Showing posts with label Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat today written update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat today written update. Show all posts

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 12th September 2015 Written Update

Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 12th September 2015 Written Update

Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 12th September 2015 Written Update
Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 12th September 2015 Written Update

Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 12th September 2015 Written Update

Scene 1 

Bindu is with Dharma, Noor comes there and says to Dharma that so this is your genuine face? Bindu let me know about you on our marriage night and i felt that you must be beautiful to the point that Bindu lost his beginning and end to you, i used to be desirous of you yet when i saw you as Dasi, i couldnt get that you are same delightful Dharma, Bindu ask what are you saying? Noor says i am only here to welcome Dharma, she says prior i used to battle with Dharma's recollections to stand out enough to be noticed yet now Dharma arrives so i am fine, she says i will leave from here yet i wanna ask one thing from Bindu, she inquire as to whether you were in Khurasan's place then what might you have done? in the event that your girl had come to you on her marriage night, crying and letting you know about her spouse's other affection, my sibling passed on for you, my dad served you for quite a long time and what you did with him? Bindu is noiseless, she says i got my answer from your quiet, you cannot not be right as you are spouse and spouse is God, she says to Bindu that thank you for not including me and Siamak in this, she says to Dharma that you have lived in Vann for quite a long time however now i invite you in this royal residence yet this royal residence is should a greater number of risky than Vann, here we have flower petal beds yet there are pricks covered up in it, i trust you have serene life here, she leaves, Bindu takes a gander at tensed Dharma. 

Scene 2 

Ashok comes in his room and entranced to see illustrious room, he ask dasi for what good reason you arrive? she says i have brought illustrious dress for you, other dasi says i have brought milk for you, different says i will move fan for you with the goal that you can rest effortlessly, Ashok says all of you will be alert so i can rest? they say yes, Ashok says individual cannot get rest in the event that he has strain however today is greatest day of my life as my guardians are as one, he request that they leave yet they say you are ruler, we need to serve you, Ashok says i arrange you to leave, i need to be separated from everyone else, they clear out. 

Helena comes to Noor and says its great you are not crying, Noor says you have lost your child just however i have lost my dad, my adoration and my sibling, i need my Son to end up Samrat just, Helena says its great that you are still on with mission, NOor says i wanna know how to make my child Samrat, Helena says yet would you say you are certain that Khurasan will be noiseless, he wont inform truth regarding you? that you requesting that he slaughter dharma, Noor says you are offending his yield, the father who can take life of anybody for his girl then he can relinquish his life for his little girl, you are questioning him that implies you Greeks never trusted Khurasanis, Helena says not at all like that yet we need to affirm it by meeting Khurasan, Noor says to Helena that i realize what i need to do now, you consider our central goal, prior it was just Sushim against Siamak yet now there is Sushim and Ashok against Siamak, and that Ashok is a greater number of unsafe than Sushim, Bindu likes AShok alot and Chanakya is with him as well, everybody is with him, Helena says Chanakya must have some shortcoming and we need to find that, i have taken choice that i will be noiseless, i will indicate as though i have acknowledged my thrashing infront of Chanakya, we will sit tight for our adversaries to do a slip-up. 

Ashok comes in Chanakya's room however Chanakya is occupied in imploring so Ashok begins to leave, Chanakya says Rajkumar Ashok please come in, Ashok comes and says satisfy you dont carry on like others, i am same Ashok, Chanakya says you are sovereign and you cannot deny that, no one thought about you yet now everyone's eyes are on you, all have desires from you, Ashok ask what are you considering? Chanakya says you said that you can give your life to ensure your territory, Ashok says my destination is not throne, i wanna serve my property and i will do what you will say, Chanakya says your trip is beginning, get prepared. 

Ahenkara's new conceived sibling is crying, she request that he get noiseless, she says i know you are missing mother yet we cannot bring him back, Ashok comes there, Ahenkara candidly takes a gander at him, she gets irate and slaps Ashok hard, she cries and slaps him more, she pushes him and inquire as to why? why you did that? Ashok says i am sad, i had no other way, it spoke the truth my mom and my territory, Ahenkara says why you misled me? why you didnt let me know that you had threat from my mom, all have utilized me for their great, my mom offered me to Sushim for her great and you likewise used to me, i thought you are blameless individual yet you are same like other sovereign who use young ladies for their great, Ashok says i know what happened was bad but rather it needed to happen, Ahenkara says why did you spare me that day? i wish i had kicked the bucket that day, for whom i should live at this point? i have no reason, Ashok says you have reason infront of you, i exceptionally surely understand how is it to live without mother, then Bindu said to make point of life that you need to serve your territory, i motivated motivation to experience that day, your sibling needs you, make him your point of life, Ahenkara says how i will do only it? Ashok says who said you are separated from everyone else? i am with you, he takes her sibling in hands. 

Ashok is leaving Ahenkara's room, Sushim comes there and says what you are doing in my wife's room during the evening? Ashok says you are supposing incorrectly sibling, Sushim says dont call me sibling, you have deceived me, Ashok says i couldnt let you know, Sushim says alright on the off chance that you couldnt let me know then you realized that you are my sibling, you could have taken my assistance to get Khurasan however you didnt and you know why? since you needed to do this single-handedly, you needed to show individuals how awesome are you and you can do anything alone, Sushim says to Ashok that today i became acquainted with that you are modest as well as characterless too who put his mom's life in peril to end up extraordinary and to get eminence, Ashok yells Brathaa(brother).

Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 12th September 2015 Written Update

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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 1st September 2015 Written Update

Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 1st September 2015 Written Update

Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 1st September 2015 Written Update
Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 1st September 2015 Written Update

Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 1st September 2015 Written Update

Bindu goes to his wives and says my wives must be contending to blessing me best blessing, lets see who wins this time. AShok comes to Bindu and wishes him birthday, Bindua expresses profound gratitude companion, he says i am most noticeably awful companion as i am not gifting you anything besides rather wanna ask a thing from you, Bindu says let me know, AShok says i require your gift to not baffle you, Bindu says i cant favor as i have effectively honored you, i am dependably with you, whatever you do, you will get achievement, i beg that whatever way you picked, your mom is glad for you, he leaves, AShok gets passionate. Subhrasi is getting prepared, she says to Dharma imagine a scenario in which Bindu doesnt like my blessing. Dharma says you have worked so hard, he will like it, Subhrasi says in the event that he like my blessing then i will remunerate you as you have helped me alot, Drupat comes there and says Bindu is sitting tight for us, Subhrasi request that Dharma be in room and clean it, she leaves, Dahrma says today i simply needed to see hm once however i think even thats impractical. 

Bindu comes in court, Subhrasi and Nihariks wishes him birthday, he expresses gratitude toward them, Helena says not its my swing to favor you, he touches her feet and says your gift is constantly required, Sushim and Siamak comes there and wishes him, Helena presents him draw with his children, she says this is eventual fate of Magdh, she says i am sad, i didnt think about Dharma and her child when i made this portrayal, i never needed to hurt you, i am sad, he says dont humiliate me by saying sad, Charu says to Bindu that i know you adore blooms so i have made blossom fragrance for you, it will be with you perpetually, Noor gives him bows and arrows pack and says you like to chase so it will be with you now, he says thanks to Noor and Charu, Subhrasi gives him hand made gems, he says i dont know you can make it, she says to be completely forthright Sevika has helped me to make it, Ashok believes that my mom's present is loved by Bindu and he wore it as well, Niharika presents him as well, Sushim presents him as well, Siamak accompanies foods grown from the ground i became more acquainted with that you like this natural product so i planted its tree and its first organic product is this which i am giving you, Bindu says it was most sweetest present, Drupat says in what manner would you be able to say it? you didnt see my blessing, he endowments him laddos, Bindu ask you made it? he says no Sevika made it, i helped her and i didnt eat even one of them, Bindu then its most valuable present for me, he eats laddos and says they are exceptionally wonderful. something is put there, Bindu sees this and expels material from it, its carefully assembled bangle, Bindu takes a gander at it, Helena ask from where it came? Subhrasi says i dont know who brought it here, when i came here, nobody arrived, Khurasan comes in and says this blessing is from my side, Ashok irately takes a gander at him, Khurasan says i have requested to make it, Bindu says incredible, i didnt know you have so much ability, take this to my room, Ashok believes that this is last phase of closure this war, its time to give admiration back to my mom. 

Ashok comes in hallway and gets furious, Khurasan comes to him and ask what was the deal? Ashok says nothing, Khurasan ask you wanna let me know something? Ashok says you recognize what i was concealing, you listened to my discussions with Ahenkara, i instructed you to not tail me, in the event that i needed to beguile you then i would have gone to Bindu yet i didnt do it, and still, at the end of the day you dont trust me then releases to Bindu, you let him know that i deluded you, he will rebuff me, Khurasan says i believe you as you speak the truth kid, i was taking you're test, it sets aside time to trust anybody however now i believe you totally, at whatever point you know anything about Dharma and her child then let me know, AShok says i know they will do something in birthday work yet they will get in touch with me as they need my assistance yet in the event that you continue tailing me then.. khurasan says i won't tail you yet in the event that you know anything then.. Ashok says then i will let you know in the first place, Khurasan clears out. 

Radha comes to meet AShok and says i know what Chanakya needs yet i cant utilize my mom to bring khurasan's truth out as it will put my mom in peril, isnt there whatever other way, i wanna converse with Chanakya, Radha says Chanakya continue getting stressed for you and you're mother, on the off chance that her had some other way then he would have proposed, on the off chance that you can do this then this implies you dont have fearlessness to get regard, Ashok says what you are stating, i am not ready to see my mom in agony, she merit regard, Khurasan is appreciating everything, he is being regarded and my mom is called criminal when she is honest, Radha says you have to trust Chanakya, when Khurasan encounters Dharma then Bindu ought to arrive as well, Ashok ask how? Radha says Chanakya will verify that Bindu arrives, Ashok says when i require Chanakya most, he is not with me, RAdha says you cant uncertainty your Guru on the off chance that he is not present then there must be purpose for it, he is with you everytime, we realize what you are doing is difficult however at some point you need to walk alone, in the event that you have faith in yourself then no one can prevent you from getting what you need, AShok touches Radha's feet and says favor me to make this unimaginable into conceivable, Radha favors him, Ashok takes off.

Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 1st September 2015 Written Update

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