Showing posts with label Balika Vadhu latest news update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Balika Vadhu latest news update. Show all posts

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Balika Vadhu 24th September 2015 Written Update

Balika Vadhu 24th September 2015 Written Update

Balika Vadhu 24th September 2015 Written Update
Balika Vadhu 24th September 2015 Written Update

Balika Vadhu 24th September 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Akhiraj returning home through the window furtively. Harki thinks some goon is entering and tries to hit him with wooden bar, yet Akhiraj holds her hand and lets it know is him. He requests that her nearby the entryway. Harki shuts the entryway and asks what transpired. Akhiraj tells Jagya is in charge of his condition and holds Harki's neck inquiring as to myself. Harki cries and tells she didn't have the foggiest idea. Akhiraj tosses her on ground and marvels who can this. He supposes Disa advising that she conversed with Harki on telephone, and inquires as to whether she called you on telephone. Harki gestures no. Akhiraj says it implies she has educated Jagya everything. 

Kundan comes and advises that Disa went to Sanjodi to converse with Jagya and he heard her discussion with Kamli. He says Disa advised everything to Jagya. Akhiraj gets all that much furious, takes his sword and goes to execute Disa. Disa advises Kamli that she will converse with Jagya and will get some information about Akhiraj. She sees Akhiraj coming there, with sword in his grasp and gets stunned. Akhiraj calls her snake under the sleeve, and says you did wrong by conversing with MLA Jagya. He says you won't be spared today. Kamli falls on his feet and requests that him not murder her. 

Akhiraj says you made opening in the plate in which you have eaten sustenance. Disa acknowledges to have educated Jagya and says she has secured her villagers ladies. She says I am pleased with myself and don't trouble on the off chance that I get passing. She says she can't eat roti made of Adharam. Harki says I won't abandon you today. Akhiraj tosses Kamli to a side. Nimboli and Urmila looks stunned. Akhiraj says you are extremely glad for your doings so I will give you prize. He speaks the truth to execute her, simply then Nimboli comes and argues him to leave Disa. Akhiraj says I will slaughter you additionally with her. Kundan requests that Jagya execute them. Disa takes Nimboli behind her. Akhiraj speaks the truth to slaughter them, just them Jagya shoots on his hand. 

Jagya says you have done one more wrongdoing and requests that Police capture him. He says I am witness moreover. Harki argues not to capture her spouse. Akhiraj gets irate at Disa. Disa gives him a decent instructing. Akhiraj says I did a major slip-up and would have murdered you some time recently. He says I would have murdered you, however Devi halted me. Disa lets him know that Devi used to come to shield herself from him, and afterward to ensure Nimboli, Kamli and so on. She says genuine devi can't come on account of Rakshas at home. Akhiraj looks shocked. Jagya requests that Police put Akhiraj in jail. Jagya requests that Disa give proclamation in the Police station and says he has made every one of the game plans. Disa holds her hand and says thanks to him. Kundan grabs the sword to execute Disa, Nimboli, and Kamli. Harki stops him and says they will take revenge when the right times comes. She requests that he concur. Kundan goes irately. Harki slaps him and says he will get in jail as well.

Balika Vadhu 24th September 2015 Written Update

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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Balika Vadhu 23rd September 2015 Written Update

Balika Vadhu 23rd September 2015 Written Update

Balika Vadhu 23rd September 2015 Written Update
Balika Vadhu 23rd September 2015 Written Update

Balika Vadhu 23rd September 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Akhiraj fleeing from the Police constable's grasp. Examiner illuminates Jagya that Akhiraj has fled. Jagya requests that the general population not get tensed and tries to quiet the group. While in the transport, Disa asks Nimboli for what reason she tossed stone on the Inspector. Nimboli says police is awful. Disa says each Policeman is not awful and helps her to remember Akhiraj's doings. Nimboli apologizes. Disa goes to God not to tell Akhiraj about them and make them achieve home quick. Akhiraj is seen stowing away in the grass truck aside the transport. Anant comes to Anandi and says one day you advised in regards to darkest spot in your life. He says Dr. Jagya and his family are great. He says they individuals regard you and it demonstrates that you have wonderful connection with them. He apologizes to her on the off chance that she felt awful. Anandi says it is alright. She says she exited thinking in regards to it, and says she was raised in badi haveli. It was more like a mayka than her sasural. She says she couldn't comprehend marriage as she was a youngster. She says she has unquestionably great connection with them. Disa and Nimboli achieve home. Nimboli says she will run inside with the window and assists her with getting in. She jumps on the funnel with much trouble and contacts her room's window. She hears somebody coming and tries to get down, however then sees Kundan washing his hand with the faucet water. She appeals to God to spare her. 

Disa gets inside the house. Kamli and Nimboli get some information about the chunari. Disa tosses it and tells something incorrectly happened in Sanjodi. Harki comes holding the dupatta which Disa tossed outside. She asks whose chunari it is. Disa says don't have a clue. Harki inquires as to why did you came late from sanctuary. Disa says she met Kusum's chachi. Harki says she is not in Jhalra and went to Jaipur to meet her sibling. Disa says she came in the morning. Harki gets some information about Nimboli. Disa gets tensed. Nimboli is as yet hanging holding the funnel. Kundan follows washing his face. Disa tells I went alone. Urmila tells Nimboli may be in her room and resting. Harki goes to wake her up. Disa requests that Urmila stop Harki as Nimboli will enter room through window. Urmila stops Harki and requests that what make in nourishment. Harki turns and sees Nimboli laying down with cover on her. She asks how could she have been able to she come here? Urmila says she is resting here since long. Harki requests that Urmila go and awakens Nimboli. Nimboli requests that her let her rest and says she is not feeling admirably. Harki says you was not in the room some time recently. Nimboli says she was cleaning bovine's zone and afterward stopped. Harki requests that her come and work in kitchen. 

Disa tells Kamli that Jagya accepted on her and couldn't trust that Akhiraj is a fallen angel. She says Akhiraj was uncovered and was dragged and beaten by people in general. Kamli says Bapusaa got liberated in light of Nimboli. Disa says he will be gotten soon and Jagya will get him rebuffed. Kundan hears everything and is stunned.

Balika Vadhu 23rd September 2015 Written Update

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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Balika Vadhu 12th September 2015 Written Update

Balika Vadhu 12th September 2015 Written Update

Balika Vadhu 12th September 2015 Written Update
Balika Vadhu 12th September 2015 Written Update

Balika Vadhu 12th September 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Anant and Nidhi eating at Anandi's home. Anandi requests that Nidhi have plate of mixed greens else she won't get desert. Shivam lets them know that his Papa was most grounded. Anant thinks Anandi would prefer not to uncover anything about her past. Pooja calls Mannu from PCO and demands to meet him. Mannu declines and says he is occupied. Pooja gets tensed. The retailer who assaulted Pushkar comes to Akhiraj. He instructs him to deal with Pushkar. Anandi acquaints Yoga educator Renuka with children. Pooja gets tensed and keeps hand on her tummy while doing the yoga. The educator requests that everybody curve and hold toes. Pooja feels torment in her stomach, yet says she is fine. She proceeds with yoga with much trouble. Kamli gets up and reviews Akhiraj sparing them. She is going and hears Akhiraj conversing with the retailer. He requests cash. Akhiraj says you are requesting much for such a little work, however you did great work. No one could feel that I am behind this occurrence and gives cash. Kamli is stunned. Akhiraj turns and is stunned to see Kamli listening to him. Mannu inspires prepared to go to class and tells Ganga that he will return at night. She requests that he give vegetable dish to Pooja as she loves it. Mannu requests that her send it with another person, and says he is getting late. Ganga says alright. She supposes Mannu is disregarding Pooja now a days. 

Akhiraj goes into the house and sees Kamli standing. He lets it know was great that you came to know everything. I was worn out on acting and takes out his wrap. Kamli says I ought to have comprehended that you are behind it and says I didn't see bold man like you. Akhiraj says you won't see. He winds her hand and says my men beat your distraught spouse severely. Kundan grins. Akhiraj says Pushkar's bones will be broken on the off chance that he tries to get up. Kamli cautions him. He keeps on harming her. Urmila goes to illuminate Disa. Akhiraj requests that Kundan dragging so as to bring Pushkar here. Kamli cries saying no. Akhiraj tells they can't meet until races are finished. He says you are under my bondage. Everybody saw me sparing you both. 

He keeps harming her and reminds how he murdered Gopal. He debilitates to execute Pushkar and send him to Gopal. Disa comes running and requests that he leave Kamli. Akhiraj harms Kamli. Harki stands quietly. Akhiraj advises her that it is his home and he has the privilege to yell. Disa instructs him to abandon her as she is getting pain.Disa requests that he abandon her else… .Akhiraj asks what you will do. On the off chance that you grumble against me, then I won't have the capacity to battle in decisions. He debilitates to slaughter them. He pushes Kamli and afterward turns Disa's hand cautioning her that he is not old Akhiraj. He will hurt them. Nimboli cries.

Balika Vadhu 12th September 2015 Written Update

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