Showing posts with label Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 4th November 2015 Written Update

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 4th November 2015 Full Episode Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar , Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 4th November 2015 Episode watch Online HD, Hindi TV Seril Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 4th November 2015

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Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 4th November 2015 Written Update
Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 4th November 2015 Written Update

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 4th November 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Suhani thinking why did Neil and Ragini didn't come till now. Nishi requests that they have sustenance. Ranbir calls Suhani and inquires as to whether they get any redesigns about examination. Suhani says no and says Pam requested that them not call Neil and Ragini. Neil tells Pam that negative inquiries were inquired. He is astonished to perceive how Ragini took care of the circumstance. Pam says she will handle the children and RK will converse with them. RK concurs. Pam inquires as to whether there is any more meeting. Neil says yes, tomorrow. 

Aarav takes Jignesh to the goons. Jignesh says he is inspired and guarantees to bring 10 Lakhs tomorrow. The goons request that he drink. Jignesh declines and says his wife will abandon him in the event that he gets intoxicated. When Aarav goes, Jignesh gets some information about Aarav contributing the cash. The goon tell that Aarav contributed 30 Lakhs rupees. RK comes to kids and says Neil and Ragini's execution was great, and tells that 2 answers were right among 5. He supposes he has persuaded the children, however their trust is expanding. 

Jignesh comes to Ranbir and tells that Aarav contributed 30 Lakhs rupees, and marvels what did he do to organize the cash. Ranbir says he need to educate Dad. Jignesh says mother and father are now occupied with examination, and have lost 3 focuses as of now. Ranbir requests that he watch out for Aarav. 

Nivedita comes to Aman and inquires as to why he was losing fearlessness amid meeting. She says she adores Neil all that much and can go to any reluctant. Aman says I am not a questioner. Nivedita gives him paper of inquiries and requests that himself get ready. She requests that he envision Ragini alongside him, and it will inspire him. Suhani tells they can focus on legitimate matters. Aarav says we might concentrate on law. Karthik tells that he will orchestrate books from his companion. Nishi says we should rest starting now and requests that they rest. 

Later in room, Neil asks Ragini for what valid reason she is tensed? He says children are upbeat and trusting high. Ragini says what will happen if their trust breaks, in what manner will they ready to adapt up. Neil says trust is a major word and tells about his patient in the clinic. He tells he did his surgery with 5 immaculate trust and had spared his life. He says if there is a little trust, then additionally we need to walk holding trust. He says there is still trust. Ragini grins and says you are correct. 

Suhani advises that she made notes identified with case and they will provide for Mom and Dad. Nishi requests that her rest as she was alert throughout the night. Suhani says she will drink tea and is fine. Aman comes there. Agam welcomes him and says nobody is at home. Nishi looks on. Aman requests that they unwind and says he didn't come to do examination. He says all of you are annoyed with me as I turned out to be a piece of examination group because of helplessless. Nishi says we all realize that what you did yesterday. She says we are not kids any longer, and says you used to love mum. Aman says you have never distinguished me, and advises he will never tumble to low level. He says he came to help them and gives papers saying it can help you. Nishi demonstrates the papers. Aman says I am releasing the meeting papers. Suhani inquires as to whether he is stating truth and understands it. She expresses gratitude toward Aman for changing their life. Nishi expresses gratitude toward him. Ragini comes. Nishi demonstrates her inquiries list which will be ask with them. 

Pam and RK go to the lab and advises the secretary that they have to confirm the sound clasp. Secretary gives the register to sign. Pam and RK check the register and tell that Nivedita is their companion. Secretary tells that report will come in 2 days. Pam gets tensed. 

Ragini asks Aman for what good reason did he go to their life and says you might need to take revenge. Aman says no. Ragini says Nivedita may have sent you to keep an eye on us. Aman says I truly need to help you and takes guarantee of her dead dadi. He says he thought to make her his life accomplice, however you was not in my predetermination. He says I have comprehended in regards to your and my connection. He says I generally remained by you and have adored you. 


Neil asks Ragini what Aman was stating? Ragini says Aman needs to help us in examination matter. Neil questions his aim and says he may be playing diversion. Ragini says he is extremely legitimate and don't think about playing diversions.

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 4th November 2015 Written Update

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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 3rd November 2015 Written Update

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 3rd November 2015 Full Episode Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar , Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 3rd November 2015 Episode watch Online HD, Hindi TV Seril Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 3rd November 2015

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Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 3rd November 2015 Written Update
Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 3rd November 2015 Written Update

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 3rd November 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Nishi coming to meet Aman. Aman says I am glad that you and Jignesh have fixed up. Nishi says thanks to him and says she needs to converse with him, and apologizes for acting up with him some time recently. She says she has dependably envisioned to stay with her guardians and kin together. She says she has seen love in her guardians eyes. She says they are as one as a result of her guardians. She says I comprehended their affection when I saw Jignesh going a long way from me. She says you know mum since numerous years and have done as such much for her. You may realize that mum loves Papa, and he additionally cherishes her. He inquires as to whether it is on the right track to independent them, she gets enthusiastic and clears out. 

Jignesh comes to Ranbir and tells that he was stuck in movement, apologizes. Ranbir says I didn't felt bas as we are doing everything for Aarav's advancement. He shows sympathy toward Aarav. Jignesh is cheerful to see his worry. Ranbir gets some information about Aarav. Jignesh lets him know that his uncertainty was correct and tells Aarav has contributed cash with somebody. Ranbir asks from where did he get cash? He says we need to deal with him. Jignesh says we need to accomplish something. 

Suhani stresses thinking Neil and Ragini will battle amid the meeting. Karthik tells they are sufficiently developed. Nishi requests that her not stress and accept on Karthik's words. They goes to Pray. Ragini requests that Neil pick up the pace and says you are not going to see organization together for your children. Neil compliments her excellence and says she is looking excellent. Ragini tries to wear mangalsutra. Neil offers to make her wear and makes her wear mangalsutra. He then fills her maang with sindoor. Saathiya ye tune kya kiya plays… … Ragini expresses gratitude toward him. Neil says gives up. Pam comes to Nivedita. Nivedita requests that her not waste time and requests that her go. Pam advises her that she came to spare her time. Nivedita requests that her dolt others. Pam asks what you will do when you see yourself coming up short at the last min. She says that sound clasp is the last alternative for you. Nivedita says you came here for sound clasp. Pam says she won't admit that the voice are hers and Neil's in the sound clasp. She says you are a major attorney, yet didn't verify the voice from the lap. She requests that her do that else her admiration will be destroyed. Nivedita ponders that and supposes it will take 2-3 days and she can't stand to lose that. Nivedita clears out. Pam tails her in auto and supposes she will get time now to get the tape, and Nivedita won't demonstrate the sound infront of examination group. 

Pam calls Suhani and inquires as to whether Ragini and Neil left from home. Suhani says yes. Pam requests that her eat nourishment. Suhani asks would she be able to go there? Pam says no and reasons with her. 

Jignesh advises Aarav that he needs to contribute some cash to make it twofold, and says he needs to reimburse the cash which his guardians had given him. Aarav tells that he has contributed the cash and will arrange his meeting with the man. Jignesh says he needs to meet him. 

Nivedita gets some information about his flight and says you went ahead a short notice. Neil requests that her not have futile talk and get to the meaningful part. Nivedita requests that Aman make inquiry. Aman requests that Ragini say what happened when Neil raised his hand on her. Ragini says you knew as you arrived. Aman says I came to there late and need to know as a researching group. Ragini tells everything and records her announcement. Nivedita inquires as to whether anybody constrained you. Ragini says no. Nivedita asks Neil, in the event that he slapped RK. Neil says yes, as he got into mischief with my sister. Nivedita inquires as to whether you will raise hand on your wife, on the off chance that she conflicts with your sister. Neil says I will raise hand if need be, yet my wife will never do such thing. He gets some information about the case. Nivedita gets some information about the aggressive behavior at home case. Ragini says she has taken back case. Nivedita says law is not a joke. Ragini discusses spouse and wife's connection which sticks despite seemingly insurmountable opposition, and says you will never know. 


Ragini tells Aman that you may need to take revenge from us. Aman says no, and says he truly need to help them. Ragini requests that he abandon them and says Nivedita may have sent you to see our arrangements with respect to the case. Aman looks on.

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 3rd November 2015 Written Update

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Monday, November 2, 2015

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 2nd November 2015 Written Update

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 2nd November 2015 Full Episode Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar , Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 2nd November 2015 Episode watch Online HD, Hindi TV Seril Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 2nd November 2015

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Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 2nd November 2015 Written Update
Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 2nd November 2015 Written Update

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 2nd November 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Nivedita telling Ragini that she is certain that Neil is in the same pantry, and says she saw her youngsters response. Ragini says affirm and says she will open the organizer. She inquires as to whether she isn't right, then she needs to gather her sacks and leave from her life. She says if Neil is inside, then we all recognize what you will do. On the off chance that Neil is not discovered then I will tell the researching officers that you are annoying me and my children. She is going to open the pantry, yet Nivedita stops her and says don't think I have lost it. Ragini converses with her obtusely and says she won't get tea and espresso. Nivedita clears out. Every one of the children embraces Ragini. Pam and RK come and see Nivedita clearing out. Pam says your face is demonstrating that your work is not done. Nivedita says she will discover him. Ranbir comes and tells somebody is offended today and tells she made joke of herself. Pam says you are fortunate and advises that she went to the Police station. Nivedita says little time is left for the meeting and says she will win as she has numerous evidences against her. Pam thinks why you are playing diversion when you have sound evidence, and thinks how to erase the sound confirmation from her. Ragini opens the organizer and Neil turns out and says he was sweating inside. Ragini says she was tensed as well. Neil asks how could you have been able to you get certainty today, and I was considering by what means can Nivedita didn't get your falsehood? He says you can't lie. Ragini inquires as to whether he is insulting or applauding her. Neil says genuinely you have spared me today. 

Nishi advises her kin that Ragini spared Neil, and wishes she gets to be similar to him. Karthik advises that Nivedita will come tomorrow to take Neil's meeting. Nivedita comes to Aman and advises I went to Ragini's home today. I have an uncertainty that Neil is in the house, and was offended by Ragini. Aman says it is not right to go into somebody's home without legitimate requests. Nivedita says we need to do the examination tomorrow just. Aman requests that her not take her in her arranging and says it was his vulnerability to join the examining group. 

Sunny Tai gives almond milk to Ragini, and requests that her beverage to have quality. Nishi and Agam get some information about his commemoration, and requests that he tell the occasions. Neil and Ragini review their romance period and wedded days. Suhani tells Ragini that Neil was discovering his name in her mehendi. Agam says you took mother on cycle. A melody plays… … tu hai wahin… … Ragini says they have lost such a variety of years. Neil thinks there may be numerous recollections on the off chance that they were as one for a long time. 

Aarav tells Jignesh that he got this container as a result of him. He says it was talented to him by Shilpa, and says it was valuable. Simply then Ranbir comes and slams into Aarav, along these lines breaking the glass. Aarav gets irate and points the finger at him for interfering with him and Shilpa. Ranbir says I didn't do anything purposefully. Aarav is still irate and takes off. 

Later around evening time, Ragini sees Suhani mulling over work area and takes out her specs. She supposes she looks adorable while resting. She offers cushion to Agam. Chandan ka Palna plays… … .Ragini supposes she is feeling gorgeous at the heavenly attendants, taking a gander at their certainty. She supposes her kids are supporting them. Nishi awakens and inquires as to why she didn't rest yet. Ragini says she was not getting rest. Nishi asks did you converse with Aman. Ragini tells Aman was stating that he was a piece of researching group, as he need new innovation for his healing center. She says there is no instance of abusive behavior at home, so what they will verification. She is certain that they will win. 

Nivedita ponders imbecilic Khanna gang. She hears the sound clasp of Neil and supposes it makes her vibe of her win. She supposes Neil and Ragini will be isolated when this sound clasp is heard by all. She says Neil will be spared and supposes he did inconvenience her. She supposes she would have acknowledged his kids moreover. She says Pam said that Neil won't request help. She supposes Neil will ask and twist infront of her requesting that her return to his life. She says she won't return his life and has stand out intention that to destroy him. 


Nivedita questions Ragini. Ragini talks that wedded couple overlook one another, and says you won't comprehend this. Nivedita looks on.

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 2nd November 2015 Written Update

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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 29th October 2015 Written Update

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 28th October 2015 Full Episode Sony Tv, Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 28th October 2015 Episode watch Online HD, Hindi TV Serial Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 28th October 2015

 Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 28th October 2015 Written Episode Update

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 29th October 2015 Written Update
Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 29th October 2015 Written Update

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 29th October 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Suhani and Karthik considering preparing and think mother and father will battle again while preparing. Nishi proposes that they might give them preparing independently. Agam asks who will prepare father? nishi says you. Nishi tells Ragini that they will prepare her. Suhani and Agam come to Neil and says we will prepare you. Neil says I needn't bother with preparing, as I am your father. He requests that they advise what to do? They request that he compose things which he don't care for about him. Nishi requests that ragini compose everything which she knows about. ragini says I am seeing that you are getting a charge out of being my educator. Nishi grins and is cheerful. Ragini solicits her to fare thee well from her kin. Nishi requests that her take out her cynicism out and give her 100 percent. She says Papa ought to understand your honesty in adoration and says best thing will be that you both will be as one. Neil composes on the paper. Itna Karo Na plays… … 

Pam comes to meet Nivedita and asks what do you need? He asks what you are doing with the agents. Nivedita says her just thought process is to get Neil, however when she couldn't get him, he ought not be content with any other individual. She says I will destroy him. Pam says yours stars are great, else I would have beaten you. She says you need to face me before Neil. Nivedita says I am an attorney and will demolish all of you in the meeting. Pam gets some information about that sound clasp. Nivedita says yes, and says she will introduce it in an alternate way and ruin their picture. Pam tells that she is separated from everyone else, except they have a family which will remain against her. She says I have given an announcement to new enquiry group against you, and lets you know will look great in prison garments. 

Karthik tells Suhani and Neil that they should take their meeting together. He says when they understand their affection, they won't put on a show to battle and love will turn out inevitably. Agam says do you think it will work out. Nishi says trust is critical. Agam thinks to advise everything to his young lady companion. 

Jignesh and Aarav are talking some place. Aarav gets a telephone call and he says that he has some work. Jignesh says I will get exhausted and demands to come. Jignesh messages Nishi that he is running with Aarav. Suhani calls Ranbir and lets him know that they have chosen to take mother and father's meeting independently. Ranbir advises her that Jignesh is giving him data about Aarav. He supposes he needs to achieve metro before Aarav comes to there. Agam comes to Suman and advises he misled her. He says I am rich and Ragini's child. Suman gets irate and requests that he go. Agam says he was enamored with her since he first saw her. He enlightens he couldn't care less regarding cash and values the general population around him. He says this is my truth, and it is all your choice at this point. 

Ragini tells Neil that she will bring tea for him. Neil drinks espresso and says it is espresso. Ragini says you didn't let me know that you like espresso more. Neil says I didn't realize that you makes such a decent espresso. Neil enlightens Ragini, you didn't let me know regarding your school smash. Ragini says everybody have squash and gets some information about his pound. They spend light sentimental minute. Pam and RK are in the auto. They see Nivedita sitting in the auto and going. Pam thinks Nivedita may go to Ragini's home and choose to tail her auto. 


Ragini tells Nivedita that she will document police grumbling as a lady entered her home coercively, and she is not discovering couple of things now. She inquires as to whether she saw Nachiket. Nivedita says he is in pantry. Everybody is stunned.

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 29th October 2015 Written Update

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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 28th October 2015 Written Update

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 28th October 2015 Full Episode Sony Tv, Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 28th October 2015 Episode watch Online HD, Hindi TV Serial Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 28th October 2015

 Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 28th October 2015 Written Episode Update

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 28th October 2015 Written Update
Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 28th October 2015 Written Update

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 28th October 2015 Written Update

The show starts with nivedita advising the family to overlook their past connections that left with Aman and Nivs , and carry on professionally with the group , becauese if anything turns out badly then the report will turn out to be wrong she cautions . 

Nivs feels that pam has not demonstrated the video , after that she will have the baazi to support her. She requests that aman let them know the standards 

Aman says none can leave the city while this group is watching them none to lie, nobody will attempt to impact the colleagues , the family won't be cautioned before when they will be checked , so they will must be arranged all the time , 

Nivs is going to start however neil says she can not as He expected to go to Delhi critically 

Ranbir says they can not begin now for next three days 

Nivs says they have orders 

In any case, Ranvir says they have stay orders from the court 

Neil says they too need to take after a few guidelines 

He says they better carry on consciously to each individual from his family , youthful and old 

They won't talk uproariously to any one , 

They will talk deferentially to their seniors 

Neil gets ready to go to Delhi 

Also, Nivs cautions him that he better be cautious or he will go straight to US correctional facility , for tricking and lying , Neil, Nivs have go head to head 

In the room Neil uncovers to Pam and Ragini that he knew at the same time that Nivedita was in charge of the state he was in 

She was the person who recorded cases by fixing the legal counselors and police 

He says he learnt when he found his ledger was fixed. 

He got response time when Rags paid the amout 35 thousand for him 

Pam and Rags are stunned , 

Neil over hears Nivs conversing with her kin that they ought not do anything that make neil suspect her , neil gets the huge clue 

Nivs carries on as though she is astounded 

Be that as it may, neil says she had conned him , by prompting bodies of evidence against him . 

Nivs blames him for double-crossing her, conning her , doing a reversal on his dedication 

She blames him for entering contract marriage without her consent or advising her 

She says she spread the aggressive behavior at home argument against him , just to make him understand how terrible Ragini was for him . 

She says she was going through damnation , she was offended and her were harmed , she yells at him , she needed him to know Ragini was deceiving him. He was blinded with affection for his children consequently she did this 

Nivs speaks sick about Ragini yet Neil demonstrates her the mirror and advises her what ragini truly was for him and the children and what the genuine Nivedita was similar to 

He advises her he takes back his oath and guarantee of wedding her and declines to wed her and states he never adored her , he says and guarantees he would not like to see her face from now on as he abhorred her so much . 

Nivs challenges indignantly he has seen her affection , yet now he will see her resentment and retribution 

Neil says regardless of the possibility that he goes bankrupt and poor he will never wed her or return to her . 

Back home Pam is cheerful he was not going to wed Nivs now. She guarantees they wil stay like a cheerful family dependably. There was no issue 

However, Neil was prepared to confront the lady despised in affection 

Pam guarantees him of full backing . 

At home the kids and pam examine that they will all go about as a gathering 

They miss arav and says he ought to have been there 

Pam cautions them that none ought to inhale a word that neil was not in Delhi but rather comfortable. On the other hand they will get got . 

Jignesh tells ranbir that arav was being guaranteed by some obscure folks that they will triple his cash. They talk about that they ought to keep watch they arav is not deceived ranbir concur 

In another room the kids plate they will show their guardians and train them about one another's propensities , their preferences and abhorrences , with the goal that they are not got in ungainly sotuation by the group from US 

Suhaani and nishi talk about how they will show their guardians simply like they used to show them when they were at school 

They get energized and Suhaani cautions Agham not to aggravate father excessively 

As he got irate quick 

Jignesh tries to wind up pally with Arav just to make him discuss his issues while Ranbir is subtly catching them 

At home Neira are seen coming to the storeroom of the house As prompted by their children 

He adulates the house in provoking way. Clothes says this was her 2BHK house, they were fortunate theu got a store room at all , 

he ponders what shock the children have organized them 

The children stay behind the divider and i frames them in noisy voice this is the examination space for them and they will be inquiries and they will need to answer 

This is counterfeit IV , hone for noting the US group 

They ask neil his wife's fav shading. He says blue. He is correct 

They solicit Rags the fav shading from neil,she says red yet she isn't right 

Neil says it was his old fav now times transformed they get into contention about one another's fav hues 

They gripe that they have neglected to educate one another about their changed fav hues 

Precap for Tomorrow 

Neira offer some espresso together Neil adulates her espresso 

She asks him for what good reason did he never uncover to her prior that he preferred her espresso as opposed to her tea 

He grins and says she would must that he detested the tea she arranged , subsequently he stayed silent about it 

And afterward goes ahead to applaud her grin 

Ragini is all grins.

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 28th October 2015 Written Update

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Sunday, May 31, 2015

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 1st June 2015 Written Episode Update

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 1st June 2015 Written Episode Update

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 1st June 2015 Written Episode Update
Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 1st June 2015 Written Episode Update

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 1st June 2015 Drama Review:

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