Showing posts with label Manmarziyan today. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manmarziyan today. Show all posts

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Manmarziyan 29th August 2015 Written Update

Manmarziyan 29th August 2015 Written Update

Manmarziyan 29th August 2015 Written Update
Manmarziyan 29th August 2015 Written Update

Manmarziyan 29th August 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Radhika intuition to go far from Arjun today. She gets her pack and the papers. She keeps the papers there and reviews Nandini's words. She holds the mangalsutra and thinks about Arjun's words. She cries and leaves from that point. Arjun awakens and does not see Radhika. He searches for her and gets out Radhika. She hears him calling her. He gets the papers and letter. He understands it that whatever happened between them wasn't right, he has a place with Sam, she can't make's Sam extremely upset, she needs him and Sam to be glad, and solicits him to satisfy her fantasy from Sam's joy, she is leaving, their ways are diverse now, she is giving back his bliss and opportunity with these legal documents, now his life's issue is away for eternity. Sam comes to Arjun. Following couple of days in Rishikesh, Radhika offers tea to Dada ji. Radhika still wears mangalsutra and has sindoor. He asks till when will she do this, there is point of confinement of everything. She says you say each agony is acknowledged in affection. Dada ji says Arjun and Sam would have got hitched till now. Sam takes a gander at mangalsutra and grins seeing herself in mirror. She converses with Piyali. Piyali says this mangalsutra does not suit your identity. Sam says identity changed a considerable measure after marriage. Piyali says Samrat and she will miss her. Sam says I will miss you as well, I m simply going on vacation and will return soon. Piyali says I adore your grin, this is a direct result of Radhika's penance. Sam says I know, whether Radhika was not there, I would have not got my affection. Arjun comes and requests that Sam come. 

Radhika says she is not taking anybody's rights, this is only a memory with which she needs to spend life. Dada ji asks does she adore Arjun to such an extent. She reviews Arjun and says a great deal. He inquires as to why to dream what she can't get. She says my fantasy was to return joy to Sam, I got it, why did Lord give me enormous dreams and boldness to go the way I shouldn't have. He wipes her tears. Sam advises Arjun that Radhika instructed us to be upbeat, I got my satisfaction, however in the event that you are not glad, Radhika's fantasy won't be finished, satisfy Radhika's fantasy please. He holds her hand and they grin. They come to birdsong. She reviews Neil. Arjun and Sam have a discussion there, about their recollections. He reviews Radhika. She says overlooking recollections is difficult. Neil says and overlooking companionship is difficult either. Sam says I concur, in any case Arjun is accomplice in birdsong, well done. Arjun says thanks to her. Neil says I don't believe him even at this point. Sam says your trust is not required, and requests that Arjun come. Neil says I don't feel this privilege, Radhika is as of now in agony, and you both… Sam says everybody needs to pay for their deeds, Radhika can't transform her destiny, gives up. They clear out. Neil looks on. Dadaji requests that Radhika read out her verse. She says its not finished. He takes the journal and requests that her make Arjun's pic in it, and punch it. She says Dada ji.. also, gets pitiful. He says overlook Arjun, don't compose torment for yourself. She says you just said life ought to have battle, in the event that I overlook, my battle will end and life will end as well. He says that is the reason I continue attempting to make you grin. He clarifies her. She cries reviewing Arjun and says she doesn't comprehend, she sees Arjun's face when she closes eyes. He says that is the issue with affection. 

Sam and Arjun are headed. She asks did he book occasion tickets. He says no. She says Radhika relinquished her adoration to keep us together, wouldn't we be able to do this for her, she said her joy is in our bliss, wouldn't we be able to give her satisfaction. He says yes, however going infront of her… She says its demon, I know her, she would be crying in your affection, she is distraught, despite everything she cherishes me, believe me. He says you think she will forget us. She says you don't have any acquaintance with her, she is master in overlooking, whats happened in past is over, now nobody can transform it. He reviews wedding Radhika and their minutes. He says you are correct Sam, somethings we change and couple of things change us until the end of time. She says genuine and grins. Dada ji converses with somebody and says yes, come in night, we will be happy, Radhika will keep running from home on the off chance that she knows, don't stress, fine come. He closures call. Mala asks what did they say. Dada ji says they are coming in night, get snacks and desserts. Mala says its in regards to Radhika's life. He says issues unravel by desserts. She says you didn't tell Radhika and called them, don't know will Radhika concur or not. Radhika asks to what will I oppose this idea? They take a gander at.

 Manmarziyan 29th August 2015 Written Update

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Friday, August 21, 2015

Manmarziyan 21st August 2015 Written Update

Manmarziyan 21st August 2015 Written Update 

Manmarziyan 21st August 2015 Written Update
Manmarziyan 21st August 2015 Written Update

Manmarziyan 21st August 2015 Written Update 

The Episode begins with Radhika impending office. Samrat converses with Piyali and says it was not right choice to get Arjun in office. She says Sam needs to face it, overlooking is not an answer. She tells about Radhika, Arjun and Nandini. He says if Radhika was correct.. She asks truly, why will Arjun and Nandini ruin Sam? He reviews the past and says Nandini… She says she is so great, she was sobbing for Sam, she cherishes Sam, Radhika made the issues, its great she is out of Sam's life. Neil comes to Radhika and asks what is she doing here. Radhika says regardless I work here. He says you know everybody here… She says I know they abhor me. He inquires as to why did she come. She says I wanted the reason I got hitched. Piyali goes to her and asks you here? How could you come here? Sam comes there. Radhika says I need to get mettle, my three months are still there, its my agreement with birdsong. Arjun comes and looks on. Piyali asks truly? Your agreement finished when you broke Sam's trust. Radhika says Arjun likewise made herextremely upset, then why did his agreement not end? Radhika says you need to give one month notice period before closure the agreement. 

Piyali says toss the cash all over and show her out, you are let go Radhika. Sam says no mother, let her work, recollect what I said, relations are not line composed on the stones, its great you came to eradicate it I will see till when will you spare your Arjun Sir, till when will you be between us? Radhika says I was dependably between you both, I didn't move that time and does not have wish to move this time. They clear out. Neil says you may be considering you, I don't know why you did this, I simply know you can't do off with anybody, there is some reason, let me know. Radhika says there is nothing, its all infront of everybody. He says the thing that happen is not seen dependably, and its not genuine whats seen, let me know. Radhika is called by Sam. Neil requests that her not go. She signs him and goes. Radhika comes to Sam. Sam requests that her come. She says you like to take my things, you took my adoration, my destiny, then why not the marriage blessings, think this is yours, similar to you think Arjun is yours, it won't be for long. She demonstrates the endowments. She says its teapot, it will look great when you make the tea for Arjun, have it. She breaks it and says sorry, it slipped, similar to Arjun's hand slipped off my hand, you recollect… Neil and everybody come and look on. 

She demonstrates the nighty and says this is intriguing, Rishikesh's bahenji, will you do this? Ofcourse you will, on the off chance that you can grab anybody's to be spouse, why wouldn't you be able to do this. Arjun comes there and sees them. Sam demonstrates the third blessing, a Shawl. She says it will be being used in frosty snuggled up evenings. She demonstrates fourth blessing, towels, for wiping her tears and tosses on Radhika. She asks does she not need this. Radhika gets downtrodden. Sam demonstrates a collection and asks what will she do with this, its Sam and Arjun's minutes caught. She says this can't be yours. She requests that her spare her tears, she needs to sob more, did she think she will be free in the wake of cutting her heart. She says one side is Arjun and other side is you, and this softened pieces up between is my broken heart, you're way will experience this, the more you go near Arjun, this will hurt me. She requests that her not sob, this towel is to wipe your tears. Arjun comes to them. He requests that Radhika come. Sam says goodness your spouse arrives. He holds Radhika's hand and takes her. Samrat comes there and is stunned seeing this. Sam goes to washroom and cries. Neil goes to her. She wipes her tears and asks what is he seeing. Neil says busybody can get herself mortified so well. Arjun asks Radhika who instructed you to get herself mortified. Radhika asks what does this make a difference to you. 

Sam says you choose today, you are on her side or mine? Neil says your sense is still in your knees, make your garments right, pull it up, I m getting diverted, else I don't have the foggiest idea about whose side to take. She says its fine. He says admiration is the point at which the garments are on opportune place, and clears out. Radhika wipes her tears. She sees Arjun upset. She asks did he get pity on her while despising her, it implies its human inside this stone. He asks what babble, where did you realize this, in no way like that. She says its like this, else why do you come to wipe my tears when I sob. She draws near to him and inquires as to why do you care seeing my tears, you are not stone hearted, you are not terrible. He says I m terrible. She says I have seen it. He asks will she see it, she has not seen it, let me know. He goes near her and she moves back. He says when you don't have strength to confront the tiger, you ought not stir him from rest. He leaves.

Manmarziyan 21st August 2015 Written Update 

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