase it and gives c*nd*m parcels. 

Devki quests Meher's name, however does not discover it. She then enters number and name comes as Baby. Devki supposes she will show him a lesson. Meher sees Abeer's call and thinks why is he calling right now. Devki says it is her and says Abeer has gone distraught and has hijacked her. Meher asks where is she now. Devki opens entryway and takes off. Abeer sees auto entryway transparent. 

Precap: Meher discovers Abeer and asks where is bua/close relative. He says the emergency vehicle in which bua is missing, he will discover her by one means or another. Peons see bua awakening and run supposing she is a phantom. Sibling calls Meher and says bua is on news channel.

Badtameez Dil 8th October 2015 Written Update

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Friday, October 2, 2015

Badtameez Dil 2nd October 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 2nd October 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 2nd October 2015 Written Update
Badtameez Dil 2nd October 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 2nd October 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Meher advising Abeer that he was inflexible to wed her and after that when you got exhausted, contentions, battles and everything began. She says one day you battled with me so much, that you cleared out me in this world where you brought me, without speculation how I will live without you. When you returned, you couldn't care less, have concern or blame. She says, your issue is that you consider individuals toys, you play with the toys and toss it when you get exhausted with them. She says that is the thing that I would prefer not to turn into. Meher additionally says that tomorrow will be the latest day of our relationship. Abeer looks on enthusiastic. Meher says she don't need her life to be reliant on him. She says I handover my life to you, however now supposing it wasn't right choice of my life. She says I left that with much trouble. I can't give you a chance and see me and my family experiencing the same stage, so tomorrow will be the latest day of our relationship. Abeer is stunned and furious, he requests that the server bring 6 bottles more. Meher says you are excessively plastered, I won't hold you and take home. Abeer says who requesting that you take me home. You said only that our connection finished. I am awful, abandoned you with your underhanded father. He requests that her go, and calls the server again requesting that he bring 6 bottles once more. 

Meher requests that he quit drinking. Abeer says he will drink more and will drive auto back home. He says Police will get him and send to Jail, else he will tumble down with substantial drinking and the inn staff will toss me out. Meher is tensed. Abeer says our connection is over, and you couldn't care less about me. Give it a chance to happens with me. He tumbles down oblivious. Meher is stunned and gets up. 

Later Abeer is seen at Meher's home with Tunnu, and educates Meher couldn't care less concerning him. He says he was concerned till 15 days for her, and she requesting that I go. He says I didn't have sustenance or water for a long time as I was stressed thoroughly considering my wife being in healing center, yet she couldn't care less and hurt my heart. Tunnu says I let you know as of now that they have rested, yet you inquire as to whether they had dozed. Abeer embraces him and says I am your Jija, wouldn't i be able to ask you. Tunnu says you can inquire. 

Abeer sees Meher coming and says I saw her even in lush state. Meher requests that he go and not make any scene. She requests that Tunnu assist him with getting up. Abeer says I won't go anyplace and tumbles down. Meher requests that Tunnu gather his sacks. Abeer says this is my home as well and I won't take off. I paid 60 lakhs rupees when you needed cash. He says Tunnu, mummy and I will stay at one side of house, and you and your Bua might stay at the flip side. He tumbles down again saying I won't go anyplace. Meher reproves Tunnu for bringing beverage for him and requests that him not call him jiju. She says why he drank so much when he can't deal with. Tunnu says Abeer was fretful for 15 days when she was in the clinic, inquiring as to whether he needs anything and about her wellbeing. Meher requests that he lift his jiju from floor. Abeer asks what was the deal? In the event that sustenance is prepared. 

FB is appeared, Meher assists Abeer with getting up from eatery and takes him home. Abeer says I adore you. FB closes. Meher and Tunnu assist him with laying on bed. Tunnu goes to rest. Meher takes a gander at Abeer. 

Again a FB, she brought him home from inn and calling Maa, Tai ji, Papa… ..When nobody comes, Meher holds him and consumes inside his space, making him lie on bed. Abeer holds her hand, gets up and says I cherish you while drawing near to her. Meher requests that he sit and says you are exceptionally smashed. Abeer says you will go tomorrow. Will you overlook the room, photographs and beautifications. He approaches her to stay with him for today evening time and says this night may never return. Meher requests that he abandon her, yet he pulls her closer to him and kisses on her neck. Meher feels his touch. Abeer and Meher are enthusiastic with weepy eyes. Abeer kisses on her temple and they sit on the bed. He takes out her hoops while she shuts the eyes. At that point they take a gander at one another with much love in their eyes. Abeer gets up in the morning requesting that Meher not go to office today. He gets up and sees a chit left by Meher wishing him good luck. Kuber comes and advises Abeer to come, helping him to remember case hearing. He sees Abeer holding the chit and inquires as to whether Meher came the previous evening? Abeer looks on.

Badtameez Dil 2nd October 2015 Written Update

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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Badtameez Dil 1st October 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 1st October 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 1st October 2015 Written Update
Badtameez Dil 1st October 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 1st October 2015 Written Update

The show begins with Kuber at the eating table telling Meher that you know precisely what is Abeer's shortcomings and that he is likewise extremely hasty, which is the means by which you are in these 4 corners and under this rooftop. Kuber then denounces Meher which is the reason you put on a show to be imbecilic in school. Kuber says that his musings are outdated and that he doesn't know how Meher's contemplations are. He trusts that the wife's spouse who goes out there ought to be no space for the wife in the In-Laws house. Kuber leaves from the feasting table saying that the dialogs were a tad bit cloudy. 

Meher is currently crying in her mom's lap. Suman is attempting to consider on the off chance that she coexisted with a battle with Abeer. Meher then says that Abeer is in Singapore perhaps. Suman ask her didn't Abeer where he went and she said no. Meher begins advising her mother that 10 days after the marriage Abeer began to battle with her and keeps on telling the entire story. Meher then enlightens the part concerning Kuber where he advised her that whatever she does is stay at home and live for nothing. Meher doesn't know why Kuberis doing this. Suman is attempting to quiet Meher and that she will converse with Kuber. She additionally tries to say that she shouldn't have gone out like that. Meher advises her that she has stayed for 15 days and she has seen what it is similar to. She feels that she is at fault for everything that is happening. 

Meher now converses with her close relative Devki saying that Abeer was the person who took her into the house and now that he isn't there nobody will give her backing there. Devki advises Suman that they ought to converse with Kuber. Kuber then on the call says that talking will be valuable and says that Abeer is lost for 15 days. Suman now tries to say that there ought to be some determination in the relationship in the middle of Meher and Abeer on the off chance that they aren't ready to comprehend then in any event the older folks ought to attempt to tackle the issue. Kuber goes ahead to say that relational unions at a youthful age the outcomes are what is going on presently in the middle of Abeer and Meher. Kuber that goes on tell the same circumstance can likewise happen to more seasoned age individuals also and who to preferable know this over Suman. Kuber guarantees that if Abeer calls and says that he needs to live with Meher then he won't stop him. 

Devki ask what did Kuber say and said he declined to offer assistance. Kuber then takes a seat directly after the call where a legal counselor is anticipating him. Kuber advises the legal advisor to get the separated papers prepared. Kuber needs the legal documents to be sent first from Abeer's side. 

It is the following morning and Devki has gotten a letter which she signs for. Suman asks what would it be able to be and Devki says that Abeer has sent legal documents. Meher then gets the paper and Devki says that she will attempt to at any rate get a property's percentage for Meher now, however Meher says that she doesn't need anything. Meher says that if Abeer needs a separation then she will sign it, however then Devki says that in the event that she signs this paper then a notification of Alimony will go to Abeer. Devki says what these father and child consider themselves. She likewise tries to remind Meher that wasn't it Abeer who got on his knees and asked to us to give you a chance to wed him. Devki tells Meher that you'll get what is your legitimate proprietorship. 

Kuber gives the paper to Abeer with Meher's mark on it. Kuber says that Meher has sent it over with her mark on it and that she needs a separation furthermore has sent over a bill of the amount of cash she needs. Kuber says that for the couple of days that she has stayed in this family unit they are requesting 2.5 crore as provision. Abeer signs the paper and after that clears out. 

Abeer is presently playing his guitar and thinking about the first occasion when he saw Meher at the Holi occasion. Meher is additionally having the same flashback. Meher then hauls out a photo edge of the considerable number of pictures of Abeer and companions from the school days. Meher has another flashback about Abeer attempting to welcome Meher into Abeer's pack. The flashback then changes to Abeer inquiring as to whether she is pregnant and that Abeer doesn't need kids, yet needs to add to his profession. Meher tells Abeer that nobody is halting him and by chance in the event that they get to be folks then what isn't right. Abeer says that he has not been upbeat since he came into his home and that has Meher came to demolish his life. Abeer says that this marriage ought not have happened and that they both ought to discrete. Meher has the flashback when Abeer is asking her mother and auntie to give him a chance to wed her. 

Abeer tries to call Meher and generally as he is dialing he hangs up. An intellectual is at Meher's home and telling Suman that the time between Abeer&Meher is not going right. The intellectual additionally says that Meher&Abeer will never be isolated and that it was controlled by God. Meher then gets a call from Abeer which she grabs. Abeer requests that that he needs get together with Meher. Meher declines that she wouldn't like to get together, yet Abeer said that this may be the last time we get together. 

Meher&Abeer are at an eatery. Abeer tells Meher that he doesn't need the separation and that they have experienced a ton and still needs to give the relationship another opportunity to spare the marriage. Meher says that this marriage can't be spared in light of the fact that at whatever point Abeer needs something he gets it which is like this marriage. He needed to wed Meher which is the thing that he got and when he got exhausted of Meher he began battling and everything. A while later he cleared out Meher.

Badtameez Dil 1st October 2015 Written Update

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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Badtameez Dil 23rd September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 23rd September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 23rd September 2015 Written Update
Badtameez Dil 23rd September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 23rd September 2015 Written Update

The scene starts with, meher conversing with her mom saying that she is in office and has a considerable measure of work left. When she enters her lodge she sees kabirs photographs and the same time kabir calls her and says that night we'll go for supper then meher lets him know that im occupied now I'll call you later. Then again nisar don't permit meher toi get any longer telephone calls of abeer. Furthermore, toward the day's end when kuber enters mehers lodge he sees abeer calling he asks her how was her day. She says it was great and requests that him authorization go home. On adding so as to enter house taiji plays her trap sugar to the sustenance made by the workers. Also, calls them and begins yelling them. Maher hears that and begins making supper once more. Abeer comes there and gets furious on here. 

After that he goes in his room. Meher enters room and says too bad. The following day abeer gets up and gets furious that meher is not meeting him. At that point taiji clarifies him that when a ladies is working she won't have at whatever time for her spouse. After that when meher returns from her office she tells abeer that today Ive split a meeting of 90 crores. At that point gives up celebrate by eating. While going out kuber stop them and says meher that lets get ready tomorrows 9 o' clock meeting. At that point she says needs first. Listening to that abeer gets irate and goes out. At that point taiji clarifies kuber that in the event that you need to win something you need to lose numerous things so simply disregard abeer. 

Abeer goes out with nisar to have his dinner.and clarifies his problem.then nisar recommends him that it is a result of you father needed you to be a fruitful man rather than meher. Then again madhvi gives meher dark espresso and gets some information about her issue then she says that I didn't care for that kuber offended abeer. At that point madhvi says that don't stress it is the same regular . ther nisar says that if meher says you to go and work in office then will you go? Abeer says that im abeer I would what I like to do.

Badtameez Dil 23rd September 2015 Written Update

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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Badtameez Dil 22nd September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 22nd September 2015 Written Update 

Badtameez Dil 22nd September 2015 Written Update
Badtameez Dil 22nd September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 22nd September 2015 Written Update 

The scene starts with, mehar gives madhvi blessings from her mama, madhvi says this wasn't required they arrive that is sufficient for us, taiji enters n asks mehar to what extent will ur mama n bua stay here, mehar says they got an arrangement so will stay till then, taiji says ohk n see subsequent to ur mother must numerous endowments even we have to give endowments so assist me with chosing, mehar says alright, taiji checks her blessing n says this is not my style but rather u don't feel terrible mehar I will utilize it without a doubt, I will go see the diamond setter u come soon and leaves.madhvi says mehar ur mothers decision is extremely pleasant I cherished my blessing do advise her. 

Taiji with gem dealer mehar goes along with her, taiji says this is for ur mama n bua n now picked a decent neckband for them, mehar choses one, taiji requests charge n says I will get chaque soon n says goodness god I overlooked my check book is done n madhvi isn't home too mehar will u give some cash I will return later, mehar checks the sum n says to herself god it's the same sum I have in bank in what manner will I oversee, taiji says mehar were have u lost I will return cash soon, mehar says no issues n gets check book n signs the sum. 

Taiji gives mama n bua endowments, abeer says cmon open n see them, suman opens it , abeer says u will look prettier then mehar in this saree, suman says its lovely thanku, bua says mehar is so fortunate to have u all as her family, taiji says this is all mehars decision and next time u approach mehar when u purchase presents for us she has a superior decision than u two, suman n bua feel terrible, taiji says I was clowning and offers jewelry to mehar, mehar approaches what for me,taiji says I felt I shd blessing u too,abeer says gracious wow nothing for me,taiji says mehar is ur blessing, abeer says right, mehar takes the neckband n taiji says open it mehar, suman says yes mehar open it its her gifts, mehar opens the crate. 

Mehar opens the container n sees it's the same accessory she picked, taiji says u chose it recall, abeer says as much brilliant taiji simply like me, taiji asks mehar for what valid reason are u disturbed, I thought u will like it really we have a relatives wedding n I needed u to wear something great bcoz all ur jewelleries are so regular, mehar says yes the jewelry is good.taiji says to herself now u won't have the capacity to help ur mama. 

Mehar tensed, abeer asks what is it, mehar says I require cash can u give me, abeer asks how much, mehar says 1 lakh really bua had taken training credit for me n tunno and because of wedding courses of action bua couldn't pay portions, abeer says no stresses I will ask father or taiji, mehar says no abeer I cannot take cash from them for my instruction advance, abeer says mehar enough of ur moralities, taiji thumps the door,abeer says taiji come, abeer says taiji I require some cash, taiji says did I ever say no to u for cash, yet recollect u are a hitched man now and I was going by I heard u two talk n I am so glad to see that mehar watches over her mama n bua I am so upbeat so mehar accompany me. 

Taiji takes abeer n mehar to kuber, taiji says kuber let me know what number of utilizes we have,kuber says a ton however why, taiji says see recall u let me know mehar is exceptionally savvy n when we have such great utilize why transfer on others, mehar says taiji no, taiji says mehar I need u to work n u won't stress abt house any longer, and I know u wouldn't take support from me n kuber yet its not some help but rather a right so kuber will u designate mehar, abeer says taiji wow u are the best, taiji says mehar go get prepared for ur new occupation, mehar says taiji thanku so much, abeer n mehar clear out. 

Kuber says wow bhabhi I need her to get lost n u are requesting that I take her office, taiji says see they are new love buds, verify u make her so occupied that she has no time for abeer n when abeer will see that mehar is getting more significance he will abandon her, and this is the way we will break them. 

Mehars morning alert rings, she awakens n gets prepared n begins working in kitchen to make breakfast, she gets ready breakfast for everyone,makes basic supply rundown and organizes breakfast for abeer n takes off. Abeer awakens n calls mehar, he sees his telephone , mehar has message for him that she has gone office n breakfast is on table, abeer sees that mehar has likewise masterminded his clothes,abeer says mehar I am missing u so much, abeer gets a message from mehar that she is missing him.

Badtameez Dil 22nd September 2015 Written Update

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Monday, September 21, 2015

Badtameez Dil 21st September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 21st September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 21st September 2015 Written Update
Badtameez Dil 21st September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 21st September 2015 Written Update

The scene starts with, bua n suman go on knees for absolution, bua says we won't disillusion u here after plz excuse us, taiji has flashes of devki admitting in court abt taijis spouse, mehar enters n sees suman n bua on knees n glass slips from her hand, taiji takes a gander at mehar n says see mehar plz let them know they are humiliating me, plz don't do this, u know I had parcel of dreams abt abeers wedding yet I surrendered them and he is my life n in the event that I crossed my lines in outrage plz overlook me, suman says plz, madhvi says lets overlook that past n complete the matter here, taiji says this matter will complete just if abeer doesn't become acquainted with abt it bcoz he wont converse with me in the event that he knows abt it, suman says nothing such will happen u plz forget us, taiji says plz enough of this now n mehar deal with ur mama n bua, bua says we might leave now we will stay in hotel,taiji says plz I demand stay here, mehar go demonstrate to them rooms, mehar brings bua n mama with her. 

Mehar begins crying n says I don't care for this why did u go on knees, is it my shortcoming that I wedded abeer, suman says mehar see its not ur deficiency taiji is spot on her side after all abeer is similar to her child n not having the capacity to come in wedding she was vexed, madhvi enters n says no sumanji, its not ur flaw n not even mehars its my issue, and u know mehar inconveniences me a great deal, she carries on so formal yet plz excuse me the circumstance in which children wedded wasn't typical n I shd have carried u alongside me that day, suman says taiji is not agitated any longer that is the thing that matters n I am so cheerful mehar has u, mehar says mama have soup now,suman tastes it n says its exceptionally delectable, madhvi says thanku and I am sad in the interest of abeer, suman says plz he must be stuck some place bcoz I know he wouldn't do like this, madhvi asks mehar where is abeer, mehar says he is at nisars place. 

Abeer achieves home n asks hireling mehars bua n mama, worker says they are in ur room they came the previous evening, abeer asks where is mehar, he says in kitchen, abeer goes to mehar n says sorry child, I was with nisar he was vexed n so I couldn't say no sad, mehar gives him nimboo pani n says drink u will feel better, abeer says I required it n sorry mehar I didn't comprehend when I got drank, mehar says abeer u could have educated me abt it, u have a few obligations figure out how to tail them, abeer says mehar I am stating sad why address n this cerebral pain n now let me know what shd I do, mehar says I went satsang bcoz u let me know, u shd have educated me did u recognize what all happened, entire night mama n bua where out of entryway n mama caved in because of it, when will u comprehend abeer, taiji is concealing n listening to mehar n abeer battle, mehar begins crying,abeer says sorry mehar n is mama fine now, don't cry I will never do this again don't cry plz, I am sad, mehar asks did u eat anything, abeer says I don't recollect, did u eat anything, mehar says no, abeer says first I will go converse with mama, grin plz, mehar grins n abeer leaves, taiji says this mehar is tricking my child. 

Bua gets a call and she gets tensed, bua cuts the call, suman says once more, bua says bhabhi not currently we will talk later, abeer goes to suman n says sorry for yesterday I was headed however got stuck so sad, suman says its fine abeer, abeer says I trust u are fine now, suman says yes yet see we have caught ur room, suman says n my rent is bhopals most loved sweets,suman says here it is, abeer says thanku n where is tunno, bua says he got exams, suman says see I got u a watch, abeer says thanku so much u rest here I will see u later, abeer leaves, mehar enters, bua says mehar all alright between u n abeer, mehar says bua all fine don't stress the previous evening he was truly occupied, bua says mehar ganesh icon for ur in laws, mehar says why be that as it may, suman says mehar it is important u wont get it, mehar says mama, bua gets call once more, mehar asks what happened n picks the telephone, its from bank abt credit issues, bua grabs the telephone n says we will give back the cash soon. 

Mehar says bua what all is this, u pay portions right, gracious u didn't pay portions because of wedding blessings why did u do it, suman says it was fundamental mehar, mehar says alright hold up, mehar gets chaque book n says this is my investment account utilize this cash, suman says mehar don't so this we have no rights over ur cash, mehar says what am I not ur little girl any more, suman says alright I will take cash however not currently and recall u are forever my daughter,taiji concealing and listening to this and says I will verify not a solitary coins goes from this house.

Badtameez Dil 21st September 2015 Written Update

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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Badtameez Dil 19th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 19th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 19th September 2015 Written Update
Badtameez Dil 19th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 19th September 2015 Written Update

The scene starts with, abeer n mehar go to taiji,abeer says taiji sorry plz don't be vexed, taiji says abeer I can never be angry with u and mehar we are going satsang so will u accompany us, mehar says to herself mama n bua are coming so I cant, abeer says taiji mehar will come n mehar I will get mama n bua, mehar says alright taiji I will come. 

Mehar gets prepared for satsang, abeer lauds her n says u realize what shd u do in satsang, mehar says yes supplicate, abeer says no u need to go soon n come soon, mehar says alright go n get mama n bua n bye. Nisar calls abeer, abeer asks where are u, nisar says really was occupied yesterday uncle reprimanded a considerable measure, abeer says gracious don't consider it important, I know it wasn't ur botch it was mine, nisar says no abeer I shd be more cautious n true, abeer says nisar I am dependably there for u, don't get tensed all will be fine, I am going to get mehars mama n bua, u go sleep,nisar says no I think I will go get some R&R, abeer says no u wont don't u know u cannot deal with it,nisars says I will be fine u make a go at bring close relative I , abeer says no hold up I will come to see u first,nisar says alright. 

Kuber chuckles n says great nisar I preferred it, now next u need to verify abeer stays at ur spot no matter what, nisar says alright, kuber says leave now. Kuber calls taiji n says work done now mehars mama n bua will continue sitting tight for abeer.mehar says taiji I am prepared, taiji says go call madhvi. Abeer n nisar singing together, abeer says fine now, nisar says no n makes a beverage for abeer, abeer says no nisar I need to go, nisar says yes go yet have a beverage first last one, abeer says alright keep going n last. Suman n bua reach Mumbai,suman says I think we shd sit tight for abeer, bua says its 2 hrs we are here,I think abeer is stuck so gives up by taxi, suman says alright I will msg abeer.abeer completely intoxicated, abeer says I think I needed to go some place, nisar says no u need to drink another glass cmon, nisar says to himself sorry abeer on the off chance that I need cash I wouldn't have done as such. 

Guardians doesn't permit bua n suman in, sumans wellbeing begins getting awful, gatekeepers says nobody is home I have no alternative despite everything I will converse with taiji wait.taiji acts liks she needs water n leaves, guards calls her n says mehars folks arrive, taiji says let them sit out don't give them anything no tea water nothing n let them know nobody is home,watchmen tells suman n bua nobody is home, bua calls mehar, taiji cuts mehars call n says move in satsang, bua calls abeer, however abeer is all tipsy n nisar cuts his call. Bua sees sumans wellbeing is going most exceedingly terrible, bua approaches guards for water to give suman drug, he says I need to ask, bua says cant u see she is giving way, guardians says let me check. 

Mehar n taiji achieve home, mehar sees them n hurries to them, madhvi inquires as to why are u out, taiji asks where is abeer n u gatekeepers for what good reason didn't u give them access, sumanji I am so sorry,suman says plz don't , suman breakdown, madhvi says take her in I will call specialist, specialist check suman n says she will be fine it was just bp issue, mehar tries calling abeer, taiji says mehar go get something for ur mama, see her she is so powerless, mehar says alright n takes off. 

Taiji says sumanji I know u must be not having any desire to have anything other than rather rest and madhvi make something for sumaniji n verify its sound, bua says no its fine we arrived for mehar yet now we should leave, suman says sorry really we shd have met exceptionally following day after marriage so sad, taiji says u would not like to make marriage courses of action so u persuaded abeer for wedding in sanctuary, madhvi says no taiji it was all abeers arrangement we all knew nothing abt it, taiji says madhvi u are extremely guiltless u will never comprehend these individuals n I know this is not mehars botch but rather her mama n buas, u broke my trust sumanji, suman says I know it was an oversight so plz forget us plz, taiji says great u consented to ur botch yet I don't know whether to pardon u, in the event that I might I be able to would have tossed mehar out of house alongside u both. 

Suman says plz don't do this I ask of u, I guarantee u mehar will never let u down, taiji says by what method would I be able to excuse u for such huge oversight, in the event that I was in ur place I would have been on my knees n asked of forgivness, suman goes on her knees, madhvi tries to stop yet taiji doesn't permit her, suman says I ask u plz pardon us,taiji takes a gander at bua in anger,suman takes a gander at bua n says plz, bua holds hands n gets n knees as well, madhvi feels awful, bua says u will never have any issue from our side plz overlook us, taiji feels exceptionally decent seeing bua n suman asking in front on the off chance that her.

Badtameez Dil 19th September 2015 Written Update

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Friday, September 18, 2015

Badtameez Dil 18th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 18th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 18th September 2015 Written Update
Badtameez Dil 18th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 18th September 2015 Written Update

The scene starts with, taiji sees the pen kuber skilled abeer on ground, abeer consumes mehar to space , abeer and mehar draw near to one another, taiji achieves home n hurries to abeers room n sees mehar in night outfit and her saree on bed n mehar drying her hair,mehar pivots n sees taiji, taiji shuts the entryway n clears out. 

Kuber reprimands abeer for getting back home without finishing contract, abeer says nisar arrives he will deal with it, kuber says nisar is not my child u are, I need u to be capable, taiji says kuber don't chasten abeer,mehar is in charge of this, abeer says why are u indicating at mehar, kuber says abeer dare u, taiji says enough kuber I will guarantee that abeer wont act like this once more, abeer gets furious n leaves, taiji says kuber u need quiet down,abeer is at youthful age n by censuring him we can lose him,see abeer listens to nisar n mehar n now we will utilize nisar against mehar n abeer, we ought to discover nisars shortcoming n we will utilize that,and abeer won't bear this torment by nisar. 

Kuber gives nisar check and says this is ur last installment n u won't work here after now with me,nisar says uncle let me know whats wrong I won't commit any errors again plz don't treminate me,kuber says ur mix-ups rundown is gigantic so locate another occupation, which u may esteem bcoz I don't need here abeers companion yet an utilize, I require ability n genuineness n u don't have it, nisar says uncle plz I ask of u, kuber says nisar this is proficient don't make it individual u still are abeers companion and if u need cash I will help u however now leave, nisar says sir plz I will work harder I require this employment my family needs me, kuber says if this is so essential why didn't u consider it important, u squandered ur time behind abeer n so now sign n leave,nisar says sorry sir, I guarantee I will work harder plz attempt understand,kuber says nisar leave, nisar signs the letter n clears out. 

Mehar goes to room n sees abeer tensed, abeer says mehar leave don't inconvenience, mehar says alright here is a tune for u,mehar begins playing guitar,abeer says stop it mehar, mehar says why are u so furious, abeer says u wont comprehend, mehar says abeer don't feel terrible abt taijis words, abeer says first choose u are my wife or taijis, mehar says abeer I am ur side,abeer smiles,mehar says thank god u grinned however abeer it was ur botch u shdnt have left work n come, abeer says ya yet in the event that I didn't how might I astound u n now demonstrate to me tattoo, mehar says ok,abeer kisses her, taiji calls mehar, mehar clears out. 

Nisar upset abt kubers word, abeer calls nisar, abeer asks nisar what is worng for what valid reason sounding low, nisar says abeer bye not currently. Taiji n kuber together, kuber gets a message by nisar saying sad n requesting a chance, kuber says we are on right track, taiji says great, kuber says however abeer n nisar are closest companions n I trust this doesn't turn out badly, taiji says yet for nisar there wont be much else besides family after all cash does matters. 

Nisar meets kuber n says thanku u gave personal time to meet, plz give me a chance, kuber says nisar I have thousands like u before me regular for such risks, u can discover them in dustbin n may be u may discover urs as well, see nisar u cannot work for me yet I have an occupation for u and a considerable measure of cash that will take care of all ur issues, nisar says I will do anything for u simply give me a chance, kuber says can u double-cross abeer,nisar says sorry I didn't get u,kuber says I need to break mehar n abeers marriage n need u to go along with me for that, u need to partitioned them such way that they cannot even tolerate one another, nisar says yet uncle u acknowledged them ,kuber says nisar no inquiries simply tell yes or no, nisar says no uncle sorry,kuber says ya I comprehend solid friendship,no stresses u may leave and if u need to u can go n tell abeer what I approached u for yet remember he is my child yet what abt u,nisar cash matters so utilize ur head ur family needs cash and if u have me as help think abt it.

Badtameez Dil 18th September 2015 Written Update

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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Badtameez Dil 17th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 17th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 17th September 2015 Written Update
Badtameez Dil 17th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 17th September 2015 Written Update

The scene starts with,abeer requests that mehar expel dupatta from her face, mehar says no i wont, abeer says sit tight and sings tune for her, mehar expels duppatta from her face. 

5 days to go: mehar sents breakfast for abeer with heart on it, abeer takes a gander at mehar n blows a flying kiss, mehar blows back a flying kiss. 4 days to go: abeer tries to draw near to mehar n mehar flees from him, taiji calls mehar and gives her a few directions abeer takes cover behind column and teases mehar. 

2 days to go: kuber says to taiji 7 days are going to complete, taiji says yes now we need to send abeer some place out and this will give us an opportunity to think what beside do, kuber says i will send him for work, taiji says will he tune in, kuber says i know we aren't doing admirably now however i will passionate coercion him,taiji says great n i will verify that mehar n abeer never draw near n never give them a chance to have a child n this is just bcoz of mehar n her family since they are in charge of my spouses death.servant advises kuber n taiji that abeer is experiencing high fever. Kuber taiji n madhvi with abeer, kuber calls specialist, mehar hurries to see abeer however taiji stops her n takes her out and shuts the entryway n says mehar u fare thee well that u don't approach abeer n abt his wellbeing i and madhvi will care for him u go now.mehar takes off. 

Abeer feels terrible, mehar n abeer feature talking, mehar says abeer go take rest, abeer says no i don't feel like, mehar says u need anything abeer, abeer says yes u, mehar says abeer only one day, abeer says u know father needs me to go out for work with nisar, mehar says thats great abeer however pooja, abeer says no its not imperative that i go to pooja, mehar says we held up 7 days only 1 day more, abeer says yes u don't need me u just wanna be immaculate little girl in law, mehar says abeer this is not genuine i miss u too n i guarantee when u will return u will get a sweet astound, abeer says alright till then i will deal with a kiss so one kiss,mehar says first go complete fathers work n then why one i will give u part of kisses. 

1 day to go: taiji wishes abeer fortunes for beginning new work n says this is mehars good fortunes n might god give such girl in law to everybody, kuber says enough of this abeer leave now n here is a pen for u for ur first contract sign,abeer says wow u giving me blessing looks like mehar is truly fortunate for me, taiji says abeer quit applauding mehar n take everyones blessings,abeer does so,abeer says taiji would i be able to meet mehar, taiji says yes go take her gifts as well and giggles n says go meet her, abeer strolls to mehar n holds her hand n says fare thee well, mehar says u too,abeer says bye will miss u n wispers will kiss u soon, mehar says me too n now go quick n come quick ur surpise is holding up, kuber says abeer speedy or else u will miss flight, mehar says fare thee well bye, abeer leaves mehars hand n goes. 

Following day amid pooja, taiji says to herself mehar u imploring go through entire existence with abeer however believe me i have made all courses of action to break ur marriage.after pooja,taiji requests that mehar disperse desserts among the general population in the temple,mehar takes Prasad n begins appropriating it, taiji n madhvi get occupied with conversing with panditji, madhvi n taiji turn out n see mehar is missing, taiji n madhvi hunt down mehar. 

Abeer n mehar achieve home, abeer says perceive how speedy ur spouse is, mehar says taiji n mama must be concerned give me ur telephone let me educate them, abeer says first tell pooja done, mehar says yes, abeer embraces her, mehar says abeer somebody will see abandon me, abeer says nobody will see us i have sent all hirelings out, mehar says ur work how did u come so soon, abeer says nisar is taking care of all there n i am here for u,abeer picks mehar n consumes her to space. Taiji hunting down mehar , sees the pen kuber talented abeer on ground.

Badtameez Dil 17th September 2015 Written Update

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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Badtameez Dil 16th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 16th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 16th September 2015 Written Update
Badtameez Dil 16th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 16th September 2015 Written Update

The scene starts with, mehar comes wearing red dress, abeer strolls to her, mehar ventures back n says abeer recall u guaranteed, abeer goes behind her n blows her hair n pulls her close him,taiji thumps the entryway n requests that mehar open the entryway, mehar surges inside blanket,taiji opens the door,and asks abeer when did u come,i thought mehar was separated from everyone else so i opened the entryway sorry, mehar get prepared n descend soon and taiji leaves,abeer says relax,mehar says see abeer i told u now what will taiji think abt me,mehar changes n goes down stairs, taiji says mehar don't take me wrong, i know its hard to do and if u cannot tell me,its fine, mehar says no taiji i will do as u say, taiji says i saw abeer close u, and if u love abeer then where is penance for that adoration why aren't u taking after what i say, i am doing this for u n abeer, u don't accept however i have confidence in this and i am frightened for abeer, mehar says taiji trust me nothing happened between me n abeer,taiji says abeer is my child and i cannot see anything transpiring, mehar says taiji trust me i will keep separation from abeer, taiji says for me plz stay with me for seven days, mehar says taji why are u taking inconvenience, taiji says this is for u n abeer and atlast its ur choice, mehar says alright taiji for next 7 days i will stay with u, taiji says great go get ur things from abeers room, mehar leaves n taiji says thank god he made me achieve u at opportune time and now see what i will do today and when u will cry in torment that will give me peace. 

taiji in pooja room intentionally drops diya n yells gracious god what all is this incident why these terrible signs, what are u attempting to say god, mehar comes in n says taji i will clean it and goes to get sweeper, taiji picks a broken glass piece, mehar enters n cleans all the glass pieces and lights the diya again,taiji says great mehar, abeer was so right abt u , u are so sweet, mehar clears out. Mehar lurches with abeer, mehar says abeer what are u doing here, abeer says mehar see we need to dash again or else it is possible that i will have horns or we will battle, mehar says abeer i will split ur head plz stay away only 7 days, abeer says 7 days in what capacity will i and strolls to mehar, mehar shuts her eyes n says plzz, abeer embraces mehars cover, mehar opens her eyes n snickers n says u are frantic, abeer says alright i will go, mehar says sorry,abeer leaves,mehar begins grinning taking a gander at abeer, abeer blows a flying kiss n clears out. 

Taiji calls abeer to take Prasad, abeer says taiji u know i dont put stock in this, taiji says for me,abeer says alright, taiji says first go uproot ur shoes, taiji puts the softened glass piece up abeers way,abeer ventures on the glass piece, taiji begins yelling gracious god what all is this, i advised mehar to clean appropriately n see she exited this n u got hurt,abeer says unwind taiji its only a glass piece, mehar comes in, taiji says mehar step away see i advised u to clean legitimately yet u didn't listen why don't u listen mehar, abeer says why are u yelling her taiji, mehar says its my misstep i am sad abeer, taiji says i cannot see my tyke experiencing torment and what is this adoration upsetting my child, abeer says taiji plz stop this, it was only a mishap, taiji says yes why will u trust me i won't meddle in ur matter any more, mehar says taiji plz don't feel awful he didn't intend to hurt u, i am sad, taiji says let me put u a salve, and mehar see these are transfers ownership of thus stay from my tyke, mehar says taiji as u say and leaves feeling terrible. 

Mehar n abeer feature visiting, abeer says genuinely mehar how du trust this, mehar says abeer, see taiji has faith in this n for her we need to do this and on the off chance that i don't listen to this she will feel like i am attempting to detract u from her and i don't need this, abeer says wow what thinking , i mean ur doing this for me thanku, u shd get a mdeal for this however one thing how abt a ghungat, mehar says alright we cannot meet one another n now u would prefer not to see me n mehar puts dupatta all over, abeer begins chuckling n says gracious evacuate it, mehar says no i wont , abeer says plz.

Badtameez Dil 16th September 2015 Written Update

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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Badtameez Dil 15th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 15th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 15th September 2015 Written Update
Badtameez Dil 15th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 15th September 2015 Written Update

The scene starts with, abeer by error tears mehars dress, mehar says taiji is out what will i do now, abeer says unwind and shrouds the torn part with duppatta, mehar opens the entryway n sees taiji holding up n says sorry, taiji says come quick or else panditji will get furious and leaves, abeer says mehar hold up my kiss,mehar says not presently gives up. 

Taiji requests that mehar n abeer take panditijis favors, at the same time taiji sees mehars torn part, madhvi says mehar no need of duppatta on head u can take it as u do more often than not, taiji says no give it a chance to be and why did u take so long, abeer says ya mehar why did u take so long, mehar says really i was sprucing up, abeer says i need to call n leaves, taiji says mehar i told panditji abt ur wedding n fire episode as well and he has recommended u to keep separation from abeer for couple of days as insurance, i know u both need to go special first night n all so however for pooja,mehar says sorry taiji yet i don't have faith in this, taiji says i know u have a place with this current era yet i am concerned for abeer so for me plz do it, mehar says alright taiji anything for u, i will do as u say, taiji says as much can u keep separation from abeer, mehar says yes, taiji says great, i know its troublesome yet do it, now go get panditji sustenance, mehar leaves, taiji says to herself i will keep u far from my child for deep rooted. 

Mehar conversing with suman, suman asks are u fine u aren't sounding along these lines, mehar says mama i am fine simply occupied, suman says mehar i know something isn't right yet at any rate let me know at whatever point u feel like and i think u are frightened abt new life and verify u make place in everyones heart and u need to step toward that and i know u will do so,madhvi comes and mehar says mama i will call u later,madhvi grins n says i am so pleased with u mehar, i know how troublesome is this 7 days undertaking yet plz attempt comprehend taijis nature, she adores abeer a ton for her plz do it, mehar grins n says yes mama, madhvi says alright go to abeer n let him know too abt it and u know i generally asked god for a little girl in law like u thus i am so cheerful to have a girl like u, never feel desolate come to me at whatever point u feel like. 

Mehar goes to room and abeer says we are going special night 7 days from everybody and we are leaving tomorrow, mehar says abeer we cant bcoz taiji has requested that I keep separation from u for 7 days for pooja, abeer says mehar how did u consent to it, didn't u think abt me before saying yes, mehar says abeer i had no way out and taiji is exceptionally stressed for us so for her, abeer says simply let me know do u have confidence in this, mehar says no be that as it may, abeer strolls to taiji, mehar tries to stop him, abeer goes to taiji n says i didn't know abt pooja so occupied tickets so would we be able to put off the pooja, taiji says abeer u wedded without me knowing abt it and now chose this excessively resembles, abeer says taiji plz i would prefer not to bombshell u however i have effectively occupied tickets, taiji says i was only stressed for u both yet in the event that u don't have faith in this go in any case u are huge now so why will u hear me out, and mehar if u don't wish too u cant, mehar says abeer i am sad yet would we be able to defer, abeer gets irate n leaves, taiji says don't stress mehar he will quiet down don't stress yet i am extremely upbeat, go now,mehar takes off. Mehar tries calling abeer yet abeer doesn't get calls, nisar asks abeer for what valid reason is he doing as such she must be concerned abt u, abeer says she must be caught up with getting to be flawless girl in law, mehar gets miracle and begins crying n says i am sad atleast converse with me i am so desolate here, abeer says to nisar why doesn't she hear me out i don't put stock in this and seems as though only i need to go special first night, nisar says abeer think from her side she is different to her home what will she say taiji that she needs to go wedding trip, get genuine abeer, abeer says u shd have let me know this before bye i am going to mehar, nisar says brisk. 

Abeer achieves home n sees mehar resting in room, abeer gradually strolls to mehar and sits next to her, his telephone rings, mehar awakens and sees abeer and says where were u, i am so sad, abeer says i am sad how would i be able to allow u to sit unbothered like this, and embraces her.abeer says quit crying , mehar says dare u do this again, abeer says never, mehar says guarantee u will never allow me to sit unbothered, abeer says sorry i made u cry, mehar says sorry i made u irate, abeer says theres a way u can make me glad and i will concur for seven days thing, mehar says anything u say, abeer gets her a red dress n says i needed to give u amid wedding trip however, mehar takes a gander at the dress its a short one and says what will do of this, abeer says go wear it, mehar says just if u won't play any tricks, abeer says guarantee nothing. 

Mehar wears the dress n turns out.

Badtameez Dil 15th September 2015 Written Update

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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Badtameez Dil 12th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 12th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 12th September 2015 Written Update
Badtameez Dil 12th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 12th September 2015 Written Update

The scene starts with, taiji asks abeer for what valid reason did he make this stride, abeer says no this is totally my choice, i understood mehars mama n bua are exceptionally tensed abt marriage costs, i know u needed my wedding extremely sumptuous n so mehar was prepared to break engagement as well thus i chose to make this stride and i guarantee u this is last think i have managed without ur guarantee n this will never happen again, i cannot live without mehar n even she can't without me and i likewise know u cherish me a great deal so excuse me plz and acknowledge us, kuber says shutup abeer and madhvi how set out u permit make this stride, taiji says enough this has occurred we cannot overlook it now, mehar is home welcome her home,madhvi go make game plans, abeer embraces taiji and expresses gratitude toward her. 

Madhvi and taiji welcome abeer and mehar home and all customs occur, as mehar enters in, taiji takes a gander at her with devilish grin, taiji takes a gander at mehars strides with resentment. Mehar and abeer sit down, taiji strolls to mehar and gives her gold jewelry and says this is khandani accessory, its substantial so that u dependably keep ur neck down, mehar takes a gander at taiji shocked, taiji says simply kidding in any case u have stunning eyes, madhvi signs hirelings to clean abeers room, taiji gives part of trade again out name of abeer, abeer wispers to mehar see i told u all will be fine, so concur u have the most spectacular spouse, taiji says to herself, i will break this connection and verify i toss this mehar out of house. 

Madhvi says abeer mehar go to ur room i will send sustenance in room, taiji says no descend even i will feel decent investing energy with mehar, abeer says first release us taiji and picks mehar in his arms and says lets go,taiji says cautious don't drop her on first day. Madhvi says to taiji , i was extremely stressed abt abeers choice however u took care of it thanku so much, taiji says i am exceptionally cheerful for abeer go get me some tea, madhvi says beyond any doubt n clears out. 

Mehar n abeer go to their room, abeer says welcome mrs malhotra,mehar says thanku mr malhotra, mehar sees pictures of her,bua n mama, abeer says i took this from mama so u don't miss them, mehar says my family photographs in ur room, abeer says mehar it is our families photographs in our room and here is a present for u, mehar says sorry i didn't get anything for u, abeer says u brought urself thats enough for me, mehar opens blessing its arrangement, of abeer and mehars excursions together, abeer says here is this companionship band u gave me, mehar says hold up and demonstrates to him the kinship band he gave her, abeer says u said u discarded it, mehar says i lied see it is her and thanku and i cherish u, abeer says i adore u as well. Abeer says to mehar it was so boisterous today, mehar says tired, abeer says no not in any way, mehar says great i will spruce up soon n we will go down eat, abeer says alright, mehar spruces up n sees abeer lying on informal lodging should we go down, abeer says wow this is so decent. 

Kuber says to taiji, i knew this young lady would come here, i shd have denied before hand, taiji says then we would have lost abeer, i won't give them a chance to stay together n will verify that mehar is out soon and in such way that nobody questions us and why aren't these two down yet, taiji picks liquor jug and puts it over table with part of blessings, and lights it and says this mehars bua broke my home and i can always remember that and will never pardon mehar for that and begins yelling flame fire. Listening to commotion, mehar n abeer surge down,taiji requests that madhvi pick the idol,madhvi blazes her hand attempting to spare divine beings symbol, taiji says to herself this is ur discipline madhvi for letting abeer make this stride, and gift mehar with these hands great they got copied. Kuber goes about as though he is exceptionally stressed abt madhvis hand, taiji says sorry madhvi thinking abt icon i didn't think abt ur hand, mehar hurries to madhvi and says gracious god ur hand and races to get cream, abeer says mama what were u doing, mehar gets cream n applies it over madhvis hand, taiji says this flame was bcoz of that arti thal, it turned over so,and its a terrible sign,mehar feels awful as taiji tries to point at her, abeer says taiji this is all not true,madhvi sees mehars bombshell face.

Badtameez Dil 12th September 2015 Written Update

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Friday, September 11, 2015

Badtameez Dil 11th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 11th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 11th September 2015 Written Update
Badtameez Dil 11th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 11th September 2015 Written Update

The scene starts with, mehar asks sasha where is abeer, sasha says abeer met with a mischance, he is fine we have conceded him, mehar says take me there plz, madhvi says call abeers father, sasha says unwind nisar has educated abeers father, sasha takes everybody almost a sanctuary, mehar sees abeer remaining in front all fine n grinning, mehar hurries to him n embraces him n begins crying, abeer says i am fine chill, madhvi says are u fine abeer, abeer says yes mama, mehar says are u frantic is like this to play tricks, are u out of ur brain, abeer says enough quiet down, we are in sanctuary n we shdnt fight, mehar says then what shd we do, abeer says how abt marriage, abeer says hear me out before u monstrosity, taiji needs a major bash wedding yet that will be uncalled for mehar, so since i need to wed mehar i will wed her here and we have seniors gifts as well, mehar says abeer this is not right, abeer says mehar i guarantee u i cannot be without u, and mehar can u live without me, mehar gestures no, suman says abeer all u saying is correct however this is not right, abeer says but rather this is the main way n i will handle taiji n daddy and we have mama here as well and taiji knows i am distraught so she will comprehend me, cmon mama say yes this is the best way to have mehar in my life. 

Mehar says abeer this is not right, madhvi says i know this is not right but rather this needs to happen abeer is right,but we all will oversee and after all the outcome will be joy in type of mehar, abeer says mehar u need to wed me right, mehar says yes be that as it may, abeer says then trust me and wed me, suman n bua concur, mehar concurs as well, sasha says mehar would prefer u not to get prepared, don't stress all is overseen, nisar accompanies wedding outfits, mehar and abeer get prepared for wedding. Abeer sees mehar battling with her lehnga, he curves down and makes it right, and says when my catches will break u will fasten it right so why cant i help u. Abeer n mehar trade festoons, and the pooja starts, abeer n mehar take pheres. abeer says to mehar u know right, mehar says yes u cherish me a ton, mehar n abeer take older folks endowments, abeer sees suman crying n says perceive how glad she is tears of joy after all she will dispose of mehar, suman grins, abeer sees madhvi n says see mehar in other hand tears of trouble u going to come thus, mehar says abeer stop it. 

Madhvi has taijis call, she advises abeer abt it.taiji asks hirelings to remvove every wedding course of action and says here will be no wedding evacuate everything, and asks where is madhvi, worker says she is out, kuber asks where is abeer, worker says he isn't home since the previous evening, taiji says this is fishy and sees madhvi at entryway, kuber asks where were u, madhvi says abeer and focuses at entryway, kuber n taiji stunned to see abeer with mehar. 

Kuber gets irate n strolls to abeer n says what sort of joke it is, the means by which set out u make this stride and u mehar dare u venture in, abeer leaves mehars hand and strolls to taiji and says plz taiji hear me out, i didn't tell u bcoz u wouldn't give me a chance to do and i would not like to surprise u, taiji says yet why did u make this stride, abeer says i saw mehars mama n bua exceptionally tensed abt wedding courses of action, and mehar wasn't prepared to wed like this however i constrained her to do as such, this is totally my choice.

Badtameez Dil 11th September 2015 Written Update

Click Here To Watch Badtameez Dil Dailymotion Video

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Badtameez Dil 10th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 10th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 10th September 2015 Written Update
Badtameez Dil 10th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 10th September 2015 Written Update

The scene starts with, mehar not able to rest intuition abt marriage records and suman n buas stressed confronts, she takes a gander at bua n suman dozing and considers abeers words saying he will dependably deal with her n her family, abt abeer proposing her and gets up and calls abeer and requests that he meet her at this moment. Mehar goes first floor and meets abeer and says i know abeer ur familys requests aren't too enormous yet at the same time u know how mama n bua have battled n so its hard to bear the cost of the considerable number of requests, abeer says what are u attempting to say mehar, mehar says i don't know however simply that my family cannot bear the cost of this, abeer says mehar do u comprehend what are u attempting to say, mehar says abeer yet its valid in adoration we overlooked that we have a place from diverse status so its for good that we, abeer evacuates his ring and says this is the thing that u need here it is lets break us,mehar says no abeer stop, abeer says u need this, inclination terrible now seeing me go away,abeer returns his ring and says what do u think mehar, just by considered it u are feeling so awful then, mehar begins crying n embraces him and says what to do then in what capacity will we deal with this circumstance, in what capacity will we wed n not see mama n bua tensed,abeer says i will go converse with taiji ,mehar says no abeer u won't converse with her, taiji has asked mama not to infrom us abt this rundown so don't, i locate no other way abeer we are losing it abeer and mehar leaves. 

Taiji is thinking abt how could she have been able to she didn't get the wedding cancelation news, madhvi comes n says take a gander at this shagun mehars family is orchestrated it so well, taiji says what is great in it, madhvi says whats wrong, taiji says gee golly i was considering something else this shagun is great. Taiji meets kuber, kuber says i cannot deal with this any longer, taiji says only for couple of days trust me i wont let this marriage happen, abeer comes n says taiji i need to put off this marriage, madhvi comes n says what n why, taiji says what happened, abeer says stop every one of these arrangements i need time, madhvi says abeer consider mehar what are u saying, she will break, taiji says madhvi consider abeer initially, and on the off chance that he needs time let us give him time after all its marriage, abeer says plz allow me to sit unbothered and leaves.taiji says madhvi give him time, i was concerned too he is so little age so released him require some serious energy and u get me milk,madhvi leaves and kuber begins giggling n says this is wonderful,taiji says this is the best requital now we need to do something that abeer wipes out this wedding. 

Madhvi goes behind abeer n stops him and asks what is it, abeer says go converse with mehar she is in charge of this plz allow me to sit unbothered, madhvi says alright go i will converse with mehar, madhvi chooses to meet mehar following day. 

Mehar does a reversal to informal lodging feeling awful and begins crying, she is thinking abt abeer going far from her, suman awakens seeing abeers taiji calling her, suman grabs the call, taiji says theres an awful news abeer has chosen to put off the wedding, kuber grinning and getting a charge out of listening to this, suman asks however for what reason is abeer doing as such, taiji says i don't know even we are concerned i can never overlook abeer for playing with mehars emotions, i am sad yet what to do and keeps the telephone, taiji swings to kuber n says its time for peace in the wake of grabbing their peace, kuber says great night, taiji says great night n clears out. 

Suman thinks in what manner will i tell mehar abt this news, i need to converse with madhviji tomorrow and goes to bed. Mehar says to herself, abeer u told ur family abt ur choice u didn't have a craving for letting me know to start with, and calls abeer,abeer doesn't pick her call, mehar feels awful. Following day madhvi goes to meet suman n bua, madhvi asks did children battle, suman says no , mehar comes stressed n asks do u know where is abeer, madhvi says with nisar, mehar says no he is not, i need to converse with him but rather he isn't getting call i am so stressed, mehar begins crying, suman says don't cry he will be fine, madhvi says he let me know he is with nisar and said he required time to think, entryway ringer rings, mehar races to entryway n sees its sasha looking tensed, mehar asks what is it sasha for what reason are u tensed, sasha says mehar really abeer met with a mischance.

Badtameez Dil 10th September 2015 Written Update

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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Badtameez Dil 8th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 8th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 8th September 2015 Written Update
Badtameez Dil 8th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 8th September 2015 Written Update

The scene starts with, suman offers desserts to taiji, taiji asks where is ur spouse, madhvi says bhabhi, taiiji says i will take two spoons sugar in tea, suman says mehars father isn't, taiji says goodness all the more so sad, suman says no he is alive however doesn't stay with us, he stays with his second wife, taiji says gracious miserable and takes a gander at bua and asks where is ur spouse, bua says no i am not wedded i stay with bhabhi mehar and tunno.Taiji says u may feel awful abt me making inquiry yet its important u see bcoz afterall we are gonna be family now,don't take it wrong, suman says its alright, taiji says abeer n mehar have picked one another, we aren't so open abt it yet what to do if u are poor regardless of we are fine with this connection, madhvi go get desserts, madhvi clears out. Taiji says we don't have confidence in settlement however u shd recognize what status we have so marriage shd be as indicated by our status, i will give u a rundown in like manner, suman n bua says alright, madhvi accompanies desserts, taiji gives them desserts, abeer escapes and after that calls mehar and says they have affirmed our relation,mehar says u were tuning in, abeer says no i speculated, similar to i likewise speculated in a lodging room a young lady is isolated, mehar says gracious truly, abeer says n mehar genuinely its late don't open way to anybody, mehar says yet its only 8, abeer says mehar still its Mumbai, mehar says alright, mehar hears entryway chime and says abeer somebody is at entryway u keep focused i will check, abeer says who it must be bcoz bua n mama are still home, be cautious while u check. 

Mehar opens the entryway n sees abeer, abeer on telephone asks who is it, mehar says some great looking gentleman u bye now i need to invest energy with that fellow, abeer grins and says give me my kiss now, mehar asks what kiss, abeer says u said u need to kiss me when i am in front so i am here, mehar says abeer plz if somebody knows abt it, abeer says alright u don't kiss i will, then retribution for my kiss u kiss me back, mehar says abeer u go now, abeer says alright bye, mehar says abeer stop and kisses him, abeer says wow now my turn, mehar becomes flushed n says abeer plz, abeer says still all young ladies in school kick the bucket to kiss abeer, mehar says gracious then go to those young ladies. Kuber says taiji how could u say yes to that young lady, taiji says do u recall that day when ur sibling kicked the bucket in jail because of heart assault, kuber says plz i would prefer not to recollect those awful days, taiji says mehars bua is devki purohit who put ur sibling in jail, this is opportunity to reimburse all the torment. 

Mehar n abeer strolling, mehar says god united us, abeer says why god, i stopped without anyone else, mehar says goodness truly , i am so upbeat. Abeer says u have no clue mehar that i am so upbeat to have u, mehar says abeer when i close my eyes, i see my entire existence with u, a flawless family, loads of affection and we two constantly together, abeer grins. 

Taiji says i can go n tell abeer abt devki, he may feel awful at first however then he may say what is mehars flaw in it, abeer adores mehar thus will utilize no brains for this situation u leave this to me. Abeer says mehar i know ur father broke ur family yet i guarantee i will dependably arrive for u n ur family, mehar embraces him n says i feel so protected around u, have a craving for spending entire life in ur arms, abeer grins n says entire life that to in arms. 

Taiji says marriage means parcel of costs and feelings thus see what i do, i will make them stoop before us, ask n say we cannot bear the cost of this wedding, see what my engagement rundown would do to their fund, bua n suman perusing taijis rundown and discover that simply the shagun cost goes to 10 lakhs, bua asks by what means will we deal with this, i think we shd converse with mehar we cannot manage the cost of such colossal spending plan, suman says don't tell mehar abt this rundown n cost, mehar entres with abeer, bua n suman conceal the rundown, suman says will u have something abeer, abeer says when i come Bhopal u do this, now unwind, i will leave now, abeer goes about as though he is gonna embrace mehar n embraces suman n says i am wedding mehar just bcoz i adore u, suman grins, and says mehar go abandon him. Bua says mehar is so content with abeer, for her satisfaction we will bear any cost, suman says thanku didi. Malhotra house all adorned for abeer mehar engagement, sasha says to nisar this engagement is so extraordinary, nisar asks however where is abeer, abeer looking attractive contracts taiji, nisar n sasha praise abeer, taiji says see mehar and her family arrives, abeer takes a gander at mehar who is looking lovely. Sasha n nisar stroll to her n compliment her as well, suman says sorry we are late bcoz guardian didn't permit our taxi in this way, taiji says why are u sorry, we shd be sad we neglected to advise watches abt permitting u fellows in, bua feels terrible, taiji says to herself now see what blessing u come back with.

Badtameez Dil 8th September 2015 Written Update

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Monday, September 7, 2015

Badtameez Dil 7th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 7th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 7th September 2015 Written Update
Badtameez Dil 7th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 7th September 2015 Written Update

The scene starts with, abeer tells taiji that the young lady he adores is named mehar and is from Bhopal, taiji says alright call her family here, abeer says yes beyond any doubt thanku u are the best taiji, abeer leaves, taiji requests that madhvi get her soup and strolls to kuber , kuber says why did u consent to abeer,taiji says u are such a major businessperson u shd know ur points of interest, see mehar is new like a wet soil shape her as u wish so its an uplifting news for us. Servant cleaning taijis room n chatting on telephone , taiji goes into the room, the house keeper says sorry, taiji grins and says no its fine go chat on telephone this is the thing that u are paid right, house keeper says sorry taiji, taiji says see from tomorrow u can talk entire day on telephone bcoz u aren't working here any longer leave, cleaning specialist says sorry plz give me a chance, taiji says leave or else i will call security,maid clears out. 

Abeer on telephone says mehar we are all prepared for u, mehar says abeer why so much why, abeer says see i can see desserts here i will go taste it, mehar says abeer hear me out, really mama n bua will be late, abeer says mama n bua why aren't u coming, mehar says i cant and u know this is so mind blowing like a fantasy, abeer giggles, mehar says all will be fine right, abeer says unwind all will be great, see u know i cherish u yet do u adore me, mehar asks arrives anybody around u, abeer says no, mehar says alright close ur eyes and kisses on telephone n says bye. 

Bua n suman achieve abeers house, madhvi invites them, abeer takes their favors and invites them as well, light goes off, abeer says u didn't bring mehar so light went off, madhvi says i am so sad abt lights come sit and requests that hirelings get candles, madhvi says abeers father will go along with us soon he is minimal occupied n i am sad abt abeer he came simply like that to ur house,suman says abeer is sweet why will we feel terrible abt it, abeer says see. 

Taiji strolls down the stairs, madhvi offers bua n suman tea, taiji hears devkis voice n says i heard this voice some place, lights come and seeing suman n bua taiji gets stunned, abeer says gracious taiji is here,taiji steps back,abeer says taiji come go along with us, taiji backpedals to her room, abeer goes behind her, taiji locks her room and recollects a scene where taijis spouse murders a vegetable seller and bua sees him doing as such, taijis spouse smashed gets off the auto and backtracks to his auto and tries to flee, individuals around catch him, in court kuber tells taiji he has renumerated every one of the individuals and her spouse says now i will fare thee well here kuber u go to Mumbai,kuber says alright u fare thee well n takes off. 

Court abt pronounce taijis spouse honest, bua comes to court n says i have seen this man driving that auto, he was plastered , judge asks how are u so beyond any doubt, bua says bcoz before he dashed that merchant he was abt to dash me yet i moved away so got saved.bua advises the entire scene to court and court proclaims taijis spouse liable and declares 5 yrs detainment. 

Taiji in her room says bcoz of devki my spouse needed to go correctional facility, i won't let this marriage take place.abeer thumps taijis entryway, taiji opens the entryway, abeer asks what happened for what good reason did u come up all of a sudden are u fine, taiji says i overlooked prescriptions so came to have them, abeer says ohk then gives up down, taiji says abeer u adore that young lady a ton u cannot live without her privilege, abeer says no i wont i require mehar, taiji says alright then i will choose everything n u go to ur room, u trust ur taiji right, abeer says ohk no stresses n clears out. Abeer calls mehar and advises her what all happened, abeer says u are kicking the bucket to wed right, mehar says abeer u will never comprehend, abeer says alright one more kiss, mehar says shutup, i would kiss u if u were infront, abeer says truly, mehar says listen one thing, i am missing u a considerable measure, any thought what they must be talking about.

Badtameez Dil 7th September 2015 Written Update

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Friday, September 4, 2015

Badtameez Dil 4th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 4th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 4th September 2015 Written Update
Badtameez Dil 4th September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 4th September 2015 Written Update

The scene starts with, abeer with taiji achieves his home, taiji tries to stop abeer, yet abeer doesn't he goes inside, seeing him kuber says goodness come, ur mother is resting shd i wake her up, abeer says what do u consider ur self mr kuber malhotra, kuber says if u have overlooked i am ur father, abeer says how set out u call mehar n bua late night home, kuber says u sold my shares so i needed to, abeer says those shares were mine, kuber says i gave u them, see abeer u as of now have squandered a ton of time n cash behind mehar so i did this to spare u, abeer says gracious to spare me u call mehar late night and affront her, kuber says she is ur ex n appears as though she told u everything what happened, abeer says what mehar is to me thats not ur issue n u have no privilege to meddle, kuber says enough abeer go to bed we will talk tomorrow, abeer says mehar is battling with her life, lamentably i exposed u bcoz u are my dad yet now i am cautioning u if something happens to mehar i will demolish ur business, so now continue asking that nothing transpires or else ur business will be done. 

Bua asks doc how is mehar, doc says keep tolerance despite everything we cannot say anything, suman says didi recent days i was feeling something terrible is gonna happen and see, bua says this is all bcoz of abeer.abeer leaves, taiji says to kuber cant u deal with ur child, kuber says i continue attempting to keep abeer far from that family yet he, taiji says u attempt to control abeer n that family, i was out only for a month and i had advised u not to do anything besides rather u, u shd deal with office n not home matters abandon them to me, i will deal with this house, i concur that family dependably meddles with abeer, yet in the event that u didn't call them late night, my auto wouldn't have dashed mehar and gives a devilish grin. Tunno says sorry, bua says simply beg that ur di gets fine soon, taiji says to kuber yes my auto dashed mehar n i took her to healing facility, kuber says why did u take her to doctor's facility she would have kicked the bucket, taiji says abeer would have pulverized everything in the event that she would bite the dust, and grins and says abeer is ur shortcoming so now u unwind and see what i do, i won't let abeer get affected, he will be back here n mehar will be out of abeers life and this i will do it my way, 8 yrs back she grabbed my abeer yet not currently and that suman slapped abeer, i kept entirely in doctor's facility yet i will reimburse it with full intrigue now its our days perceive how i focus on that gang. 

Suman and tunno petition master to spare mehar, abeer comes to healing center, nisar asks where were u, abeer says went to converse with that man who is in charge of this, abeer strolls to see mehar, bua stops him, abeer says bua plz, bua says no, abeer says plz let me go, abeer joins his hands and says plz just once give me a chance to see her,i guarantee i wont inconvenience u i will say nothing,plz bua, mummyji plz tell bua just once give me a chance to see her, bua plz only for the purpose of our past relations let me see her, abeer gets to his knees n says plz let me see her and cries, and says i need to say to learn, see she will be fine soon when i do that, buaji plz, just once abeer holds her legs and says i ask of u plz,may be listening to me she will wake up plz bua, i will do as u say plz, bua in tears clear out. Abeer opens the entryway n strolls in the room, he takes a gander at mehar and recalls yelling i cherish u mehar from top of building furthermore saying i abhor u mehar, abeer recollects a past scene: mehar nisar in school library, abeer rights a note to mehar and passes it to her, mehar peruses the note it says i adore u mehar, love abeer, mehar rights back to him and sends back the note, abeer understands it, it says shutup n let me study,mehar leave library, abeer tails her and stops her, and says mehar truly i cherish u, hear me out atleast n yells before everybody, i adore u truly, mehar leaves. Abeer back in doctor's facility room, sits close to mehar, and says mehar he has flashes with time gone through with mehar.

Badtameez Dil 4th September 2015 Written Update

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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Badtameez Dil 3rd September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 3rd September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 3rd September 2015 Written Update
Badtameez Dil 3rd September 2015 Written Update

Badtameez Dil 3rd September 2015 Written Update

The scene starts with, bua in healing center stressed abt mehar and thinking abt kubers words reviling mehar and pointing the finger at her that she is utilizing abeer, abeer attempting to discover taxi to reach hosp and is exceptionally tensed ,he gets a taxi, tunno achieves clinic, bua sees tunno with parcel of outrage and strolls to him,taiji stops her and says devki all will be fine however let me know what were u doing out late night, bua takes a gander at her in annoyance n strolls to tunno slaps him and says how could u, taiji stops her, bua says don't u meddle, and says tunno how could u tunno what wrong i and bhabhi did that u made this stride, i gave u all teachings yet how did u act like ur father, ur father aways beset us yet at the same time we were alright bcoz we were one yet u split us and leave go far from here, tunno goes on his knees n says bua sorry plz forget me,abeer achieves doctor's facility and hurries to bua n asks where is mehar, taiji let me know abt mehar and taiji what are u doing here and where is mehar, why isn't anybody telling, is mehar fine,nothing genuine, i will go check. 

Bua says abeer leave at this moment, dare u take mehars name and let me know mehar approached u for cash, she utilized u for cash let me know, taiji says abeer at this time we shd leave this is not opportune time to talk, bua says abeer simply get out, abeer takes a gander at operation theater, and says i wont go without meeting mehar, bua says abeer stop, suman leaves theater, abeer races to her and says thank god i can now meet mehar, suman slaps abeer, and says go far from my little girl, and says taiji thanku for conveying mehar to doctor's facility however abeer is in charge of mehars wellbeing, abeer u let me know shetty is ur fan thus concurred for help and i told u i don't need ur cash then why did u do this, i was attempting from my side yet u misled me, u gave him 60 lakhs even after i said no, why, taiji do u know why this mishap occurred what was mehar doing late night on streets, its bcoz his dad called mehar to reprimand her and called a young lady who utilizes rich gentlemen for cash, and now see she is battling with life,abeer do u acknowledge what ur father faulted mehar abt, abeer joins his hands n says sorry, suman says even u think mehar utilized u for cash, abeer says no enough, suman says then why did ur father pointed the finger at her what did she do, regardless I trusted u yet u broke my trust and now not any longer simply go away. 

Suman requests that abeer go away, abeer says plz let me meet mehar, taiji brings abeer with him, abeer says plz just once give me a chance to see mehar or else i wont go, medical attendant requests that they keep low its healing facility, abeer says sorry and takes a seat. Suman appeals to god to deal with mehar, tunno fights against eminent loss n begs as well. Bua sees mehar and is in tears, abeer sees bua crying, abeer thinks abt mehar and time went through with her, his battles with her and abt him saying that he wouldn't like to see mehars face,nisar comes, abeer says nisar mehar is fine right , nobody is permitting me to meet her, i need to see her, u plz go n see whether she is fine, i know she is fine, i won't cry, nisar says abeer quiet down i will go see mehar.abeer sits n cries. 

Nisar sees mehar being worked, and strolls to abeer,abeer asks him mehar is fine she will be released today right, not today alright tomorrow but rather she is fine right, i know mehar is fine right, nisar embraces him, abeer says don't embrace me i know mehar is correct talk something, taiji comes n says nisar. Suman n bua ask doc how is mehar, doc says there is inside damage we are attempting our best yet patient is extremely discriminating. Bua supports suman n says mehar will be fine trust god, listening to doc and taking a gander at suman and bua, abeer says to nisar u stay here i will return , nisar asks where are u going, abeer says simply stay here i will be back, taiji takes after abeer n says stop abeer, abeer pushes driver away sits in auto n leaves, taiji compellingly sits next to him, abeer thinking abt sumans words n her slap, abeer rash drives, taiji says abeer quiet down commute gradually.

Badtameez Dil 3rd September 2015 Written Update

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