Showing posts with label Diya Aur Baati Hum tday episode update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diya Aur Baati Hum tday episode update. Show all posts

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Diya Aur Baati Hum 29th August 2015 Written Update

Diya Aur Baati Hum 29th August 2015 Written Update

Diya Aur Baati Hum 29th August 2015 Written Update
Diya Aur Baati Hum 29th August 2015 Written Update

Diya Aur Baati Hum 29th August 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Officer Singh seeing the gadget getting frequencies and considering Garjana's arrangement to come up short them. She tries taking the gadget. The man says they are getting a sign from Garjana region. Bharat says pass flag quick. Officer Singh thinks now their arrangement will achieve police base camp. Bharat says I m not able to hear anything. The administrator sees the gadget by listening to the sound. Officer Singh covers up. The administrator close the gadget and requests that the men discover. Bharat says is Sandhya is any issue, did Garjana get her. He calls his officers and requests that they send their group to Garjana range. Chandu gets Officer Singh. They ask her who is she, why did she come here. She says IPS Officer Agrima Singh, Indian police benefit, her obligation has got her here, she has come to come up short their arrangement against their nation. She says till she and her officers are prepared, they won't give anyone a chance to hurt the nation, their terrible intentions will never be satisfied. The leader sees her and gets furious. He says what might I say, valiance or silliness, you came here knowing its Garjana's region, did you wish to get award, you ought to have done something to be alive in the wake of getting decoration, whats the utilization to get award in the wake of passing on, what can a lady do. She requests that he open her hands in the event that he is a man. Chandu says free her hands. They free her hands. Officer Singh beats them and holds Chandu. They beat on her head with a pole and begin kicking her gravely. The leader requests that they attach her to the tree. Sandhya thinks where did Garjana take Officer Singh, she needs to spare her before anything happens. She sees the truck tire imprints going inside the wilderness. 

Sooraj requests that Lalima rest in his sister Chavi's room, on the off chance that she has any issue, he arrives, and asks will she make a go at abandoning him. She says you believe me right. He says yes, I believe you that you will help me in discovering Sandhya. She requests that he rest, they need to go and discover Sandhya in morning. He says fine and clears out. Lalima sits on the bed. Meenakshi comes there and requests that Lalima get up. She asks whats your name, in any case I couldn't care less, this is Chavi's room, why will you stay here with no connection, what are you resembling this, go from here. She brings Lalima out and says you feel we can't see your intelligence, nobody likes you here, see there. Bhabho, Babasa, Emily and Mohit look on. Meenakshi asks will she stay in Sooraj's room with no connection, and requests that her rest outside the entryway. Ved looks on from far. Lalima takes the mat and goes in the patio to rest. Meenakshi advises Bhabho to see Lalima, and she feels Lalima stopped by some other reason. She requests that Bhabho do something. Officer Singh is attached to the tree. The authority solicits whats the utilization from this nation serving soul, you don't realize what will happen now, I will reveal to you Garjana power which you didn't have an inkling. Sandhya thinks to discover her soon. The officer says we will let you know why we stole this chip, and whats Charlie doing here. He says he will compose history, and ruin the nation on peacefulness day, there will be nobody cleared out. He solicits her to see the specimen from their arrangement. Sandhya thinks to obtain some much needed education to achieve Officer Singh. Chandu plays the portable workstation and demonstrates the atomic bomb information on it, saying they will be make atomic bomb fall on India on Oct 2, you are a cop and you will be knowing it. Officer Singh is stunned. Chandu says numerous lives will be kicking the bucket, and demonstrates the post impacts of the bomb. Officer Singh is shocked seeing the pics and their arrangement. 

They say Jai Garjana and administrator enlightens Officer Singh concerning his savage arrangement. He points firearm at her, saying your time has come. Sandhya is as yet running in the wilderness and hears the gunfire, as authority shoots at Officer Singh. The leader grins. Sandhya thinks did anything happen to Officer Singh and runs. The authority leaves Officer Singh and requests that her run and inform her govt concerning their arrangement, as she may be willing to do this. He says he will perceive how police stops Garjana, he is happy seeing her boldness, and that is the reason he is liberating her. Officer Singh falters. She says she is not taught to run demonstrating the back to adversary, this is her nation, its her obligation to secure her nation, he can murder her, yet she won't give her a chance to nation get hurt, she is not stunned seeing nonnative, she is embarrassed on his trick considering, he is conceived in this area and as yet destroying this area, she won't give him a chance to cheat his nation. He shoots on her leg. Sandhya hears the second firearm shot and thinks to discover Officer Singh quick. Officer Singh says this nation has made numerous courageous fighters. He shoots on her other leg as well. Officer Singh says she won't give him a chance to succeed in his terrible arrangement, if one officer bites the dust, numerous officers will be conceived. He shoots once more. Sandhya hears the ghun shot and stands stunned.

Diya Aur Baati Hum 29th August 2015 Written Update

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Friday, August 28, 2015

Diya Aur Baati Hum 28th August 2015 Written Update

Diya Aur Baati Hum 28th August 2015 Written Update

Diya Aur Baati Hum 28th August 2015 Written Update
Diya Aur Baati Hum 28th August 2015 Written Update

Diya Aur Baati Hum 28th August 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Meenakshi and Mohit apologizing to Bhabho. She says why did Lalima say against our family, I didn't care for it. Mohit says I think she is taking reprisal, as Sooraj gave more significance to Lalima than you Bhabho, Lalima made divider in the middle of you and Sooraj. Bhabho chastens them as its their mix-up as well. Meenakshi says fine, yet you trusted Lalima from the very beginning, you trusted Sandhya like this, you generally said Sandhya will unite home, what did she do with us, she broke trust and went, same will happen with Lalima. Mohit says Meenakshi is correct, Lalima is bad, she can hurt Sooraj excessively inorder, making it impossible to take revenge. Bhabho supposes they are not wrong, I misjudged Sandhya, possibly there is something incorrectly behind Lalima's goals, I won't give her a chance to hurt Sooraj. The children have a discussion about Lalima bringing Sooraj home. Misri requests that does she need take Sandhya's place in this house, we won't give her a chance to take Sandhya's place, we will inconvenience her and make her leave. Pari says no need, older folks won't give her a chance to come, Meenakshi and Mohit are furious on her, Lalima is great as she uncovered them. 

Lokesh asks Lalima for what reason is she doing this. Lalima says I didn't see Sooraj's misstep, his family conned him, I have seen trustworthiness and pure in his eyes, similar to he is asking our assistance noiselessly. He asks whats our connection with him, we will go home. She stops him. She says something connected Sooraj and me, I simply know Shiv ji needs this. Lokesh says world can't see such relations. She asks do you believe me. He says more than myself, you can never do anything incorrectly, I m your sibling, in what capacity would I be able to release you there, by what means will you help Sooraj. She says even I don't have the foggiest idea. Emily comes there and hears them. Lalima says I simply know I will comprehend Lord's sign, he will explain this, I m strolling on Lord's way, he spared me from this huge trick, he will dependably bolster m. He says yes. They make laddoos. Emily comes inside the shop and gives an encompass saying you needed to offer this to Lalima as blessing on Rakshabandhan. Lokesh says Lalima did a great deal for me, its my swing to do something, I picked a PM plan for your better future. Emily says this is best blessing, this plan bolsters a young lady, and clarifies the plan. Lokesh says Lalima dealt with me as parent, this plan will deal with her. Chandu comes to meet authority and brings the chip. The administrator invites him and embraces him. Officer Singh sees them. Chandu gives him the chip. The authority says you made Garjana succeed, this was our fantasy, our one man has broken their security. The officer is happy and says now they will commend, and says Jai Garjana. Chandu says no, we will celebrate when we succeed in our masterplan. Officer Singh gets furious. Chandu asks did he converse with Charlie, when is he coming. The authority says he is en route, he is coming, I let him know that we got the chip, now we can begin the mission to demolish Indian govt. Officer Singh thinks this is the chip they have stolen on fifteenth august, what would they like to do, I can't give them a chance to succeed and make some move against them. 

Officer Singh gets down the truck and tries listening to Garjana. She shrouds and draws near. Sandhya goes to the wilderness with the kid, in the pontoon. Charlie comes there and meets Chandu. The leader gives the chip to him. Charlie says awesome employment Shekhar. Officer Singh thinks Garjana is arranging something enormous this time. The kid says he knows route till this point, nobody is permitted to proceed, you additionally don't go, there are wild creatures in wilderness. She says no, its demon, I m pained by Manjari's insults, you go, Garjana will do equity for me. He requests that her be cautious. Officer Singh sits on the tree and hears them. The authority tells congratulations Chandu, we will assault Indian govt, they will lose to us. Officer Singh sees the gadget getting frequencies and ponders Garjana's arrangement to come up short them. She tries taking the gadget. Bharat says where is Sandhya, no news about her after fifteenth august, I trust she is sheltered, did they… . No… .. The man says they are getting a sign from Garjana range. Bharat says pass flag quick. Officer Singh thinks now their arrangement will achieve police central station. Bharat says I m not able to hear anything. The officer sees the gadget by listening to the sound. Officer Singh stows away. The administrator close the gadget and requests that the men figure out. Bharat says is Sandhya is any issue, did Garjana get her. He calls his officers and requests that they send their group to Garjana range. Chandu gets Officer Singh.

Diya Aur Baati Hum 28th August 2015 Written Update

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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Diya Aur Baati Hum 27th August 2015 Written Update

Diya Aur Baati Hum 27th August 2015 Written Update

Diya Aur Baati Hum 27th August 2015 Written Update
Diya Aur Baati Hum 27th August 2015 Written Update

Diya Aur Baati Hum 27th August 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Chandu conversing with Sagarika. Chandu tells Sandhya that she helped him a considerable measure in dramatization and expresses gratitude toward her. Sandhya supposes she now needs to know Garjana's arrangement. Officer Singh thinks there is something incorrectly here, she needs to discover Garjana's arrangement yet first enlighten Sandhya regarding my vicinity here. She tosses her wallet and stows away as the truck departs. Sandhya hears the coins falling sound and swings to see the satchel. She says such satchel is not found here in town and checks it. She sees Officer Singh's ID card and says it implies she is close. She supposes if Garjana gets her, she will be in peril. Meenakshi asks Lalima what diversion is she playing with Sooraj, why did she say Sandhya is alive. Mohit asks whats their issue. Lokesh came to undermine us during the evening and now you have gone to our home holding Sooraj's home. Vikram requests that you need take revenge from us by giving false plan to Sooraj. Babasa requests that her say the motivation to accompany Sooraj. Ved comes there. Lalima says fine, I will answer you, yet first answer my inquiry. She asks who has composed the letter to her, if Sooraj did not compose it. She demonstrates the letter to Bhabho. Bhabho says what letter. Mohit and Meenakshi stress that they composed the letter. Meenakshi censures Emily. Emily says I didn't compose anything, and reviews Meenakshi's words. She says I composed the letter on Meenakshi's colloquialism, as she educated concerning some ayurvedic focus about Sooraj's treatment, she made me compose Sooraj's ailment. Meenakshi denies it. Emily requests that her not lie. 

Mohit thinks his name is secured in their battle. Babasa says yet this letter has something else composed than his disease, he expounded on his annoyance on string tying, he is apologizing and requesting one shot. Meenakshi says we didn't compose this, its changed. Emily checks it a says this is Mohit's penmanship. Meenakshi says as much Mohit did this, so I was thinking why is Lalima kicking the bucket to wed Sooraj, and admonishes him. Mohit says yes, I concur, I administer to Sooraj, Bhabho was certain Sooraj will get fine, and I believed her, so I did this, she has expounded on his ailment. She says Meenakshi has changed sticks in havan kund, what was her narrow-mindedness in this I don't have the foggiest idea. Meenakshi says you needed the engine cycle Lalima was bringing. Mohit says this is falsehood. Meenakshi sais I heard him. Mohit says fine, I needed the bicycle, what was your childishness. Meenakshi says nothing. Bhabho requests that they stop it. She says if Lord says Meenakshi did not do by any narrow minded thought process, I don't trust it and requests that her say reality. Vikram says I will let you know, Meenakshi did not wish Sooraj to wed, as she would have not got Sandhya's benefits. They all get stunned. Lalima cries and asks Bhabho how is her home and family, where sibling is not of sibling, and Meenakshi is playing terrible diversion on dead Sandhya's name, they didn't consider Sooraj, they took a chance with his life and bliss, now I feel my choice was on the whole correct to come in this house, I comprehended Shiv ji's sign, to be with Sooraj and spare him from his own gang. Bhabho cries and says I m embarrassed, and reprimands them. She says Rathi family is solid by Sooraj's hardwork, now he needs all of you and all of you did this. She gets furious on them. Sooraj comes there and tells Ved that the wrap got free, he is feeling harmed. Bhabho goes to deal with his injury and he declines to take her offer assistance. He says he is not having any torment, he is fine. Lalima says wound ought not be left open, and requests that he forward his hand. 

Bhabho cries seeing Lalima applying the balm to Sooraj and doing swathe. Vikram requests that Meenakshi deal with the issue which she made. Sandhya converses with Manjari and gets some information about nourishment, she is extremely eager. She begins crying and apologizes to her. Manjari requests that her go. Sandhya leaves home and cries. She says I neglected to take cash, she grabbed my sustenance. Sajni and Yashoda see her and think Manjari has chided her. Manjari turns out and chides her. Sandhya sits crying, and says call Garjana individuals, they got me here and this happened, they will do equity now. She requests that they call Garjana individuals. The man says will Garjana fathom saas bahu battle. Another man says does Garjana has no other work. Manjari requests that Sandhya come inside. Sandhya contends with Manjari and requests that the kid help her, take me to Garjana, you brought me here, you know where they sit tight. Manjari says yes get out. Sandhya says they will do equity and runs with the kid. Officer Singh sees Garjana and supposes her uncertainty was correct, its Garjana's pioneer, Sandhya is on enormous mission and staying here as Sagarika, I won't give her a chance to character turn out and spare myself from their sight as well. Chandu comes to meet administrator and brings the chip. The administrator invites him and embraces him. Officer Singh sees them. Chandu gives him the chip. The officer says you made Garjana succeed, this was our fantasy, our one man has broken their security. Officer Singh thinks this is the chip they have stolen on fifteenth august, what would they like to do, I can't give them a chance to succeed and make some move against them.

Diya Aur Baati Hum 27th August 2015 Written Update

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