Qubool Hai 4th November 2015 Video Watch Dailymotion
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Qubool Hai 4th November 2015 Written Update |
Qubool Hai 4th November 2015 Written Update
Scene 1:
Area: out and about
Mahira advises her that she has no idea what number of more hues she needs to see of hers. she says that she did all penances for her, then how would she be able to do this to her after the greater part of their arrangements. begum requests that her quiet down. She inquires as to why did she execute her own particular child, as she had constantly listened, that a mother can do anything, however not take her kid's life. begum says that ahil needed this. mahira inquires as to whether he needed to pass on, then why would he have liked to turn human so he could live on with her for time everlasting. begum is apalled. she portrays his last words to mahira, who is stunned. She inquires as to why didnt she advise her, as she could have gone through those withering minutes with him, as she was his wife. begum inquires as to whether she would have possessed the capacity to take the choice, had she seen azad like that. mahira inquires as to whether she is correct, and believes that she did well. begum advises her he needed to do this frantically, for her and her joy just. She says that when he turned into a human like this, by giving up his life. mahira is apalled. begum tells that she excessively lost her child and laments and requests that her trust that whatever azad did is right, as wherever he seems to be, he blesses them. mahira asks who got azad's heart. begum is paralyzed. the specialist says that they cannot disclose this data, as there's convention. she keeps on argueing, bue begum requests that her quiet, as those are blessed who give somebody existence with their demise and wherever azad is through his heart, that individual must be glad and requests that her quiet down at this point. mahira embraces begum and she touches her and after that requests that her return home. begum takes mahira and after that they continue to take off.
Armaan comes in simply then, saying that he has a meeting with the specialist. the assistant lets him know the path to the specialist's lodge saying that he should meet him now. he goes out towards it, absent that in his way, begum is accompanying mahira from the inverse end. their ways meet yet their eyes dont, as they stroll past one another. afetr that, mahira all of a sudden hears the pulse of azad and stops naturally and pivots. begum is boggled and asks whats the matter. mahira advises her that she needs a few answers, and she should take them and afterward get back home. she requests that begum go. begum leaves, while mahira turns and strolls. Mahira discovers the record room, and contemplates the heart transplant must arrive as well. She goes in and discovers numerous records, pondering where to begin from. She begins searching for records with the name A, lastly finds Azaad's document. listening to a sudden thump simply then, she holds the document back and stows away. the medical caretaker comes and records and documents some stuff, while mahirs watches from stowing away.
The specialist guarantees armaan that all is fine, and after that requests that the wardboy get the document for armaan. he goes to the record room, and afterward requests that the medical caretaker give the document. Mahira hears that the same document is being called for. She gives out armaan's record to the wardboy, and he sees it. at that point he leaves with it. Mahira is tensed. The specialist see the document and reports and finds that everything is typical, and requests that armaan go home serenely. In the mean time, mahira surges out ofthe room, while the medical attendant is amazed to see her. The medical attendant surges after her, however mahira keeps on running and afterward stows away under the stretcher to abstain from being gotten. she trusts that the attendant doesnt see her.
Outside, the specialist turns out with armaan, and lets him know that the giver's wife came and got some information about the beneficiary yet he denied since they dont unveil such data. through the curtains, she scarcely figures out how to see the shoes. The specialist additionally includes that he wont let him know too who is the benefactor. Armaan strolls past and she just figures out how to see the shoes. After the attendant is gone, mahira turns out and surges after armnaa, yet loses him in the hall. she scrambles for him, till the outside, where Armaan goes by her, in the auto. Mahira pursues the auto to stop, however futile. she stands down and out.
Scene 2:
Area: Begum's living arrangement
In the haveli, mahira tells begum that she couldnt see his face, and begum is soothed. mahira says that she wont lose trust, as she has the quantity of his auto and would track him down. begum requests that her overlook and proceed onward, yet mahira says that she cannot do it, and would seek after it. begum solicits her to take it out from her psyche, yet mahria says that she needs to go and discover. She however unintentionally bumbles and falls in simply then. She sees a man coming in and perceives the same shoes that she had found in the healing center. She is stunned, as she turns upward. mahira sees armaan and tells begum this is the man who conveys azad's heart. She is stunned herself as she recalls their last experience. begum however is excessively stunned and staggered, making it impossible to react. She tells armaan that he is a man who deteriorate and abhorrent on the planet, and that her blue moon custom couldnt complete because of him, and after that took her spouse's heart as well, as azad would be coming in his grave to find that he gave the heart to this individual. begum requests that her stop, while she proceeds with that she wont as this man is blameworthy to azad, her and begum herself as well. Armaan says that he isnt in the propensity to listen to drivel. Mahira says that she isnt talking babble and rehashes that the mischance wouldnt have happened, and now he grabbed away everything from them, and they dont need any pay from him consequently. she is sickened and pushes armaan away, soliciting him to get out from the house straightaway. Armaan advises her to be careful, as he wrenches her hands and contorts her around, as where she is talking like this at this moment, is his home. she is stunned, as he requests that who is she get him out of the house, and in the event that she has an issue, she can without a doubt clear out. An anbgry yet suggest showdown takes after. mahira is stunned to realize that the house has a place with him. mahira asks begum by what means would she be able to do this, as this isnt only a bond and block structure, and she is disposing of the recollections of azad as well. begum says that it sounds superior to anything it really is, as they are awfully udner obligation, and he has paid a nice looking cost for it. mahira inquires as to whether she is suffocated so much that she doesnt administer to her child's recollections. She says this is the individual who took azad's heart. she says that she messed around with azad yet she wont give her a chance to mess with his recollections. begum requests that her quiet down and let go of time, and proceed onward in her life. she says that she needs to live in the present and live on. Armaan interferes. he elucidates that as a matter of first importance, he didnt take azad's life, and subsequently she ought to stop this babble of a killer, and besides the arrangement for this house is done and there is no hope now and he doesnt like this sort of show in the house and thus they both need to get out. begum and mahira are stunned. Mahira requests that he simply ahead and do whatever he wishes to, however she should not move out. he says that he doesnt have time for rubbish, and inquires as to whether she might go herself, or if he call the police. She is inflexible and requests that he do whatever he wishes. he then requires the police, however before that, begum holds his hand and afterward withdraws when he takes a gander at her. She lets him know that she needs to identify with him in private. he is tensed so she argues. he agrees. they both leave. mahira stands tensed.
Inside, begum requests that he attempt and comprehend the predicament and amazing distress that she is experiencing because of the loss of her spouse and requests that he understanding with her. He says that its noone of his business, as his arrangement is a business one, and not an individual one. she says that she is simply requesting at some point, after which they might abandon themselves. When she addresses him as a child, she remembers everything right from their initially meeting. the screen solidifies on their appearances.
Precap: Mahira lets him know that in light of the fact that he is living here that doesnt mean she should give him a chance to live and keep his stuff anyplace. he says that he doesnt need anybody's authorization to pick where he needs to keep what of his stuff, in his own home. He says that inside of some time, he might have her tossed out of the house. mahira says that the truth will surface eventually who tosses whom out. he hammers the entryway close all over, and she pivots, however feels a haul behind. in the interim armaan too finds that her dupatta is adhered to his bind, through the entryway. Both are boggled and tensed, on the inverse finishes of the shut entryways.
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