Showing posts with label Yeh Vaada Raha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yeh Vaada Raha. Show all posts

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Yeh Vaada Raha 3rd December 2015 Written Update

Yeh Vaada Raha 3rd December 2015 Full Episode Yeh Vaada Raha, Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 3rd December 2015 Episode watch Online HD, hindi TV Serial Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 3rd December 2015

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Yeh Vaada Raha 3rd December 2015 Written Update
Yeh Vaada Raha 3rd December 2015 Written Update

Yeh Vaada Raha 3rd December 2015 Written Update

Scene 1: 

Area: out and about 

Aniket asks simi her name, and survi is tensed of her response. at long last, simi, understanding the circumstance makes an untruth and says that her name isSimran, and presents herself as simi, otherwise known as survi's cousin sister. He jokes about simi and simran staying together, and simi goes up against him an alternate prophetic course about comparative names. survi requests that her quiets down, as its getting late, and requests that he go home and rest, while they take the auto, and surge away, refering to that her family must be tensed. survi sits with simi and drives off in the auto. Aniket leaves as well. 

Scene 2: 

Area: Simi's home 

Survi returns home with simi, and srikant asks how could she have been able to she get so late. She says that she got held up. Simi's mom turns out and requests that him not annoy her, and after that requests that he go and rest, with the goal that they can spoil and inspire her, requesting that her go and spruce up, while she lays out hot, new nourishment for her. Survi is tensed yet consents. Simi's mom purposely disregards simi, and goes to survi, with the goal that she gets inspired and after that helps her out she asks of her. She continues floating around her, and after that tells survi that she knows she works at Kartik, furthermore realizes that srikant doesnt know, however requests that her not stress, as she wont tell. Survi takes a gander at simi, who apologizes for her slip of tongue. Simi's mom requests that survi get simi the part of the courageous woman of the film, that he is financing. Survi advises her that he wont hear her out, recollecting what happened with Bindu. simi says that she was giving him individual sentiment, and survi clears up what he really did. simi's mom gets irate and requests that her say clear, that she wont do it. simi remains for survi's barrier saying that she is her closest companion, and would do anything for her, and possibly he really is that disagreeable. at that point simi gets a call that she has been shortlisted for a motion picture, and is excited and proclaims this to everybody. survi is glad, while her mom says that she might keep record of the equalization. Simi says that she needs to still annihilation 3 different young ladies. survi communicates her confidence that she should rout them and sack the part, and requests that her go to the master for the same. Simi as a joke, gives her first signature as a kiss to her. survi grins. 

Scene 3: 

Area: Tai's living arrangement 

Survi goes to kartik's home the following morning, and after that goes straight to supplicate at the sanctuary. tai descends furiously, and asks whats she doing here. Survi thinks about whether tai became more acquainted with that she is survi. tai drops down indignantly, and afterward strolls past survi, and survi swings to find that its Bindu's spouse, Kishore. tai asks him how could he came here. Kartik comes as well and recollects his belief systems last time. She requests that he talk up. survi and kartik alongside others come as well. He apologizes to him, saying that he disregarded his discussions yesterday, yet contemplated it and chose that a marriage works when the lady and the lucky man are as one, and if bindu cannot move then she would stay just where she is glad. Bindu hurries to him. survi and kartik are tensed to hear this. tai insults him and asks who gave him this sudden hurricane of choice. he requests that her let past events be former. Kartik says that these entryways are constantly open for bindu's bliss, however requests that he recall not to ever disturb her, or else he would need to face his anger. He eyes him tensedlly. aniket hears this all. kartik clears out. tai requests that bindu tag along. they both leave. Kishore comes and welcomes aniket requesting that him what do next, as he did excactly what he had instructed him to do. Aniket says that his work is done, as he needed to get him inside, however now its his approach to get inside bindu's heart and that on the off chance that he keeps his goals perfect, then everything would correct itself. survi is overpowered to hear this and takes a gander at him appraisingly, while kishore goes inside. Aniket clears out. survi follows him. She comes to him outside, in the greenery enclosure, and after that inquires as to why and how he did this. he rehashes her belief systems, and how she had condemned him, that presented to him, his standards and his reasoning back destined for success, and expresses gratitude toward her for making him mindful of his obligations. She recognizes him and gets the opportunity to go. aniket stops her and after that inquires as to whether she has a companion. she bungles. he says that he knew she didnt have one, when he saw her life through her point of view, and found that she critically needs a companion. Saying as much, aniket extends his hand for companionship to survi, who delays for a moment, recollecting his past inconsiderate conduct to her, when they were children. He requests that her not think excessively, as he is simply being companions, and that he might never give her a chance to be troublesome, and dependably remain in her direction when issues methodology and survi is taken back to the time, when kartik had amplified his hand. Survi lets him know that making companions is simple however proceeding with it is troublesome, yet satisfying it takes gigantic activity, and the greatest variable being trust, a man ought to have blind confidence on his companion. He inquires as to why so genuine, as he isnt marking a business bargain. He guarantees that he would go into disrepair however never makes her trust get that destiny. She recalls how she had said the same thing to kartik. he jokes requesting that her acknowledge his hand. She grins at him and afterward takes his arm, tolerating the offer. kartik sees this from a separation and doesnt like it. He says that they ought to take a seat and talk and pivots, however when he sees kartik, Aniket winces his hand away suddenly and leaves hurriedly. survi is boggled, and after that she finds kartik's irate glare. she leaves the greenery enclosure and after that methodologies towards kartik. As Survi tries to stroll past kartik, he obstructs her direction, and she eyes him tensedly. She requests that be pardoned as its time for lata's meds and after that strolls past once more, while he keeps on peering toward her tensedly, by moving aside a little when her dupatta gets stuck in his sleeve button, and he eyes her tensedly and frustratedly brings it out with a rascal, when she can't unclaps it, tensed all the more so in his look, as she recalls the past times, they have become stuck like this and afterward strolls off furiously, while she eyes him with blended feelings. she eyes the tear in her dupatta getting tensed and pitiful as well. 

Inside, as survi regulates to lata, she is stunned to find that the meds havent been given to the attendant on time. the attendant counters back saying that she neednt gain from her about productivity. tai comes and gets some information about. survi clarifies the significance of giving the meds on time, and says that she might need to grumble to kartik about him. tai is stunned. The screen solidifies on her boggled face. 

Precap: Later, kartik meets the women shortlisted for his film, with simi being in one of them, while simi is excessively energized, making it impossible to see survi coming in and not able to control her fervor, she waives at her, while survi prods her not to do as such, and recognize them knowing one another, however its past the point of no return, and he as of now sees simi waiving, and after that asks him who was she waiving at. she eyes his back and kartik pivots to see who is it, while simi eyes him tensedly.

Yeh Vaada Raha 3rd December 2015 Written Update

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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Yeh Vaada Raha 1st November 2015 Written Update

Yeh Vaada Raha 1st December 2015 Full Episode Yeh Vaada Raha , Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 1st December 2015 Episode watch Online HD, hindi TV Serial Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 1st December 2015

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Yeh Vaada Raha 1st November 2015 Written Update
Yeh Vaada Raha 1st November 2015 Written Update

Yeh Vaada Raha 1st November 2015 Written Update

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Friday, November 6, 2015

Yeh Vaada Raha 6th November 2015 Written Update

Yeh Vaada Raha 6th November 2015 Full Episode Yeh Vaada Raha, Yeh Vaada Raha 6th November 2015 Episode watch Online HD, Hindi TV Seril Yeh Vaada Raha 6th November 2015

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Yeh Vaada Raha 6th November 2015 Written Update
Yeh Vaada Raha 6th November 2015 Written Update

Yeh Vaada Raha 6th November 2015 Written Update

Scene 1: 

Area: Tai's living arrangement 

Shanti gets them sustenance, while he requests that survi eat. She says that he too hasnt eaten anything in the opposition. They both eat together and sustain eacjh other, while he teases and toys with her, while she amusingly makes the most of his whimsical tricks. She eyes him affectionately as he eats, swearing that she wont let his life be destroyed and should uncover her before everybody. in the interim vishakha creps up on tai, and they both are diverted and joke about the suceess of their arrangement. vishakha says that she too feels like the inclination to drink. Tai requests that her proceed with this exterior, till she herself gets the half stake of kartik, and that she paid a considerable measure to everybody, to down survi in his eyes and set him up with her. they both giggle 

The following morning, survi comes and discovers tai sitting and surging through sarees, with laata, while survi comes and finds the sanctuary shut. lata advises her that its all gone for cleaning on Diwali, and all puja might happen at night just at this point. she is told by tai that the minister has come to settle a date for the marriage, and requests a date before diwali with the goal that she can complete the process of everything. survi is lost anbd tensed. tai is diverted and requests that her go and get him and vishakha, as they have to choose their own particular wedding shopping. Survi resignedly consents and goes, while tai observes amusedly. Survi comes and finds vishakha in kartik's room, while his back is turned towards her, and it appears that she is getting cozy with him, and survi is sickened, though really vishakha is simply sewing a catch on his shirt. Survi misunderstands the thought and swings to go, yet viushakha stops her. he pivots astounded as well. When he tells what vishakha was doing, she is alleviated. he thanks vishakhaa. Vishakha comes and says that now between them, there might be currently thank yous, as he can request anything from her. he says that he isnt habituated, and she says that he can create it. he then swings to survi and asks whats the matter and what she needed. She approaches them to descend for the choice of their marriage. he is stunned and says that he cannot wed at this moment. survi enthusiastically asks whats the matter, while vishakha is boggled. he says that its better that they chat with everybody and goes, with vishakha after him. survi stands tensed. In the drawing room, tai sends all away, and after that asks him for what reason cant he wed. He says that he should wed when settling each one of her little girls furthermore reminds her his guarantee to consider her family rather than him, and guarantees her that even vishakha might comprehend that he needs at some point. Lata is tensed. he asks all of them top comprehend that tai's family is his need. Tai puts on a show to be enthusiastic, and says that his guarantee isnt over his joy. She goes and swears on the bhagwad gita, before everybody, that today, this exact second, she liberates him from all guarantee towards her and her crew. all are stunned. tai says that she believes him totally, as with or without guarantee, he would dependably pay special mind to her and her gang. All eye tensedly. She says that when he weds, she would be more upbeat and subsequently requests that he assent. lata then inquires as to whether he has any more issues. He goes along resignedly. tai requests that he cleric get a date, and he advises of the marriage inside of the week, as after that, there's no better date. All are stunned especially survi. lata is tensed of the plans. tai says that they should oversee everything pleasantly and afterward inquires as to whether its alright. he goes along, according to her wish. survi stands troubled. tai and vishakha grin evilly. survi thinks about how she should uncover vishakha so quick. All get to cheerfulness and festivity, while kartik and survi eye one another longingly when he begins envisioning a fantasy succession of just them two. she is shocked back to reality as tai places vishakha's hand in his, complimenting on their couple. tai purposefully gives survi desserts first. Simply then, vishakha gets a call, and she gets tensed pondering what to do now. Survi is boggled, while tai is tensed as well. lata requests that her get. Vishakha comes up with a rationalization that its her instructor and that she ought to let him know as well, as he would be upbeat, and reasons herself from the room. survi is tensed. he flags and inquires as to whether all is well. She just falls asleep. 

Outside, pyare is sitting when hema comes and jois him, inquiring as to whether he is still furious. he professes to be sentimental, and after that requests that her envision that he is breezing through every one of the tests without knowing whats going ahead in her brain. she begins discussing her dress for kartik's wedding. he gets baffled and aggravated, and requests that her answer in a yes or no. she says that she experienced passionate feelings for yesterday, when she got inspired that he kept a quick and starved for her. He is thrilled, and afterward represents tai's issue, that she wont give them a chance to unite and says that he has discovered an answer, that today evening time they should flee and get hitched. She proceeds with her talk and leaves enthusiastically. He then remarks that he knew she would get caught, and he would turn into the child in law of the house, and begins having show. 

Vishakha in the interim gets the telephone, and asks whats the matter. the gentleman advises her that her show is this evening, while she says that she cannot come today. he advises her that she has taken progress and cautions and undermines her that she does it keeping in mind that they abduct her. She begins being undermined and is tensed. She ponders what to do. the screen solidifies all over. 

Precap: Inside, as vishakha sustains desserts to him, survi is not able to hold up under it, and battling back her tears, she surges far from there to her room. he gets tensed seeing her like this. While she is tensed in her room, he goes to her and says that now she cannot do anything as the marriage might happen. He then inquires as to why is she so disturbed as she doesnt need to go through entire existence with vishakha, as she would leave sometime as well. She exclaims agitatedly that she wont abandon him and go anyplace. He is boggled to see such fierceness in her tone. She is herself embarassed to have said it out loud.

Yeh Vaada Raha 6th November 2015 Written Update

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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Yeh Vaada Raha 4th November 2015 Written Update

Yeh Vaada Raha 4th November 2015 Full Episode Yeh Vaada Raha , Yeh Vaada Raha 4th November 2015 Episode watch Online HD, Hindi TV Seril Yeh Vaada Raha 4th November 2015

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Yeh Vaada Raha 4th November 2015 Written Update
Yeh Vaada Raha 4th November 2015 Written Update

Yeh Vaada Raha 4th November 2015 Written Update

Scene 1: 

Area: Tai's home and out and about 

tai advises kartik that because of this young lady, this dramatization is occurring. She censures vishakha. Survi then tells everything that she has so far seen and found out about vishakha. he is stunned to know this. Tai lets him know this is her actual self. She then comes to vishakha furiously and requests that her tell everything. Survi then stands and says that she had called faking a dizzyness, that day she spoke unmistakably about the intentions. vishakha passionately dissents blamelessness, as she had this telephone only for her family, and how she had talked in the auto as well, and that she never concealed anything from him. She says that survi has misconstrued her. Survi asks her that its enough as they all know she arrives fo an alternate rationale. Survi tells Vishakha that they might noy manage her traps any longer, and all realize that she attempted to trap kartik by coming here, and today she should uncover her. All are tensed, including tai and vishakha. She says that it might be demonstrated rightaway. She requests that he check the call-list for the last dialed number, as that individual is the person who has sent vishakha here. All are tensed while he requests that vishakha demonstrat to him her versatile number. She denies. he asks whats the issue, on the off chance that she is honest. survi says that she knew she wouldnt give, as that might uncover her. Tai says that the telephone isnt essential yet the principle guilty party and rationale is. Survi says that they should get to the individual through the telephone. He sternly requests that her give the telephone. Vishakha gives him the telephone tensedly, as others watch on. In the mean time, tai conceives that survi is extremely savvy. She trusts and goes to the master to spare her today, as the last dialed number, was hers just. She is terrified. He then minds the telephone, while others watch with bated breaths and suspicion. He dials the last number, and it doesnt ring on tai's telephone and she is boggled and she takes a gander at vishakha. She gives her a knowing look. Survi hands the telephone to vishakha to talk. the kindred talks from the flip side. She requests that he return home, as she wont have the capacity to talk. he concurs. survi focuses out that he didnt even request the location, and knew where to come. He eyes vishakha tensedly. tai denounces her, and advises her to go out with her, and tell everybody that she is at shortcoming and not kartik. He requests that her let be, yet tai requests that her not meddle with this work now as its her matter, and takes off. He is still uncertain that vishakha may be guiltless and is superfluously being exploited. survi lets him know that he is thinking without reason, as she would be demonstrated liable. Simply then, she has a blacking out spell, and he comforts her. She says that she felt discombobulated and afterward he gives her water, while they are neglectful of the way that he simply broke her quick. lata tells that she probably been eager, because of the quick and because of the show she didnt even get an ideal opportunity to eat. he eyes her adoringly, while she turns away. she is glad that she satisfied it totally legitimately. 

Outside, tai takes vishakha and requests that all of them quiets down, as now she might clarify everything and reality. vishakha talks up saying that tai is right, as what happened wasnt Kartik's issue, and she was at issue. She says that she came here to trap him, much to their stun. tai then lashes at the women, and includes that the individual who advised her to do this is likewise joining the police, and after that the case might turn out to be totally clear. simply then, a man shouts to vishakha, and the group clears a path for him. he comes upto them and tai asks who is he. he says that he is her instructor and used to show her. Tai censures vishakha and abuses her before the media. Simply then the educator illuminates and gives the same story that vishakha had given them. he then elucidates that the young lady is guiltless. the police arrives as well, and affirm this story and that her ncle was getting her wedded to an old man, and she got the chance to escape through the educator. Simply then, all mobiles begin ringing. It demonstrates a video of Tai debilitating the young lady inside to acknowledge her wrongdoing outside. Tai is boggled as she takes a gander at it, and is dumbfounded. 

Inside, he requests that survi fare thee well, while she grins at him. simply then, tai then enters in, and tells everything that happened in, and how everybody is supporting vishakha, and how they took vishakha and didnt let her here. Survi is still certain that vishakha did this. tai requests that her stop now, as all proofs point that she is blameless. She additionally tells about her video being made of coercing her, and how its being exhibited in wrong light in the media. Lata requests that they hold up, as she might go and handle everything. he says that he wont release her, as he should go as well. tai says that she wont release him outside, as its high hazard included. she advises survi to take her outside. They both leave. tai and bindu are entertained. 

Outside, pyare mohan gets hema nostalgic that he stayed hungry for her, and that he is upbeat in the event that she is, and he is content on the off chance that she is. he requests that her quit meeting him, or else she should become hopelessly enamored with him. he requests that her not tell anybody anything, and after that when he pivots, he discovers her gone and is befuddled. in the mean time, on the stronghold yard, while all are walking hostile to trademarks against kartik. Lata instructs them to stop this as this cannot understand anything, and they can all sit inside and discover an answer. The women censure them. vishakha comes and asks for them to stop this, as she doesnt have anything against kartik and his crew. lata requests that they stop this, as they have never looked for wrong for anybody and are pure. Survi too asks and argues regarding why are they doing this, and requests that they stop this show and alleviate kartik. lata requests that her calm. yet, survi proceeds with and includes this is all Vishakha's flaw and she has purposefully done this. the women get an opportunity to condemn once more, that they are scoundrels, and every one of the individuals are insulted, one is fake apologizing, other is denouncing, and the guilty party is covering up inside, with the tai who continues undermining. they choose to show them a lesson. lata and survi are stunned. Pyare mohan sees this and is stunned. 

Inside, kartik gets eager to go out, however tai tries to keep him in. simply then, pyare comes and requests that kartik come promptly and see what happened. He surges out. tai and bindu are entertained as they applaud. Kartik and Pyare mohan turn out and are stunned to locate a whole upheaval, and hurry to discover whats happening. as he at long last has the capacity get amidst the group, he finds lata's face being spread with Black paint, censured for what he accusedly did. he is stunned and staggered his mom being embarrassed and offended like this. tai and bindu watch this from the overhang, entertained evilly. the screen solidifies on kartik's staggered face. 

Precap: Kartik asks vishakha that she had asked him who should hold her hand now, and much incredibly, he says that he might hold her hand and be with her. vishakha grins evilly and takes a gander at survi, who is stunned and insulted. lata too is astonished. Bindu and hema are entertained..

Yeh Vaada Raha 4th November 2015 Written Update

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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Yeh Vaada Raha 29th October 2015 Written Update

Yeh Vaada Raha 29th October 2015 Full Episode Zee Tv, Yeh Vaada Raha 29th October 2015 Episode watch Online HD, Hindi TV Serial Yeh Vaada Raha 29th October 2015

 Yeh Vaada Raha 29th October 2015 Written Episode Update

Yeh Vaada Raha 29th October 2015 Written Update
Yeh Vaada Raha 29th October 2015 Written Update

Yeh Vaada Raha 29th October 2015 Written Update

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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Yeh Vaada Raha 28th October 2015 Written Update

Yeh Vaada Raha 28th October 2015 Full Episode Zee Tv, Yeh Vaada Raha 28th October 2015 Episode watch Online HD, Hindi TV Serial Yeh Vaada Raha 28th October 2015

 Yeh Vaada Raha 28th October 2015 Written Episode Update

Yeh Vaada Raha 28th October 2015 Written Update
Yeh Vaada Raha 28th October 2015 Written Update

Yeh Vaada Raha 28th October 2015 Written Update

Scene 1: 

Area: Tai's living arrangement 

Kartik asks the specialist how is tai now. the specialist tells that she took a substantial measurement of toxic substance yet luckily the toxic substance didnt spread to the circulation system, and he has taken out the toxin. he requests that him not motivate her to take mental anxiety as she can prompt this sort of conduct again then. He concurs and after that races to tai's room. he is apalled as he recalls the way he had tersely addressed tai and after that had her out of the house. he eyes her resting and recalls that her heartfelt supports that he didnt pay a notice to. he falls on her feet, while survi and shanti come in. tai awakens and asks whats he doing. He apologizes plentifully for the mix-up rather the wrongdoing and wrongdoing, of him blaming her for things. She says that in resentment, individuals regularly overlook the great and the awful, and that once she is alright, she should go out everlastingly, beginning with the drama. he gets startled and says that in the event that she goes away, he wont have the capacity to excuse himself. He asks and argues her not to go. After much acting, she says that she might pardon and never revisit everything and that she should begin with him once again and that its great lata wasnt a witness to this, since she wouldnt have possessed the capacity to excuse him after this. She lets him know that on the off chance that he ever questioned her again, she wouldnt simply go out, yet the world as well. he is appalled and races to her and says that never will this happen again, and he wouldnt even trust god, on the off chance that he talks against her. She is internally cheerful. he says that he knows his tai wont ever betray him. She grins. he apologizes. survi and shanti are apalled. survi comes and apologizes as well. tai says that she doesnt need their statement of regret, yet their trust and after that requests that all of them go and allow her to sit unbothered. She requests that he close the entryway, after he leaves, as she doesnt need to be bothered. they go along and leave the entryway, shutting it behind them. After they are gone, she gets up and laughs uproariously, imagining that she did a great demonstration. she then rings the assessor, who has deluded kartik with the call records, and after that lauds her gigantically for her virtuoso cerebrum. she says that she would send him the cash for this work tomorrow. she wipes out the call. at that point she gets enraged at survi, that because of her, she needed to drink toxic substance and her blood was shed, and that she should show her a lesson for each drop of her blood. she swears that this Diwali, should be her last night in the house and the world. 

As she descends at the breakfast table, she discovers hema engaged at the cell telephone. she inquires as to why would that be no breakfast. hema says that lata isnt here thus no nourishment. tai requests that her request then. survi accompanies nourishment, saying that she cooked subsequent to lata wasnt here. she is shocked and applauds her in abundance, and requests that hema take a lesson. she inquires as to why did she cook to such an extent as it should go to squander. kartik comes in saying that it wont as now he might deal with his eating routine. tai asks how could he have been able to he get so cognizant. shanti says that its because of survi, as he guaranteed her that he would deal with himself. tai is stunned yet claims to be cheerful, saying that survi is keeping up her kinship. tai gets disappointed and requests that hema get alternate children as well, with the goal that they can all sit and eat. hema consents. kartik says that he should serve. a verbal fight follows in the middle of him and survi with reference to who might serve. tai watches this, disturbed. 

Outside, the kids are annoyed with the warmth. Aniket says that they ought to go in, however bindu gets her sense of self in the way saying that she cannot stand survi, regardless of the possibility that tai has requested that they come to like survi, for the present, as she is great in kartik's eyes at this time. Pyare mohan sees bindu and after that goes to her, and tries to get talkative and near her, while clarifying that he did miss her, when they had gone, as she holds an imperative spot in his heart. Hema comes to approach them to want breakfast. he goes to bindu and says that he feels settled now that she arrives as well. she is boggled. he does likewise cycle of sentiment with hema as he did with bindu. aniket and bindu are disappointed. Bindu comes and says that he is really attempting to play with two sisters in the meantime, and requests that he fear tai and her anger, in the event that she becomes more acquainted with this. hema is furious at his betraying nature. they all go in, while the fellow says keeps vulgarly remarking, that he is after Bindu. 

Scene 2: 

Area: out and about 

While lata and raghu are driving out and about, a spouse surges in from some place, and falls right on the windsheild of the auto and they are both stunned. The lady is tensed as well. lata gets down and inquires as to whether she is alright. the young lady asks and requests her assistance, as else her life might be destroyed. lata is boggled and requests that her clarify. the young lady requests that and implores her take her in the auto and to the home, where she might clarify everything. lata concurs. raghu says that they shouldnt get outsiders like this. In any case, lata, out of compassionate purpose chooses to help her and they all sit particle the auto to drive off. yet, once situated, they get themselves stood up to by 4 goons that stuns them. the goons come to them and they draw down the windshield. the goons ask they saw a spouse and they deny, while the young lady takes cover behind the secondary lounge. the goons inquire as to why have theyn suddenly halted here. lata says that the auto ceased, and after that raghu says that they got the issue right and are prepared to move. Tehy are requested that leave. They go along. the goons look ahead. lata then requests that the young lady clarify who is she, and whats the matter, and why are the goons after her. she inquires as to why are they after her. The young lady gets nauseatic and gets to be oblivious. lata and raghu are tensed. they choose to rush home. 

Scene 3: 

Area: Tai's living arrangement 

the wedding young lady is resting in the room, when she awakens to discover pyare mohan drifting over her. she begins shouting and surges out. he requests that her listen atleast. The young lady races through the passage, and firmly embraces kartik, originating from the inverse end, taking him aback. She asks to be spared, while he is stunned, to see her grasping at him. he asks whats happeneed, and who is she attempting to spare herself from. Pyare mohan simply then digs out from a deficit. she indicates him. he says that she had a misconception, as lata requesting that he keep an eye on her. She asks which place is this as she cannot comprehend anything. he is tensed. 

Later, as the whole family sits, tai continues asking her who is she. Lata says that she may be tensed and terrified, and after that wheedles her to talk, and not be frightened. the young lady says that she is vishakha and is going to talk more, qwhen tai close her, and requests that her get to the primary point, in respect to what was she doing out and about rather than the sacrificial stone. she says that her uncle and auntie were getting her wedded to an old man, for the purpose of cash. Kartik says that he should call the police. be that as it may, she implores him not to do as such, as she cannot send her relatives to imprison. she expresses gratitude toward them for what they did. lata says that its equitable mankind and no support. she then asks where might she go, as she has no folks, and she cannot do a reversal to her uncle and close relative. tai requests that lata not be pestered, as she should choose herself, since the young lady without a doubt cannot stay in the house. the screen solidifies all over. 

Precap: Tai says that she should not stay here at any expense. kartik tells tai that the young lady may have misled them, however where might she go as of right now of time. tai says that she can go wherever she wishes to, yet she should not stay here. he implores her to rethink and let her stay here transitory as she isnt here changeless. she says that he can do whatever he wishes, yet she should permit the young lady for just two days. he grins. As she gets in her room, she gets a call and she says that the diversion hasnt even began yet and she should get much delight now, and she might be after kartik now. survi hears this from the entryway and is tensed and astounded as well. the screen solidifies on her tensed face.

Yeh Vaada Raha 28th October 2015 Written Update

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