Showing posts with label Sumit Sambhal Lega today. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sumit Sambhal Lega today. Show all posts

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Sumit Sambhal Lega 19th September 2015 Written Update

Sumit Sambhal Lega 19th September 2015 Written Update

Sumit Sambhal Lega 19th September 2015 Written Update
Sumit Sambhal Lega 19th September 2015 Written Update

Sumit Sambhal Lega 19th September 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Sumit awakening Maya. Maya says she is fever and requests that he oversee kids. He says don't stress, your super man will oversee everything. Sumit conveys the children to Maya. Maya requests that he oversee home. He says no, I have meeting with Kapil, this is my first enormous television meeting, I will lose work. She requests that he check her fever. He checks the temperature and prevents Aaliya from hopping on the bed. Maya says its 103. Maya says unwind, I will take children out. He requests that her get well soon. 

Aaliya requests that Sumit give great. Sumit is making breakfast. Maya comes and says she had a regurgitation. Sumit says one uplifting news, circumstance is in control here, the kids' breakfast is prepared. She asks him was he giving his chocolate cake as breakfast, and this moghlai chicken is out. Aaliya says she is likewise not feeling admirably. Sumit says she has fever as well. 

Dolly comes and says she will make things fine. Maya asks Sumit. Sumit says I called mum, as I need to go for meeting. Dolly says Maya and children have fever, Sumit take children to specialist, I will stay with Maya. Sumit gets Kapil's partner's call and gets happy that they can do meeting today in 60 minutes. Sumit says I will send my location. Dolly asks will he work leaving the children. Sumit says I will oversee and call specialist. Dolly kisses Maya's temple to know the temperature and says its 103. Maya is stunned. 

Sumit gets the children to specialist and asks the woman would he be able to take his girl initially, he has meeting with Kapil Dev. The woman tells how sick is her child. Aaliya gets migraine and Sumit converses with her. Kapil Dev comes there and asks Sumit did he call him here. Sumit says yes, as you need to go air terminal in night. He presents Aaliya and gives an extraordinary children seat to Kapil. He requests that the staff get camera. Kapil sits on the scaled down seat. 

The woman requests signature on her child. Sumit says later. Individuals bring selfie with Kapil. Kapil says he can't give meeting here and he won't have the capacity to overlook this meeting. He takes off. Sumit says this was my occupation, which went. Dolly requests that Maya drink the kada. Jasbir comes and asks Dolly where is pickle. Dolly requests that him not yell, Maya is unwell. 

Jasbir requests that Maya do situps, fever will go. Dolly says he means going to television from the bed. Maya requests that they abandon her. They both draw her hands. Maya tells about pickle and Jasbir abandons her hand. Rajneesh comes and requests pickles. 

Sumit gets Aaliya checked by the specialist. He says he don't recognize what Aaliya eats, when she dozes… He says he don't know in regards to any evil kid in her school. The specialist says I must say you are run of the mill father. Sumit says I invest energy with Aaliya, and see kid's shows and says wrong toon show name. The specialist checks Aaliya's ears and requests that Sumit hold her. The specialist gets some information about Avi. Sumit says where did Avi go, and looks in his pockets. 

Rajneesh conveys Avi and says to overlooked him at home. Maya says this kada is truly extraordinary. Dolly says she won't say formula. She says she will make her bedding prepared. Maya expresses gratitude toward her. Dolly says we are comparative, as we both are moms, rest here and embraces her. Sumit accompanies kids and asks how could this happen. Rajneesh says awesome, you got both children home, how could this happen. 

Its night, Sumit asks Maya how is she. Maya says vastly improved. He says children will be fine in 2-3 days, they have influenza. Kapil Dev calls Sumit. Sumit says whatever happened at center, I m sorry, I can't take talk with today, my children are sick, my wife needs me, so sad. Maya asks what happened. He says I cannot, I need to end up great spouse and great father. She says you are now great. He asks is she trying him. She says no, you work and procure for the children. She requests that he call Kapil and go for meeting. 

He says why did you not say this some time recently. Sumit calls Kapil says my wife and children needn't bother with me, would we be able to timetable meeting today and gets happy. Kapil goes to Sumit's home. He is likewise sick. Sumit asks how could this happen. Kapil requests that he call at facility once more. Dolly brings kada for him. Kapil declines to have. Dolly treats Kapil.

Sumit Sambhal Lega 19th September 2015 Written Update

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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Sumit Sambhal Lega 12th September 2015 Written Update

Sumit Sambhal Lega 12th September 2015 Written Update

Sumit Sambhal Lega 12th September 2015 Written Update
Sumit Sambhal Lega 12th September 2015 Written Update

Sumit Sambhal Lega 12th September 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Maya telling about her companion Sandhya's women sangeet and asks Sumit is he prepared. He says women sangeet. She says her hot companions are coming. He says I m prepared. She says we need to perform. He cannot. Jasbir and his companion come inside their home while playing kabaddi… .. Sumit and Maya look on. 

Dolly informs Sumit concerning Jasbir's kabaddi match. Jasbir asks Sumit is sans he. Sumit concocts a rationalization and Maya giggles seeing Sumit rationalizing. He requests that her not stress, as they will go in sangeet. Sumit says he will concoct sangeet rationalization and go out with companion. Sumit tells Jasbir that he will go in women sangeet and hit the dancefloor with Maya there, circumstances are different. Jasbir advises his companion to perceive how sweet is Sumit, I advised her not to have more tamarind. Dolly and Maya look on. Jasbir requests that Sumit be at home and take Bhatinda manures conveyance. Sumit asks were you simply asking this. Jasbir says yes, we are going and chuckles on Sumit requesting that he get a shalwar sewed for him. Maya says she has a smart thought for the move demonstration. Sumit says father was insulting me. Maya says you would must in kabaddi like Rajneesh, as father took him in his group. 

Sumit says it implies father asked Rajneesh, not me, its incredible. Maya says you would have not played. He says yes, yet father ought to have asked me. Maya requests that him not feel terrible, is he arranging this to get spared from sangeet. He says I m not all that brilliant. She says yes. 

Rajneesh and Jasbir chuckle rehearsing kabaddi. Sumit comes and sees them. He asks arrives more lassi. Jasbir says this is uncommon badam lassi to have before kabaddi match. Rajneesh says they got an opportunity to play. Sumit asks Jasbir is his group complete, in the event that he needs any more part, I can say on the off chance that you need. Jasbir says whats there to inquire. Sumit says I m prepared to join, give me this uncommon lassi. Jasbir says now individuals are joining kabaddi for lassi. 

Rajneesh asks Sumit for what valid reason he needs to play. Sumit says I can play on the off chance that you can. Rajneesh tells the intense practice for kabaddi. Sumit gets tensed. Rajneesh says you won't stay for one day. Sumit says you feel you are bond. Rajneesh says father did not take me in group, uncle took me. Sumit says I joined as father took you, you shoukd have let me know. Rajneesh says perceive how little slip-up changes life, we will meet in morning. Its morning, Sumit returns home and has throb. Maya asks what happened. He says kabaddi rehearse. She says abandon it, whats this franticness. He says Rajneesh will ridicule me. She says I will tell Dolly. He says no. She inquires as to why is this match pixie. He says father made Rajneesh chief of the group. He feels Rajneesh is He man of Walia family, I will likewise indicate I m genuine man, and men don't feel torment. 

Sumit joins Jasbir and Rajneesh in the practice. Rajneesh jokes saying Sumita has come. Jasbir shows them to hold breath and gets unwell. He says I m fine, my two tigers are with me. Sumit gets happy. Rajneesh says we will make father's name sparkle. Sumit says yes. Jasbir's companion comes and says the match is going to scratch off. Jasbir says we did hardwork. His companion says we can give one player from our group. Sumit says smart thought. Jasbir says you… Sumit says not me. They think it will be great if Sumit goes in inverse group. Sumit says I won't. Jasbir says I will beat you. Also, jokes on him saying Sumita. Rajneesh says we will meet in the ground. Jasbir comes to Sumit and asks is he unwell. Sumit says yes, I can't play match. Jasbir approaches him to look after his admiration and quit acting, he knows everything, he is his dad, and insults on him for preferring ladylike things. Sumit inquires as to why did he not say before and gets up. Jasbir asks whats your issue. Sumit says try not to be fractional, I get hurt, fine I m Sumita, my emotions get hurt, you can joke on me. 

Jasbir says I didn't think you will say this. Sumit says I think I said a ton, I m too bad. Jasbir says its fine, you said it by right, we couldn't advise this to our dad till now, my dad used to beat on my knees, we didn't have fearlessness to converse with him, I attempted to improve as a father. Sumit says I know. Jasbir says when I see you with your children, I comprehend you are 100 times better father, I fizzled. Sumit says no, perhaps every era is superior to anything old one, possibly Avi turns out to be preferred father over me. We are getting late for match, gives up, we will take off. Jasbir and Sumit giggle. Sumit says he will play and make Jasbir lose. Jasbir gives him tips. They snicker and run. Dolly does tilak to Jasbir and Rajneesh. Maya does tilak to Sumit. The men leave for kabaddi match. The match goes on and Rajneesh holds Sumit high. Sumit loses.

Sumit Sambhal Lega 12th September 2015 Written Update

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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Sumit Sambhal Lega 1st September 2015 Written Update

Sumit Sambhal Lega 1st September 2015 Written Update

Sumit Sambhal Lega 1st September 2015 Written Update
Sumit Sambhal Lega 1st September 2015 Written Update

Sumit Sambhal Lega 1st September 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with the children crying a great deal and making a loud chaos. Maya requests that they chip in. Sumit gets back home and manages the children. He gives them chocolates and they stay silent. She says you realize what happened in 4 days. He gives her chocolate and she embraces him, grinning. She says she can't perceive how she lived without him, its great he preceded her birthday. He says yes, ofcourse, Saturday or Sunday, I recall that it. She calls him charming, sweet, and advises she needs to praise her birthday with her spouse, nobody else. He reviews his mum, father and sibling and advises her. She says I adore them, however I m fortunate to get some time in the wake of getting free from kids' work, they come here without thumping. He says we stay in same house, we are on first floor. She says mum and father don't get it. He says they allow us to sit unbothered. His mum comes in and brings some dhoop, saying she knew her child has come and passes a few insults on Maya. He says Maya will be shooing off terrible things. Mummy ji says Maya has no time, and makes a go at provoking her. Maya takes a gander at Sumit. He says mum is not awful on a basic level. 

Its night, Sumit says they will embrace unseasoned parents. She says your father sent fellowship solicitation to me and my companions, and loved their bathing suit pics, I feel I m… He says as much fortunate… . She says Sumit please… He requests that her run a film with her companions. She says I can't leave kids with mummy ji, else she will insult me. He says he will say an awfulness story to children to keep them cool. He goes to kids and recounts a spooky story to his girl, and alarms her. He gets a call and tells his companion that he has set things. His mum comes there. Sumit tells his companion that he can't come to meet him, as children are separated from everyone else at him. Mummy ji says she will oversee. He says Maya does not need along these lines, I guaranteed her. She solicits is he anxious from Maya. He tells his companion that he will desire 60 minutes. She requests that he go and sends him out. She sees the house fouled up and checks portable workstation. Sumit's senior sibling Rajneesh comes there and Sumit's father likewise goes along with them. He says he was eager and eats the nourishment consistently. She demonstrates to him Sumit's pics on portable workstation. Rajneesh gets some information about the honors. Mummy ji says he won this last week in television correspondents affiliation. Rajneesh says Sumit is everybody's adored one. Sumit's father, mum and sibling chaos the house considerably more. Sumit gets back home and asks will they make his separation done, Maya will abandon him, Maya can come at whatever time from her motion picture. He requests that they please clear out. His father requests that he meet to find out about young ladies. 

Maya returns home and sees the house super cleaned. She says she can't trust this. He says he didn't wed to get a house keeper. She says my Sumit is so exquisite, I will go and see the children, you get prepared. He asks what. She gives him a grin. He expresses gratitude toward Lord. He goes to his room and holds a rose in his mouth, singing a tune. She gets some information about the children, did Papa ji come and play with children, I will converse with your folks. He says no, I went out to meet Monty, mum, father and Rajneesh came. She says I would have not gone. She says they won't come in my birthday, let them know, else they will call me vamp. He says you are not a vamp. She says wouldn't you say we ought to motivate time to invest energy as a few. He says how to let them know. She applies fade to his face. Its morning, he gives back the sanitizer to mummy ji. He needs to tell about Maya's birthday. She gets some information about requesting twelve gourds. He says one week from now, you will get dozen pumpkins, its natural and useful for wellbeing. They contend over the vegetable plans for the entire year, and advise this to his father. Sumit says fine, I will wipe out the plan. He says in regards to Maya's birthday, they are not celebrating. His father asks did Maya's father bite the dust. Sumit says no, I m taking her out to Jantar Mantar, it's an amazement, don't tell Maya. His father snickers on Sumit. Mummy ji says take this gourds, request that Maya make its dish. Rajneesh sees this and gets goaded. 

Maya says its best birthday present as there is no commotion, you ought to dependably say truth to them. He says as much, I say Satyamev Jayate. He asks does he have the rose. He says I m constantly prepared. He sings and move, romancing. His family comes without thump. They ask what are they doing here, as Sumit was taking Maya to jantar mantar. Maya asks who will be jackass to take wife to Jantar mantar. Sumit says fine, I deceived keep everybody glad, this is my issue, we need to tell something all of you meddle a ton in our life. He says they will move to other level, he cherishes Maya, she is not a vamp, in the event that you adore the two of us, give us some time alone, else we will leave from here, perhaps. Maya says its fine Sumit, they are our crew. Mummy ji grins and says they would have let them know, did they meddle in their lives till now. His father says he would have caught on. They clear out. Rajneesh wishes upbeat birthday to Maya and takes off. Maya grins and says I cherish you Sumit. He says I will sit for at some point. She says you will get blessing today and sentiments. Their girl comes and embraces them. He says jantar mantar would be superior to anything.

Sumit Sambhal Lega 1st September 2015 Written Update

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