Showing posts with label Free download Mohi written update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Free download Mohi written update. Show all posts

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Mohi 12th September 2015 Written Update

Mohi 12th September 2015 Written Update

Mohi 12th September 2015 Written Update
Mohi 12th September 2015 Written Update

Mohi 12th September 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Mohi crying sitting outside Ayush's home. The family discusses Ayush bringing Mohi for Anusha. Madhur says he did something to be thankful for, I didn't expect this, I think he is getting to be mindful now, it implies he is planning for his future. The family motivates happy to see Madhur adulating Ayush. Sharad says its first time in life that Madhur applauded Ayush. Swati grins seeing Madhur. They all sit to eat. Manohar and everybody sit tight for Ayush. Mohi serves the sustenance. Ayush comes and she stows away. Ayush says he is not eager, he will have sustenance later. The family demands and tease him about Anusha. 

Ayush says he needs to go. Sharad says we all were sitting tight for you. Ayush says sorry, I will eat with all of you. Madhur stops Ayush and requests that he have sustenance with them, if everybody is stating. Manohar requests that Ayush come and sit in his seat. Ayush does not eat sustenance. Deepa gets irritated and tells Ayush that he called Mohi here for Anusha, and did not do this for her. She says this is not reasonable. Anjali says Deepa is correct, I m beyond any doubt Ayush will organize help house keeper for me. They snicker. Ayush says stop it and gets irate. He says he didn't get Mohi, she has go ahead her own. Mohi hears this and gets pitiful. Ayush says she needed to come Pune for her work, I couldn't deny as Mohi and her family helped me a ton in Bhuvana. Manohar says its fine, she has come here now, don't advise this to Anusha. They all giggle. Ayush says I m getting late and clears out. 

He sees Mohi remaining far and takes off. Madhur says perceive how he acted, as though he did support on us to eat with us. They feel there is some reason, as Ayush does not get bothered regularly. Ayush meets Anusha and says he needs to advise her something. Anush asks him did he get in affection with any town young lady. He says not adore, but rather marriage. Anusha chuckles supposing he is kidding. He says I m not jiking, I came in the wake of wedding there. Anusha gets stunned. Ayush says I didn't wish to cheat you, however circumstance was such… She asks what circumstance… He says let me clarify, I went Bhuvana on some mission, those individuals got me. He advises her beginning and end. Anusha cries. He says sorry, attempt to get it. She says you are a hitched man now Ayush, now you are wouldn't fret, don't attempt to meet me. Ayush leaves his creative energy, while applying brakes to his bicycle. He gets tensed. 

Everybody complete the lunch. The ladies clean the table. Ayush's auntie prevents Mohi from going in kitchen. She requests that Mohi keep plates outside. She reviews her town. Swati requests that Mohi not feel terrible, as they additionally don't go in kitchen without washing. She says we have a few tenets here and approaches her to take tea for Manohar. Nana gets back home and requests that Mohi come and see what he got. Mahua says he came late. He says he got patients, call Mohi, where is she. Mahua says she is not here. He says she doesn't stay at home. Mahua says she is gone, leaving every one of us. He asks where. Mahua lets him know that Mohi got hitched to Ayush. He gets stunned. Mahua lets him know everything. Nana and Mahua.

Mohi 12th September 2015 Written Update

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Monday, August 24, 2015

Mohi 24th August 2015 Written Update

Mohi 24th August 2015 Written Update

Mohi 24th August 2015 Written Update
Mohi 24th August 2015 Written Update

Mohi 24th August 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Ayush conversing with Mohi. He inquires as to why is her town individuals anxious of Pratap. She says it doesn't make a difference and gets some information about his city school. He says there was numerous children and it was extremely offered. He supposes he needs to approach her for the information. He gets some information about Pratap. The goat gets pushed by him and he apologizes to her. She says she won't converse with him, and gets down the pontoon. Ayush pursues her to stop her. Pratap and his men leave the waters. Pratap asks Kaka what were they talk and reprimands him. Kaka says they were talking in regards to town and city schools contrasts. Pratap gets furious. Rekha converses with Vinay about Ayush, and says Anusha needs to be with joint family and possibly Ayush needs to live alone and in rich home, Anusha ought to bolster Ayush, similar to I bolster you, you were little specialist battling in little towns, today you are top specialist by my help and backing. He expresses gratitude toward her and her father for helping him, and says he is not upbeat and tranquil here, he has relinquished a ton for this sumptuous life, he used to do numerous things for individuals and fulfillment, today I have everything and as yet nothing. Rekha says once in a while I feel you will retreat in your past life. 

Ayush and Mohi are en route, alongside the goat Sundari. He asks to what extent. She says more separation, come. He says he can hardly wait with injured foot. She requests that he take third leg and passes the stick. He says she is distraught, does anybody come so far to go school, I ought to go home not long after in the wake of closure my work, else Anusha will get me dead. Mohi says she is getting late, and requests that he come gradually. She goes. He says where am I stuck, tune in… He sees the wilderness and thinks to leave soon. Vinay grins and says I wish this was conceivable Rekha, yet I have come extremely ahead and returning is exceptionally intense, I m stuck here. He gives the sample of an aquarium fish who left the waterway and got caught in glass dividers. He says let Anusha and Ayush fly and swim, let them do anything, don't make them dependant, lets attempt that this marriage is festivity, not any trade off. She says even I don't wish to, they are impending today night, let them choose seeing our lavish life and their modification life. He says fine. 

Ayush searches for Mohi. He goes to the school and says no big surprise this young lady knows a great deal. He sees Mohi's knowledge and how she is noting everybody. Mohi says the thing she has in memory and instructor commends her so much that she recall the things she sees of listens just once. Ayush looks on and grins, supposing she is truly incredible. Anusha goes to Ayush's family and welcomes them for Satyanarayana puja. They all get happy and grin. Deepa asks do they do this puja what not. Anusha takes a gander at her. The family oversees and say in regards to the puja. Shubhangi says numerous individuals will be advancing. Anusha says no, simply unique visitors, mother and father feel families can know one another on the off chance that all of you come. They consent to come. Anusha says she will leave now, she needs to help mother at home. She clears out. Deepa says I don't have new saree and dress. Ayush's close relative thinks why did Rekha welcome us. Manohar says I did LLB and she questions, possibly she truly needs to know us, we are from her unique visitors now. Ayush says he can't trust he will get system by then, school is decent, however you are parrot. She says my instructor says I have favoring. He demonstrates his card for 5 secs and asks whats composed. She says Ayush Madhur Gokhale, and entire location. He gets shocked seeing her memory.

Mohi 24th August 2015 Written Update

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Friday, August 21, 2015

Mohi 20th August 2015 Written Update

Mohi 20th August 2015 Written Update 

Mohi 20th August 2015 Written Update
Mohi 20th August 2015 Written Update

Mohi 20th August 2015 Written Update 

The Episode begins with Anusha converses with her Bua. She loves the laddoo and says its best desserts, mother likes her status and class than her looks, this does not look like architect desserts, mother's taste is diverse that I can't impart my emotions to her, I can impart to father. Bua converses with her and says Rekha wishes best for me. Anusha says yes, penthouse, autos and so on, yet who to conclude this is best for me, wedding affection is best. She says mother has told such a great amount at Ayush's home. Bua says Rekha is not wrong in her place, you have tea. Nana converses with Mahua. He says don't esteem everybody in same mentality, all city individuals are not same. Ayush comes there and welcomes them. He says he has torment in his foot and came to finish checkup. Mahua says you are not retreating so soon right. Ayush says Kaki is correct. Mahua requests that he converse with Nana. Ayush says his agony is expanding a few times. Nana requests that he sit. Nana checks his foot and says bones are at perfect spot, I don't comprehend why is torment not going. Ayush thinks this torment won't go till he gets information about Satyakam from them, he will run with the confirmation of Satyakam's presence. 

Pratap and his goons are nearing there. Gangi educates Mohi about Pratap advancing there, and getting some information about city fellow. Mahua says I knew city gentleman will bring issues. Mohi and Nana say they will shroud Ayush. Mahua says why will we stow away, request that he go. Ayush asks whats happening. They all contend. Ayush says what wrong did I do. Nana conceals Ayush. Pratap and his men come in the town. Nana stops them. Nana inquires as to why did he come here. Pratap says he heard city fellow has come, so he now meet him. Nana says yes, however he is not here. Pratap says you will know in regards to him, he came yesterday to you. Nana says he came to get wound recuperated and after that left. Pratap says then he stayed at Harya's place. He says Mohi may know it, as she went to give him sustenance at supper and breakfast. He says I will discover him myself. He requests that his men look in their home. Ayush shrouds and looks on tensed. Nana stops the men. Harya comes asking where is the city fellow, I need to make him taste this sweet. Nana holds his head. Pratap takes a gander at Harya. They all get tensed. Harya says I will come later. Pratap reproves Harya and says everybody is tending to city gentleman. He eats the desserts and says its great, you needn't bother with my feeling, you need to know the city fellow's sentiment. Pratap requests that Nana tell where is he. He gets irate and points firearm at Harya, requesting that they say else its not his oversight in the event that he shoots Harya. 

Pratap begins numbering down. Ayush turns out and stops Pratap. Ayush says let Harya go. Pratap asks Nana for what valid reason is he deceiving them for outsiders. Ayush says converse with me, let them know. Pratap inquires as to why did he come here. Ayush says his foot was harmed and he resulted in these present circumstances town searching for specialist, they are helping me for mankind purpose, I came here to take solutions, its not their mix-up. Pratap says fine, concurred that they are stating truth. Nana requests that Pratap take off. Pratap says Ayush is a spy, he was taking photos and Mohi is helping him. Ayush reviews it. He says you ought to slap the man who let you know this, think on the off chance that I was govt spy, I would have done my work quietly, I solicited Mohi and took pics from this spot as this spot is lovely. Pratap says try not to be found in this town, on the off chance that you arrive following 2 days, then I won't abandon you and everybody supporting you. Pratap leaves with his goons. Ayush looks on.

Mohi 20th August 2015 Written Update 

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