Showing posts with label Colors Tv. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colors Tv. Show all posts

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Balika Vadhu 3rd December 2015 Written Update

Balika Vadhu 3rd December 2015 Full Episode Balika Vadhu, Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 3rd December 2015 Episode watch Online HD, hindi TV Serial Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 3rd December 2015

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Balika Vadhu 3rd December 2015 Written Update
Balika Vadhu 3rd December 2015 Written Update

Balika Vadhu 3rd December 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Nimboli calling mum to a lady. The lady asks who is she? Mangla advises her that Nimboli is her little girl… The lady says she has not brought forth any young lady then by what means would she be able to be my little girl. Mangla requests that her ask her spouse… .The lady says why you are making her my little girl coercively… .Nimboli says I am your girl maa… … .whom you have tossed in the container. The lady obtusely advises her that she is even now spoiled and that is the reason she had tossed in trash. She asks Mangla for what reason did you convey this ominous young lady to me and says I wouldn't have come here. Mangla says I thought you would be glad meeting her. The lady says on the off chance that I was cheerful then why might I toss her in receptacle. Nimboli embraces her and inquires as to why did you toss me in the canister. What wrong did I do. She says a mum can't not be right and asks what is her weakness. She requests that her tell truth.The lady harms her hand and says she has love just for her children and not for this ominous young lady. 

Mangla cautions her and says she is my little girl now. The lady requests that her keep her and be content with the philanthropy. Mangla says I am extremely glad and advises that Nimboli requesting that I make you meet else I would not have bring her here. The lady asks Mangla and Nimboli not to demonstrate their face to her and strolls off. Nimboli cries. Mangla says your mum was your life's grahan and she is gone at this point. Nimboli cries and embraces her. Mangla gets effective. 

Corrections officer requests that Akhiraj and others take the necessary steps legitimately else they won't get sustenance. Couple of detainees snicker at Akhiraj. Akhiraj gets irate and says I would have taken requital from them on the off chance that you had not ceased me. Badri approaches him to sit tight for the right minute. Badri whispers something in his ears. Akhiraj grins. 

Nimboli is crying still. Mangla gives her water and makes her beverage it. She says misstep is mine. I would have enquired about the lady. I would not have given you a chance to meet her on the off chance that I realize that she is so terrible. Nimboli says my mum is gandi chudail. Mangla requests that her quit crying and takes her from that point. 

While Urmi is working in the kitchen. Kundan comes and holds her hand. He says I have right on you and tries to make trouble with her. Urmila yells and calls Kamli. Kamli comes and asks what is he doing? Leave Urmila… … she is not your wife. Kamli picks the stick and debilitates Kundan. She requests that Urmi movement to her room. 

Anandi is being educated by the hirelings that they couldn't discover Nimboli. Dadisaa questions that Mangla took away Nimboli from that point. Anandi says she supposes in regards to our advancement and doesn't concur. Dadisaa says why she is not picking the call then. Anandi says she is not habituated to chat on telephone. Dadisaa advises Anandi that Mangla needs to wind up Nimboli's mum and you will remain her Chokhi Chudail. You consider everybody great. Dadisaa says by what means would I be able to overlook that Nimboli is fine as a result of her. She says Mangla has yielded a considerable measure for our little girl. Dadisaa says I imparted my uncertainty to you and says we should tell Nandini that her genuine mum is you. Anandi gestures. 


Dadisaa asks Mangla where did she take Nimboli? Nimboli gets furious and says she won't stay in the haveli.

Balika Vadhu 3rd December 2015 Written Update

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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Udaan 1st December 2015 Written Update

Udaan 1st December 2015 Full Episode Udaan , Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 1st December 2015 Episode watch Online HD, hindi TV Serial Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 1st December 2015

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Udaan 1st December 2015 Written Update
Udaan 1st December 2015 Written Update

Udaan 1st December 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Chakor attempting to converse with Chunni. Chunni is happy that she will get endowments today. Chakor needs to converse with her. Vivaan asks Chakor for what reason is she after Chunni. Chakor says Bhaiya ji will take her signs on property papers, and I guaranteed Kasturi to bring Chunni there. Vivaan says I will offer, we some assistance with having to make her far from Bhaiya ji in the first place, and tells his arrangement. He grins. He goes to bolts the auto entryway. He stresses as he bolted Bhaiya ji's entryway. Chakor requests that Vivaan accomplish something. Bhaiya ji sits in front seat. Chunni tries to open the entryway. Bhaiya ji gets occupied accessible as needs be. Vivaan and Chakor bring Chunni with them and close her mouth. Bhaiya ji sees Chunni gone. Chakor and Vivaan take her in dairy animals' encourages. 

Chakor expresses gratitude toward Vivaan. Vivaan requests that Chakor take Chunni to town. Chunni reproves Chakor and begins clearing out. Chakor holds her hand. Chunni says abandon me. Dadi comes and requests that Chunni quiet down. Chunni asks Dadi what is she doing here. Chakor requests that Dadi clarify Chunni. Chunni says I will go Delhi. Dadi says your house is not in Delhi, but rather here in Aazaadgunj, your mum, father and sister arrive. Chunni asks Choka did he say. Dadi says Imli let me know in regards to mole behind your left ear, then I comprehended you are Chakor's twin sister. Chunni is stunned. Dadi says you were conceived here, we kept one young lady bandhua and spared you by sending with Dai mama. 

Chunni asks what, are they my family, twin sisters? Chakor says yes, this is your Dadi, Imli is your own sister, and Kasturi and Bhuvan are your folks. Dadi says when Chakor kicked the bucket, you came here, see Lord's diversion, he has sent you here as Chakor's sister, don't advise this to anybody that you are identified with me. Chunni says you made me escape, I generally thought who are forever my guardians, now that I got my guardians, you are requesting that I stay as Chakor, I m Chunni, I will tell Kasturi. Dadi says no, Kasturi will get frantic knowing Chakor passed on. Chakor requests that Chunni stop. Chunni requests that who are you stop me, its in the middle of me and my gang. She runs. 

Kasturi plays for Chakor and sits tight for her to sustain her sustenance on her birthday. Chunni comes there. Kasturi cries and says I was apprehensive my Chakor will go away, I m extremely upbeat that you have return. She embraces Chunni. Chunni holds her hand and gets passionate. Chunni cries. Kasturi inquires as to why is she crying, she can't see tears in her little girl's eyes. She wipes her tears. Chakor comes there and sees Chunni with Kasturi. Chunni grins. 

Imli brings a doll and gives Chunni. She requests that Chunni keep some name. Chakor likes it and says its great. She proposes names. Imli says she made it for her Didi. Chunni picks the same name Chakor said. Imli says fine, on the off chance that you say. Kasturi grins seeing them.Bhuvan requests that Choka get wine. Chakor reprimands him. She says its Chakor's birthday today, don't drink wine today, we all will have nourishment made by Kasturi. They all grin. Chakor supposes she is cheerful that Chunni got family's affection today. 


Chakor calls Soham and asks how is he. Soham says we are fine, I have uplifting news, I told police that Chakor is alive and is in Azaadgunj, they will get Chunni and out her in prison. Chakor gets stunned.

Udaan 1st December 2015 Written Update

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Swaragini 1st December 2015 Written Update

Swaragini 1st December 2015 Full Episode Swaragini , Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 1st December 2015 Episode watch Online HD, hindi TV Serial Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 1st December 2015

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Swaragini 1st December 2015 Written Update
Swaragini 1st December 2015 Written Update

Swaragini 1st December 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Sanskar dropping Devika to market, he happens to see abnormal lady doing puja and gets stunned. He gets hurt while attempting to escaping the lady. Later Sanskar calls Swara and advises her that he cleared out Devika in the business sector, and yet then he returned and saw a witch doing puja in the house. Swara gets stressed and requests that he come quick. She petitions God for his wellbeing. Sanskar looks there again and thinks there is no witch now. Swara offers with Simar about the witch. Simar informs her concerning a witch catching Prem some time recently, and trusts Sanskar is fine. 

Devika gets back home and shows mud pots. Sanskar saw her moving. He asks how could you have been able to you come here? Devika says I returned in the wake of purchasing these symbols. Sanskar asks how could you have been able to you reach here? Devika says my memory is sharp and discovered way. He says I have to go washroom. Sanskar thinks Devikaa is not right and supposes she was going towards home. He supposes he can't advise anything to Swara, till everything is sorted. Swara asks what did you see there? Sanskar says it was a misconception. Swara says alright and instructs him to have nourishment with Devika. Sanskar thinks to pursuit her room as she is first floor. He goes to her room and ventures. 

Devika comes and says she arrives. Sanskar says I was hunting down my document and requests that her rest. Devika supposes he is questioning you Paatali and thinks to redirect Sanskar's psyche. She says I need to break Sanskar and Swara's jodi and take revenge for my bhakt Mohini… .She supposes how to redirect Sanskar's consideration and thinks who will help us. She supposes Ragini… … and says she needs that individual to assault Ragini once more. She sees veiled man going into Ragini's room. She says my work will be done today. Sujata requests that Ragini keep some stuff in store room. Devika tells Swara that she needs a cushion and tells that Sujata got the pads kept in the store room. Swara says I will bring. Devika says it is a begin of amusement. 

Somebody goes to the store room wearing cover and shuts the light. Ragini yells while the executioner assaults Ragini. Swara finds a light and hears her shout. She gets inside the store room and grabs the fallen utensils. Ragini sees her and yells. Sujata comes and admonishes Swara for attempting to hurt Ragini. Swara tells that she was not doing anything. Ragini charges Swara for attempting to murder her. Swara says she is supposing her off-base. Sujata says Simar is taking Swara's side. Annapurna says she will call Police and they will address Swara. 

Police comes and interogates Swara. Ragini says Swara has squeezed by neck and attempted to slaughter me. Swara gives the silver bowl and says it fell close to her leg that is the reason she went hurrying to room. Laksh says Swara never lies. Indeed, even Sanskar bolsters Swara. Durga Prasad says he concurs with Laksh and Sanskar and says Swara shouldn't be faulted. Police says they won't keep swara in lock up, yet will interogate her this evening. Sanskar tells Sujata that she did off-base. Devika says somebody is behind the assault, however another person is rebuffed. 


Swara and Simar see Sanskar's auto losing controls and coming towards Ragini. Ragini shouts.

Swaragini 1st December 2015 Written Update

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Sasural Simar Ka 1st December 2015 Written Update

Sasural Simar Ka 1st December 2015 Full Episode Sasural Simar Ka , Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 1st December 2015 Episode watch Online HD, hindi TV Serial Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 1st December 2015

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Sasural Simar Ka 1st December 2015 Written Update
Sasural Simar Ka 1st December 2015 Written Update

Sasural Simar Ka 1st December 2015 Written Update

Scene 1 

Roli is in tears. simar says don't stress I will return and devika will be with me. roli says we are all together after so long, it alarms me now. Simar says Swara needs me I need to go. Sid embraces her. Devika says don't stress I am with Simar didi. Roli says thank you and deal with yourself. Mata ji says fare thee well. Simar says all of you as well. 

Devika says in heart taking a gander at sanctuary, see her last time like this. When she returns she will be my devotee, Patali's. 

Simar goes to Swara's home. Her relative says you ought to have educated us at any rate. Her dad in law says I permitted her. 

Simar says to swara i came here just to help you. Let me know precisely what happened. Swara says whatever happened with ragini everybody is censuring me for it. they think I stole her. simar is bewildered. Ragini asks what is simar doing here. 

devika says in heart they dont even recognize what is going to happen. Patali will demolish your life. I need to achieve my destination. Simar says what are you supposing devika? Swara says why didn't you eat anything? Didn't you like it? Devik says i thought I ought to purchase the dirt. Swara says I will request that driver drop you. Swara's spouse says I will drop you. Devika says OK. She says in heart. 

he drops Devika at business sector. She says I will shop alone. He says i will pick you when you are finished. Devika says to the attendant this is so costly. He goes and after that returns to ask devika when will she be free? He looks all around yet devika is no place. A child focuses in a course. He says would you say you are certain she went there? he says yes. 

Devika arrives in a dim spot. She says to witches the time has come. I need to come in my genuine clothing. Every one of the witches take a side. Devika moves towards the symbol. Patali leaves devika's body. She hits the dance floor with rest of the witches. 

Simar says why do I feel so unsettled like something incorrectly will happen. 

Swara's spouse says there is something incorrectly. He looks in and sees patali and different witches moving and doing their pooja. She says get prepared simar, your life is stuck in an unfortunate situation. She snickers. 

Precap-Swara tells simar what sanskar saw. Simar says there is something incorrectly. Devika says whoever needs to hurt Ragini i will bolster him so they're diverted.

Sasural Simar Ka 1st December 2015 Written Update

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Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi 1st November 2015 Written Update

Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi 1st December 2015 Full Episode Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi , Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 1st December 2015 Episode watch Online HD, hindi TV Serial Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 1st December 2015

Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi 1st December 2015 Video Watch Dailymotion

Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi 1st November 2015 Written Update
Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi 1st November 2015 Written Update

Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi 1st November 2015 Written Update

Manas watches Ishaani return home, crying. They all swing to take a gander at her. Manas asks where she was and where the patient is. She takes a gander at Chaitali attempting the gems. Baa asks Ishaani for what good reason she is noiseless and doesn't talk anything. Ishaani says that Sharman… . They all turn and asks what happened to Sharman. She says he is no more. Chaitali doesn't belive this, Mitesh gets quiet in stun. Chaitali says to Ishaani this isn't conceivable, how could she even say this to her in regards to her child. She requests that Mitesh call him who didn't talk. Ishaani embraces Chaitali and advises her that Milan, the twin of Ranveer murdered Sharman, and his body is in healing center. She must control herself to see his body. Chaitali pushes Ishaani away and says she doesn't trust this. 

Amba comes in the room crying, she says to Kailash that they didn't perceive that was Milan. He abhorred them to such an extent. Why he never said once that he needed to lay his head on his mom's lap. Kailash says he had their blood, yet not the raised of theirs. He was here for his retribution, in indignation a man never comprehend what to do and so forth. Amba says he is correct, he did this all to particular Ranveer from them. However, she will never shed a tear for him and will never excuse him. 

Sharman's body is brought home. Chaitali sits next to the secured body, Mitesh gets other than her. Baa is stunned. Chaitali uproots the spread off his face. She cries yelling his name. Mitesh additionally weeps for him while Baa understands the passing strictly when seeing his face. Amba additionally comes there, she cries and says that there is no torment more than losing a child. Chaitali advises Amba to stop this show, her child slaughtered her child. Amba says she wish he wasn't her child, she brought forth him yet he was isolated from them in adolescence. Chaitali advises her to stop it, she realizes that Ranveer has executed Sharman. Kailash says it wasn't Ranveer yet Milan. Mitesh says that he has constantly consented to Kailash, yet today Kailash isn't right. Chaitali says that Ranveer never enjoyed Sharman on the grounds that he generally talked against Ranveer's choices. Ishaani additionally tells Chaitali that it was Milan, not Ranveer. Chaitali inquires as to why she is sparing her spouse, its alright with her. She will remarry however where she will bring her child back. Chaitali says nobody will ever trust her about Milan, Ishaani is so visually impaired in her affection she can't see her spouse's torment. Ishaani says she isn't lying, Manas says he doesn't recognize what is correct or wrong however at this moment they must get ready for Sharman's crowning ordinance. Ishaani says he was her sibling too, she will demonstrate Milan as a twin of Ranveer and will get him liberated. 

The police looks all the spot. They say there is no body. There are jumpers in the lake, in the event that they discover anyone in lake they will report them. 

Manas is stunned to listen to Disha's proposal. She says that she doesn't need him to get into Ranveer and Sharman's matter. They will live cheerfully far from them. She instructs him to take some cash and go to US. Manas says Ishaani needs him. Disha says that she has come here for him just, wouldn't he be able to do this for her? Manas gestures. Disha embraces him. 

Ishaani goes to her room, sits on the floor and cries. She says why this happened Ranveer counldnt go to Ranveer's crowning ritual. She wipes her tears and says she doesn't need to cry, she needs to figure out which infusion Milan provided for Ranveer and what were the rashes of. She supposes Milan constantly kept his things here, she must figure out something. She checks closet. She thinks about what whether Milan had given Ranveer some toxic substance that is lethal. She supposes he probably looked about it on web. She investigates his portable workstation however there was nothing in it. She considers heading off to a specialist or a drug store. 

PRECAP: Ishaani goes to the venue and discovers a white shirt. She believes this is like the one Ranveer wore. This mean Milan changed into a dress like Ranveer's and put on hues on face before making the video.

Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi 1st November 2015 Written Update

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Ishq Ka Rang Safed 1st November 2015 Written Update

Ishq Ka Rang Safed 1st December 2015 Full Episode Ishq Ka Rang Safed , Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 1st December 2015 Episode watch Online HD, hindi TV Serial Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 1st December 2015

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Ishq Ka Rang Safed 1st November 2015 Written Update
Ishq Ka Rang Safed 1st November 2015 Written Update

Ishq Ka Rang Safed 1st November 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Sushma telling Dhaani that there is your marriage puja, everybody arrives aside from Viplav. She says Viplav is far from home as he wouldn't like to inconvenience her. In the event that he truly needs to inconvenience her, then he would have been here and disturbing her. She says who will make you get it. Dhaani looks on. Sushma goes cryingly. 

Tripurari comes to Dasharath and asks did you call me? Tripurari says he was occupied in marriage courses of action. Dasharath says Viplav is doing plans and requests that he quit pursuing young ladies. He cautions him and says it is a matter of his admiration now. Tripurari says he won't let anything incorrectly happen to his appreciation. Dasharath says moronic individual. 

Raj converses with Viplav and says I know you exceptionally well and says your screw is free. He asks in what capacity would you be able to see yourself with Dhaani after whatever happened. He says it looks nourishment in movies, however, all things considered. Viplav inquires as to why did she toss her wedding saree. Raj says she did well else don't realize what you would have done. He gets call from Dadi's number. He picks the call and says Dadi… … Dhaani makes proper acquaintance… ..Viplav inquires as to why did you call me. Dhaani says there is puja tomorrow. Viplav says everybody will arrive as you are wedding. Dhaani says you ought to be here too. Viplav says you have offended me so much and imagine that I will go to your marriage puja. Dhaani says I trust that… ..Viplav separates the call. He advises Raj that Dhaani requesting that he come, yet he won't follow being offended by her. Raj gives him auto scratches, and requests that he fill petrol in auto while returning. 

Bijli ponders where is Mohan? She requests that Suwarna have nourishment. Suwarna says thanks to her. Bijli says Tripurari and his men won't come here. Mohan comes and requests that Bijli not stress. He eyes Suwarna. 

Dhaani comes to do puja. Dasharath requests that her sit. She sits alongside Tripurari and searches for Viplav. Pandits begin doing the puja. She reviews her battle with Viplav. Simply then Viplav comes there, however remains outside. Sushma happens to see him and goes to him. Tripurari is incensed. She requests that he come inside. Viplav kisses on her hand and says he is fine here, request that her go. Tripurari holds Dhaani's hand and makes her do puja. Pandit ji says puja is finished and requests that they do aarti. Dasharath requests that they get up and do aarti. Viplav is remaining outside. Tripurari and Dhaani do the puja. All of a sudden Dhaani's pallu bursts into flames and no one notice that. Viplav sees her pallu bursting into flames and keeps running inside to spare her. He picks the gangajal pot and tries to set off the flame. Tripurari holds his hand and asks what he is doing? Tossing gangajal on a dowager. Dhaani and Dulaari are stunned. Dasharath requests that Tripurari close his mouth. Viplav pours gangajal on her pallu furthermore sets the shoot with his hand. Dhaani holds his hand and sees his hand injured. Tripurari inquires as to whether she is fine. Dhaani says she is fine. Viplav writhles in torment. Tripurari requests that Dhaani change garments. Dulaari requests that Raj Lakshmi take Dhaani inside. 

Dulaari ponders Viplav sparing Dhaani. Badi Amma goes to her and inquires as to whether you are contemplating the same thing. She says there is some connection in the middle of Dhaani and Viplav, and says it is hard to make sense of. She says Viplav may love Dhaani and may be Dhaani likewise… … ..Dulaari requests that Badi Amma not put dark spot on Dhaani before her marriage. 

Durga asks Dhaani how she is? Dhaani gestures. Durga advises her that she will purchase nose pin for her and inquires as to whether she might run with Tripurari. Dhaani gestures. Tripurari gets Mohan's call and he illuminates her about knowing Bijli's location. Tripurari says how could she? Dhaani and Durga looks on. Tripurari requests that Durga run with Dhaani and says he have to go for some work. He goes to the said adress and asks Bijli in regards to Suwarna. Bijli says she is dead. Tripurari holds her neck and hears some clamor. He goes to room and sees Mohan tied up. He says I will murder you. Bijli says Suwarna will achieve your mandap and will destroy you. She chuckles and says you can't do anything. Tripurari pushes her and she tumbles down. He runs with Mohan. Suwarna is strolling out and about and blacks out all of a sudden. Few individuals accumulate there. Viplav comes in his jeep and gets down asking what was the deal? He asks wouldn't they be able to lift her from street. He is stunned to see Suwarna in such state. 


In the doctor's facility, Viplav gets some information about Suwarna's condition. Specialist lets him know that she knows this young lady and says she came here for getting premature birth. I adviced her against it. She accompanied her spouse. Viplav is stunned. Dasharath reports that Dhaani and Tripurari's marriage will happen today. Everybody is shocked.

Ishq Ka Rang Safed 1st November 2015 Written Update

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Bigg Boss Season 9 1st November 2015 Written Update

Bigg Boss Season 9 1st December 2015 Full Episode Bigg Boss Season 9 , Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 1st December 2015 Episode watch Online HD, hindi TV Serial Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 1st December 2015

Bigg Boss Season 9 1st December 2015 Video Watch Dailymotion

Bigg Boss Season 9 1st November 2015 Written Update
Bigg Boss Season 9 1st November 2015 Written Update

Bigg Boss Season 9 1st November 2015 Written Update

Sunday's Weekend Episode Continued 

Salman in front of an audience says that prisoner are offered opportunity to expand winning sum, one's pack contain x2 which can twofold the sum they will win through this errand. Salman goes ahead stage and says that numerous detainees got acclaim in this house, lets see what they are doing in house as they were requested that hold sacks rope which has diverse measure of cash. 

In house, detainees are holding ropes of their separate sacks. fallen angels come in house, they come in room and begin gathering things of detainees, they gather Rochelle's make up, Prince's things, Kanwal's pocket, all prisoners are seeing this on screen put in greenhouse, Rimi request that Priya bring her pocket so fiends cannot take it however Priya says i cant, i am not permitted to, villains take Rimi's pocket as well, they take things from kitchen as well, Rochelle says they are obliterating our extravagance spending plan as well, she ask digi who is not doing undertaking to stop them but rather Digi says see their size and see our size, i cannot stop them, demons go out with their stuff. 

Rishab is holding rope, he turns towards divider and pees in patio nursery. after he is done, Priya comes to him and says i saw you leaving rope while peeing, you lost grasp from hand however held rope once more, yet lead is to continue holding rope and not to abandon it notwithstanding for second, you are precluded, Rishab says i didnt abandon it, i dont concur with you, what is evidence, Prince and different detainees request that Rishab continue holding rope and don't surrender, Priya says this is against principles, he is excluded yet Rishab denies it and continue holding rope. 

Salman interfaces call to house, all prisoner moves on Prem Ratan dhan payo, Salman snickers and says thanks to them. Priya says to Salman that Rishab is excluded however he is not tolerating it, Salman jokes that Rishab how could you have been able to you pee so soon? Rishab says i drank protein shake so needed to pee, Salman jokes that camera has taken your nearby up when you were peeing, all giggle. Salman ask Rimi what fallen angels took from her stuff? Rimi says they took my make up pocket which war critical, Salman ask Mandana what she lost with the exception of admiration? all snicker, Salman says bigg manager must doing make up with young ladies pockets, he must be doing make up of his eye or his mom's eye, all chuckle. Salman says to Rishab that diversion is that your hand ought to be in contact with rope, you did that too in auto undertaking, you in attempting to do satire got excluded from auto errand and i think you did leave rope while peeing here as well and i think you are out of assignment yet its mediator Priya's call, you will continue holding this rope till end and afterward you will be precluded by bigg supervisor, all snicker. Salman get some information about washroom now? Priya says Prince kept his pee on opening till 40 hours in auto yet then he did it in my sipper, my water drinking container, Salman jokes that on the off chance that you utilize it next time then wash it before utilizing, all chuckle. 

Salman ask Priya what prisoners must be supposing rightnow, what Rimi must be considering? Priya says Rimi must suspecting that i ought to leave, Rochelle says she must be feeling that i need to remain here for bank equalization, in the event that i leave then Rochelle will chasten me, Rimi giggles. Priya says Kishwar must be feeling that Priya is frantic and i dont comprehend anything, Salman ask Kishwar what Mandana must be supposing rightnow? Kishwar says Mandana must think to leave when she gets languid and on the off chance that somebody stops me then i will utilize slang and will leave, Salman ask Mandana for what good reason she utilizes so much slangs? Mandana says entire day they utilize slangs while talking so when i am cornered, i utilize it as well, i havent utilized it for somebody by and by, Kishwar says what? i said slang after you manhandled, Salman ask which is moswt well known slang in house? Kishwar says *****(its beeped). Salman request that Rochelle demonstration like she is remaining in neighborhood train, Rochelle acts and battle with Kishwar like individuals battle in nearby prepares, Salman says Rochelle have developed each pleasantly in house, Rochelle expresses gratitude toward him. 

Salman says Rochelle did auto assignment for 36hours, Priya did that errand for 40hours yet Prince said that young ladies are not rivalry for him, Prince says yes i said it, Kishwar, Rochelle and Priya are extremely solid, they can show improvement over young men, what i implied was that young ladies here are rationally exceptionally solid however physically young men are more solid, Priya says why did he say that he cleared out auto undertaking as young lady was contending with him, he wouldnt have left errand if there was kid against him, Prince says yes i said it, Rochelle says what Prince did was, it was signal of being refined man, Salman says it was valor, Salman says to Priya that what Prince implied that there are young ladies in house who are not solid than him physically but rather he doesnt intend to say no young lady is more grounded than him. 

Salman ask Rishab what he think, what sum his sack have? Rishab says it must x2 in my sack as Bigg manager realizes that i cannot stay without nourishment so they more likely than not place x2 in my pack to test me. he ask Mandana, Mandana says i figure my sack has less sum, Kanwal says i beg my pack have 0amount as i will need to surrender inevitably, Salman says good luck young fellow, all giggle. Rochelle says my sack must be having less sum as i demonstrated that i can do assignments in auto errand, suyyash and Kishwar say that their pack must be having less sum, Prince says my pack would have 0amount as i have old connection with 0figure, all chuckle, Salman ask Rimi, Rimi says my sack must have greater sum, detainees that she must be having x2 in her pack. 

Salman says we will declare tomorrow who is removed, he finishes call. 

Salman says i will tell new sum now. 

Rimi's sack has 0 

Kishwar's sack have 250,000 

Kanwal's sack has 67rs 

Rishab's sack have 198065rs 

Keith have 77,771 

suyyash have 1935 

Mandana's sack have x2 

Salman says lets perceive how they play. he closes down from sunday scene. 

Day 49 


Fallen angels comes in house and begins cutting ropes from lower end, they make ropes shorter so prisoners will need to keep hand in raised position. Fiend tries to cut Rochelle's rope yet she says its not reasonable, Rimi and my tallness is same but rather you are cutting my rope more, Bigg supervisor ask Rochelle to simply take after directions, Priya says its amusement so its not intended to be reasonable, Rochelle says you stay out of it, Priya says i am here to report Bigg manager's choice, demon cut off her rope from end, Priya request that Rochelle keep your slangs in your mouth, Rochelle says you are not worth my slangs, Priya says you are not worth my time, Rochelle says to Priya that you are chief of house and you ought to help prisoners, you are eating infront of us, Priya says i am arbitrator so i cannot leave from here and go to eat elsewhere, infact Mandana ate in auto assignment infront of us when she was mediator, Rochelle says you are not giving me prescriptions, i require it, bigg supervisor she is undermining me with my solutions, Priya says i will give you your meds, Rochelle says some slang, Priya says dont use slang for me, they both yell at one another, Rochelle says i didnt use slang for you, Priya says i am bringing medication for you and you are stating slang for me? Rochelle yells on her, Priya says this demonstrates your character, she goes to bring drug for Rochelle, Digi tries to say something to Rochelle yet Rochelle cut her off saying dont attempt to safeguard Priya, Digi says atleast hear me out, Mandana offered detainees in auto some assistance with tasking as she needed, if Priya doesnt need to help prisoners then its her call. 

Priya conveys solution to Rochelle, she is crying. Mandana abandons her pack and surrenders errand first. Priya says to Rochelle that i cannot say slang for anybody, its not my childhood, Rochelle says you are not owning your home, you were attempting to preclude Rishab as well, Priya request that Rishab tell truth if left or rope or not? Rishab concurs that he did leave rope for a considerable length of time. Priya says to Rochelle that you cannot point at my character. 

Kanwal surrenders assignment as well. Priya makes Rishab leave errand as well. Rochelle says to Priya that you know, you, me and Prince needed to shoulder mental injury in auto undertaking then she ought to indulgent with us, Priya says yet you are utilizing slangs for me and saying that giving you drug is my occupation, Rochelle says i didnt say any slang to you and i exceptionally understand what slang to use for you, i can even demonstrate your value with one slang. 

Rochelle begins crying, she says she wanna leave undertaking yet she conceives that her pack has x2 in it, Rochelle says i have been candidly and physically doing assignments consistently from 2 3 weeks, Keith says to Priya that i was letting you know she is on passionate breakdown. Rochelle cries and is in twofold personality to leave or not leave errand, Kishwar says cash doesnt matter to us much, we were fine with 39lacs winning sum as well, you can abandon it, we will continue holding ropes, Rochelle doesnt leave, Digi supports her. Rimi inquire as to whether she needs to continue holding rope for 24hours? he says yes, she says i didnt lodging when rope was long yet its exceptionally hard to hold it now as its short and tormenting hand, Prince says in the event that you are not ready to do it then abandon it, nothing to stress, consider yourself, Rimi surrenders undertaking as well and clears out.

Suyyash's sister comes in admission room, it is appeared on television to Suyyash, sister candidly says that i wanna meet suyyash once, suyyash cries seeing this, Kishwar ask Suyyash to not leave pack by any stretch of the imagination, Suyyash feels vulnerable seeing his sister on screen, Suyyash says i would not leave rope but rather i wanna converse with her, he cries, Kishwar request that Suyyash hold her other hand, Suyyash holds, Rishab says cash doesnt matter infront of sister, go and meet her, Rochelle says you will must arrive in this house for much time, go and meet her, Suyyash says i wont go to meet her, i will meet her after 1.5month, shurti(Suyyash's sister) begins crying and says i wanna meet suyyash once. bigg manager says its suyyash's call, you can leave admission room now, she doesnt go and sit tight for Suyyash. suyyash is crying incongruously seeing her sister, all prisoners request that suyyash go and meet her, cash doesnt matter, Prince additionally request that he leave and meet her, she is sitting tight for you, Kishwar says to Suyyash that i will hold your rope as well, i will continue holding for the two of us, you go and meet her, suyyash doesnt leave however continue crying, Digi embraces him and consoles him, Priya says to Suyyash that nobody will point the finger at you, you can clear out. shurti inquire as to whether its Suyyash's choice to not leave assignment? Bigg manager says yes, she says please give me a chance to meet him once, he says we cannot permit you, she leaves, Suyyash feels dismal, Digi embraces him. 

PRECAP-All prisoners get into warmed contention. Rochelle, Kishwar, Keith, Prince are holding ropes till morning. Kishwar says i feel like my body is stuck by remaining in this position for so long. Later Priya as commander have meeting with prisoners to separation family tasks, Rishab says Mandana ought not cook nourishment as she get narrow minded and ponders herself just, Priya says Mandana ought to think in regards to humankind regardless of the fact that getting down on about Kanwal when he is eating or is it Rishab, Mandana says goodness God mother India(Priya) began once more, i wont cook for anybody whom i dont like, Kishwar ask we just wanna know whether you wanna cook or not? Mandana yells on kishwar. Tomorrow one detainee will be expelled.

Bigg Boss Season 9 1st November 2015 Written Update

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Balika Vadhu 1st December 2015 Written Update

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Balika Vadhu 1st December 2015 Written Update
Balika Vadhu 1st December 2015 Written Update

Balika Vadhu 1st December 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Kundan getting back home furiously in the wake of confronting a chilly welcome by the villagers and breaks the lock. Nimboli approaches Mangla to hunt down her mum. Mangla looks on. She gets up from her wheelchair and goes to a woman who is sobbing. She asks what happened. The lady says her spouse is all that much sick and needs much cash. She says Doctors requesting that I take him to Mumbai for further treatment. Mangla requests that her take him to Mumbai. The lady says she doesn't have cash. Mangla requests that her have confidence on God. The lady says who will help me and says I can do anything for cash. Mangla gets a thought and offers assistance. Harki back rubs Kundan's head and knocks about Kamli. She says Kamli sent your father to imprison and is administering on house now. She says she even enlisted body watches. Kundan says I will show her a lesson. Harki gets cheerful. The lady asks will you help me? Mangla says yes, however you need to do my work. The lady concurs. Mangla says you need to open somebody's eyes. The lady says I didn't have the foggiest idea. Mangla advises her something and takes her in her shrewdness words. The lady concurs and requests that her give cash quick. Mangla requests that her come some place and take cash. The lady denies as her spouse is all that much sick, and requests that her give cash in the healing facility. Mangla concurs and takes guarantee that she won't advise anything to anybody. Kamli requests that Pushkar open the lock and says she is coming. Pushkar advises her that there is no lock. Kamli sees the lock broken and requests that the gatekeepers help her open the entryway. They open the entryway and see Kundan standing. Kamli asks how could you have been able to you go inside? Kundan says it is my home and asks how could you close the entryway when you realized that I am getting back home. Kamli says Urmi was unwell and that is the reason I took her to clinic. Kundan reproves her and asks what connection she has with Urmila. kamli says Urmi is conveying your own particular blood and asks in what manner would you be able to overlook that. She says you ought to be glad that I am dealing with your youngster. She says you have returned in the wake of turning out to be more unsafe. Kundan holds her neck, yet the gatekeepers stop her. Harki takes him inside. 

Mangla gets back home. Nimboli gets cheerful and embraces her. She says I will bring everything for you and requests that her rest. Anandi thinks when she will get this affection and gets mournful eyes. Nimboli inquires as to why she is downtrodden. Anandi says I am feeling the loss of my Nandini. Nimboli requests that her not stress and tells that she has supplicated with Chathi Maiyya. She says she will send your daughhter to you and requests that her quit crying. She requests that her consider her as her Nandini till she gets her little girl. Anandi gets passionate and embraces her. Mangla goes to the clinic and pays special mind to the lady who consented to go about as Nimboli's genuine mum. The lady goes to her and puts hand on her shoulder. Mangla gives her gold bangles of 7 tolas and advises her that her saas had given her. Ganga comes. Mangla sees her and shrouds her face. Ganga goes. Mangla gives her bangle and requests that her not break her trust. She says you recall what to do. The lady looks on. 

Nimboli asks Mangla, on the off chance that she has discovered her genuine mum. Mangla conveys Nimboli to meet that lady and presents her as her mum. Nimboli is stunned.

Balika Vadhu 1st December 2015 Written Update

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Monday, November 30, 2015

Ishq Ka Rang Safed 30th November 2015 Written Update

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Ishq Ka Rang Safed 30th November 2015 Written Update
Ishq Ka Rang Safed 30th November 2015 Written Update

Ishq Ka Rang Safed 30th November 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Tripurari going to his men and gets some information about Suwarna. One of them tell that they couldn't discover Suwarna and are attempting. Tripurari cautions and undermines them. He calls Bijli's worker and requests that he discover them. Bijli takes the rickshaw. Tripurari couldn't see her. Dhaani hears Viplav conversing with Raj and saying that he had first touch it and everythin will be fine. Dhaani erroneously him and considers her. Raj goes. Viplav picks the pot and supposes he has touched it first and made it for his closest companion. Dhaani comes and breaks the pot. Viplav says it is shagun's pot. Dhaani blames him for attempting to charm Raj Lakshmi. Viplav asks have you gone frantic? Dhaani says I have heard everything that you will touch her first and will make her yours. Viplav says I was talking in regards to this matka and says it her only creative energy of her grimy personality. Dhaani says she doesn't trust him. Dhaani slips from the patio as she ventures on the banana peel, and yells. Viplav sees her holding tight the patio precipice and hops to spare her, them two holds tight. Viplav requests that Dhaani hold him firmly. Dhaani won't. Viplav says he will drop her, yet… … Dhaani calls for Dulaari and holds Viplav firmly. Sweet music plays… … 

Viplav calls for Raj… Raj comes and sees Viplav hanging. He races to educate everybody. Dulaari comes to meet Dasharath and expresses gratitude toward him for helping them. Dasharath says it is honor for me. Sushma comes and tells that she couldn't discover Dhaani anyplace. Raj comes and educates them that Dhaani and Viplav have slipped from the patio. 

Viplav inquires as to whether she will point the finger at him once more. Dhaani says yes and points the finger at him. Viplav says did I request that you break that pot and venture on the banana peel. He requests that her turn her hairs else they will fall. She moves her hairs from his mid-section. 

Dhaani calls Dulaari and yells. Viplav says I hopped to spare you. Everybody accumulate outside the house. Tripurari tosses the rope and requests that Viplav hold it. Viplav requests that Dhaani hold it. He then holds it as well. Them two scale holding the rope. Dhaani embraces Dulaari. Kanak inquires as to whether he is fine? Dasharath requests that take Dhaani inside. He tells Viplav that what might have transpire if anything transpires. He says I am stunned, what you was doing with Dhaani. 

Dulaari reprimands Dhaani and inquires as to why did she go to the porch. Dasharath requests that he get out and says you have done what's needed of marriage arrangements. He requests that him not demonstrate his face. He requests that he go. 

Tripurari tries to control Dhaani against Viplav and says I don't know why he is doing this. He asks for her to deny for marriage on the off chance that she is not upbeat. Dulaari requests that her not question her. Tripurari demonstrates the bill of Dhaani's marriage dress and tells that it is brought by Viplav. He inquires as to whether I am wedding dhaani or him. Dhaani takes a gander at the bills. She comes to viplav and asks what does he need. He says you are truly a trick. She says I thought to thank you for sparing my life, however you played an awful trap with me. She demonstrates the bill and asks what is this? She requests that him not be stun and asks who has solicited you to purchase things from my marriage. She demonstrates the marriage dress and says I don't need anything which you purchased. She tosses the dress and requests that him not draw close to her. Viplav says I doesn't wish to draw close to you and takes a promise. He says you are dumb and distraught young lady who can't separate in the middle of good and bad. I wish I could change the minute when I met you. He praises her for her up and coming marriage and goes out. Sushma takes a gander at their battle and later picks the wedding dress from the beginning. She supposes what mix-up did he do as such that Dhaani detests him to such an extent. 

Sushma comes to Dhaani and says Viplav has carried this wedding dress with his well deserved cash. She asks what wrong did he do? She says he made you free and made you accept on yourself. She requests that her cut the dress and is going to cut it. Dhaani stops her and says she used to trust him, however subsequent to seeing his truth then she quit believing him. Sushma says somebody is attempting to make misconception between you both. 


Tripurari and Dhaani sit for some custom. Dhaani's saree bursts into flames. Dhaani gets stunned. Viplav tries to blow the flame with gangajal, yet Tripurari quits saying she is a dowager. Dhaani is stunned. Later Viplav pours gangajal on the flame furthermore sets the shoot with his hand. Everybody is stunned. Dhaani looks on.

Ishq Ka Rang Safed 30th November 2015 Written Update

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Bigg Boss Season 9 30th November 2015 Written Update

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Bigg Boss Season 9 30th November 2015 Written Update
Bigg Boss Season 9 30th November 2015 Written Update

Bigg Boss Season 9 30th November 2015 Written Update

Weekend Special 

In house 

bigg manager offers opportunity to Priya that rank prisoners from 1 to 8. she positions them and give reasons as takes after: 

Rishab-first (he has characteristics of champ and acquired life appear) 

Mandana-second (she was most discussed detainees at first) 

Sovereign third (he has great heart yet you lose on account of that) 

Rochelle-fourth (you can be effortlessly controlled and you juggle between gatherings, Kishwar says she has more terrible qualities than me so she ought to be beneath me, Priya says goodness is most essential to be found in appear yet you havent demonstrated to it) 

Kishwar-fifth (your integrity is not demonstrated anyplace in this appear) 

Suyyash-sixth (you start has gone, you appear to listen Kishwar in everything) 

Digi-seventh (your quality has turned into your shortcoming here) 


Salman goes ahead stage and says tempest came in house, Bigg supervisor opened entryways of house however Rimi didnt move and acted like it doesnt make contrast to her. bigg manager demonstrated to them that infront of his tempest, nobody would have the capacity to stand. 

Salman says ROCHELLE, RIMI, MANDANA, DIGANGANA and RISHAB are designated. 

call is joined with house, Salman invites Keith and says sorry to learn in regards to your sibling, Keith expresses gratitude toward him. Salman says Rimi said commonly that she wanna go home, bigg supervisor opened entryways of house and requested that detainees leave yet you didnt do? Rimi says i have gotten to be utilized to here, i am habituated to shut entryways so didnt need to make extraordinary stride. Salman ask Mandana for what valid reason she didnt clear out? she said commonly that she wanna leave, Mandana says i was sick and was extremely frail physically and rationally however now i am fine, i wont say it once more. Salman says to Digi that you are not found in house, why? Digi says i have let individuals exploit me, i didnt take genuine position. Salman says to Rimi that two days back you said you wanna abandon, you dont do any assignment and all then why didnt you clear out? Rimi says when i entered house, i froze that i would need to live here for 3months however then days passed and 6weeks passed effortlessly, now i am fine here furthermore i guaranteed Kishwar to do errands and i will now, additionally demonstrate creatives are great that dealing with my cash. Salman get some information about Rimi, Rochelle says Rimi is not reasonable to others, Aman did all assignments and works and he got wiped out however she is still here. Rishab says Rimi did reverse brain research, she said she wanna leave and individuals voted in favor of her consequently however her amusement has been uncovered and now individuals are bolstered up. Priya says Rimi is out of line to different prisoners, she is taking spot of meriting competitor, she is expanding her bank adjust just, if Bigg manager gave her chance to leave then it wouldnt be rupture of agreement, Salman says to Rishab that he could have gotten to be saint by making Rimi go out yet he didnt, Rishab says on the off chance that i pressurized her to leave then it would be taken physical too so i didnt, all giggle, Salman says i am stunned that you all are snickering at this, this is not Rimi's deficiency, all of you never demanded her, from numerous weeks she tricked all of you, all of you are in charge of making her agreeable, Rochelle says i attempted ordinarily to spur her, Salman says her thirst to accomplish something in life is gone, its dead, in the long run Rimi will fall flat in life, i trust she comprehends and begin working, how long she have worked? Salman says i am working from age of 15years, i didnt know where my vocation was going at 18years, despite everything I express gratitude toward God for giving me work, regardless I appeal to get work. Mandana says everybody adores Rimi so much that they dont take position against her, Salman says Prince returned make up to Rimi and said we cherish you, Rimi says i did both the undertakings of this current week, i chafed prisoners sitting in auto, Rochelle says you didnt do it from brain, you did what others requesting that you do, you didnt even believe that individuals are sitting in auto for a long time so you wanna disturb them or not, you did what others were doing, Keith says to Rimi that its not thing to chuckle at, on the off chance that you dont wanna benefit opportunity then you would have gone out when entryways were opened. Salman approach Kishwar about her delicate corner for Rimi, Kishwar says i like her as individual yet i do discuss assignments to her, Priya says Rimi has concealed herself behind cool group(KSP), she knows she would be secured effortlessly by Kishwar and co, they are cool gathering in light of the fact that they are focused, Rimi supposes she is sheltered till she is with them. Salman says prisoners are at deficiency for bringing Rimi right now, Priya says this can be procedure of Kishwar too to keep Rimi close and continue ensuring her so it is anything but difficult to dispose of her in end of appear, Kishwar says this is not technique of mine. 

Salman says that there will be movement. housemates need to put a ringer around any selected candidate who they think doesnt should be in house. Kanwal first put it around Rochelle's neck however she lets him know its about contender who doesnt should be in house, then Kanwal makes Rimi wear ringer. Keith says its most exceedingly awful that she is giggling. Rimi says i remained at eighth position a day ago, Kishwar says why didnt you leave yesterday? Keith, Prince, Priya makes Rimi wear chimes. Suyyash says we are near Rimi from first day however i am feeling embarrassed, i feel i was tricked by Rimi all the time by believing her, he makes her wear ringers. Kishwar says i ensured her so much, i feel deceived, she makes her wear ringer, Mandana makes her wear make Rimi, Digi says it was narrow-mindedness of individuals to make Rimi on their side as it was simple. Digi makes her wear it, Rimi says i am powerless contender so i would make myself wear it, Rishab makes Rimi wear chime from his side and Rochelle's side both. Salman request that Rimi sit close fake cow(which was in dairy errand), she sits, Salman says individuals come in this house with destiny of 90% winning chance and 10% both, the individual with 10% fortunes to win buckles down in this house and goes ahead to win as well, Rimi says like Rochelle, she has done hardwork in house, Salman says i am not talking in regards to Rochelle, i am discussing you Rimi, you have denied your entire voyage the previous evening by not leaving house, Salman says on the off chance that you had gone a day ago then you wouldnt be mortified along these lines today, Rimi says i acknowledge choice of detainees that i am undeserving, Salman says this is choice of entire india, you continued saying you are similar to this just, who will sign you subsequent to seeing things conduct of yours? you think we are idiot? we acquired you house to resuscitate your name to individuals who overlooked you yet you didint regard the open door, i will rebound, call closes. 

Salman says Varun Dhawan and Kriti Senon entered house, lets see what happened. 

in house, Varun and Kriti enters house. they embrace and meet everybody, Varun says we have come to advance our turn dilwale. Kriti says we will give you undertaking, it will happen in couples. initially couple is Digi and Rishab. they need to perform on Sooraj hua Madham. tune plays Rishab and Digi nearly hit the dance floor with one another, everybody applauds them. Varun says SRk and Kajol have incredible science yet Rishab and Digi have extraordinary science, i am not teasing but rather they do have science, all hoot for them. Kriti says next pair is Prince and Mandana. Sovereign and Mandana moves on one two three four tune,. Varun, Rishab, Mandana goes along with them. Kriti says next pair is Kanwal and Kishwar. Kanwal begins moving like young lady on Radha tune, Kishwar moves like man and Kanwal moves like young lady on tune, everybody goes along with them and moves. 

Varun says we will bring selfie with detainees. Varun and Kriti goes out subsequent to welcome prisoners. 

Salman invites Varun and Kriti in front of an audience. he embraces them, Varun says i need to sing for you, Varun sings for Salman. Salman says Varun has come in Bigg supervisor house for second time, Varun says last time it was much unsafe last time however individuals appear to be decent this time, i like young ladies of this season, i preferred Mandana alot, Salman grins. Kriti says i truly enjoyed Kamli ji, Salman ask who is Kamli? Kriti says Kanwal is affectionately called as Kamli, after Katrina, Kanwal is known for Kamli, Salman gets noiseless for minute however then says i recall from Katrina's name, whom you like in house? Kriti says i loved Prince's move, move awes me alot. 

Varun and Kriti moves on tune Manma feeling from Dilwale. After move, Salman welcomes their move. Varun says you did film Maine pyar kyon kiya, i will reproduce scene, Salman will play sohail khan, that shower scene. Varun says dialogs of Salman from motion picture, Salman acts like Sohail and kisses Varun's cheeks, all snicker. Varun says my father is executive yet he never think of me as that i can coordinate motion picture too so i will demonstrat to him by coordinating a scene here, he says Kriti preferences light scene from Hum dil dechuke sanam so Salman and Kriti will establish that scene and i as directer will be crystal fixture, all chuckle. Varun stands like ceiling fixture, Kriti and Salman authorizes scene, they are establishing sentimental scene, Salman request that light fixture clear out, Kriti says this crystal fixture is pulverizing sentiment, Varun snickers. 

kriti demands Salman to hit the dance floor with him, Salman hits the dance floor with Kriti on Pehla pyar hai. 

Varun, Kriti and Salman moves on melody Manma feeling. Kriti tells eighteenth december is discharging date of film, Varun says SRK-Kajol is additionally in motion picture, Kriti says he is stating they are ALSO in motion picture, Varun says if it's not too much trouble they are senior, regard them, all giggle, Salman embraces them, Varun and Kriti takes off.

Call is joined with house, Salman says to Priya that you recounted tale about scorpio and frog. i have listened story of fish and scorpio. scorpio used to live on island, there was no sustenance there so he requested that fish take him to otherside of waterway, fish took him to otherside however scorpio chomp him and said its his propensity. Let me know who is scorpio and fish in house? Priya says Rochelle is fish and Mandana is scorpio. Rochelle has a sweet nature yet Mandana's tendency is to chomp, she would nibble Rochelle in the long run, she has said herself that she isnt here to make companions. Salman get some information about casualty card she is utilizing, Priya says they ganged up against me so i separated yet Kishwar said that i am attempting casualty card, Kishwar says you said that you have looked into reality appears and trap to win it, Mandana says Priya's issue is that she comes in others discussion and turn it to her way, Priya says i cannot enter any discussion, i think about gathering of people response, Salman says keep it going, i will rebound after pee, all giggle, call is detached. 

Kishwar says to Rishab that dont discuss bunch and all again else i wont converse with you, this is not about gathering. Rishab says i am not a portion of any gathering. 

Call is joined with house, Salman solicit what number of from you surmise that a special case passage can wake up house, all concur, Salman inquire as to whether he doesnt think like this? Rishab says i am myself trump card passage, all joke that Rishab doesnt comprehend undertakings. Kishwar jokes that trump card comes and says that we dont comprehend errands and everything except with regards to them even they dont see any undertaking, all chuckle, Rishab says i dont need invulnerability, i will play alone and have capacity to win, Prince says the person who played for safety had ability, Rochelle tries to say something, Rishab puts hand close face, she request that he move his hand away, Salman jokes that young ladies spook Rishab, Rishab says i need young ladies to spook me. 

snapdeal client calls, he ask suyyash that your provoke other gathering in each errand however you attempt to be sweet, is it technique? suyyash says i had battles with Rochelle and Mandana yet i attempted to clear things with them, Kishwar had issues with Mandana and i didnt need to battle in view of that, i need to have great connection with everybody, Salman inquire as to whether he is sweet to all in light of the fact that he needs to not come in designations? Suyyash says no, i am never anxious of assignments, Suyyash signs mug for client. Salman says i will declare ousting tomorrow. 

Salman says all of you lost 10lacs when you needed to take your packs back. We are giving you opportunity to win twofold sum that is 20lacs, perused undertaking guidelines precisely and do it, i will meet you tomorrow. 

Suyyash peruses guidelines about undertaking "cash", The housemates will be given pack joined with rope, prisoners need to hold the rope of their individual gunny sack, which they will need to hang on for 24hours, Each of the pack had an alternate measure of whole in it. On the off chance that at all the contenders drop the pack, that measure of cash will be lost, the detainees who will continue holding sack till end, his sack's sum will be added to champ's prize which is rightnow 39lacs. there are distinctive sums in every sack and that is composed in envelope, prisoners will open that envelope after errand just, till then they dont think about sum in their pack, there is "X2" in one pack, if the one whose pack have X2 holds the pack till end of undertaking then the summed sum after assignment will be doubled(multiplied by 2 or x2), they dont know whose sack have it. Priya is mediator of errand, digi won't be a piece of undertaking as she is sick. 

Prisoners come in patio nursery and take their places and holds rope of sacks. There is enormous LCD screen set in patio nursery too on which distinctive things will be appeared to detainees. 

PRECAP-Salman ask Priya through television whom she supposes will surrender errand first? Priya says Kishwar appears to be drained, Mandana surrenders undertakings effortlessly. Salman get some information about his remark that 'young ladies are not his opposition', Prince possesses remark once more. Priya says to Rochelle that i am giving you medication and you are utilizing slang for me? Rochelle says thats your business to give me prescription being arbitrator, Priya says this demonstrates your character, Rochelle request that her psyche her business, Priya yells to not utilize slang for me, Rochelle and Priya goes into a warmed contention. Later The devils(Jallads) of Bigg supervisor come in room of house and begin obliterating individual stuff of prisoners, it is appeared on television to detainees, Rochelle says he is devastating my make up, i am leaving my pack, Keith and others ask her to not take off. Later Suyyash's sister comes in admission room, it is appeared on television to Suyyash, sister candidly says that i wanna meet suyyash once, suyyash cries kseeing this, Kishwar ask Suyyash to not leave pack by any means, Suyyash feels defenseless seeing his sister on screen, Digi embraces him and consoles him, Suyyash advises prisoners to be prepared, i will be first man.

Bigg Boss Season 9 30th November 2015 Written Update

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Balika Vadhu 30th November 2015 Written Update

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Balika Vadhu 30th November 2015 Written Update
Balika Vadhu 30th November 2015 Written Update

Balika Vadhu 30th November 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Harki entering Mangla's clinic ward and argues infront of her not to take Kundan's name. Mangla says you both have attempted to execute me and you will be rebuffed. Harki argues infront of her and requests that her not rebuff her. She falls on her feet and apologizes. Ganga, Jagya, Police and Anandi come inside. Jagya asks I let you know not to come inside, then why did you enter here. Harki apologizes. Ganga checks her. Jagya gets some information about the individual who attempted to execute her. Adolescent home superintendent asks her. Mangla inquires as to why you are taking Kundan's name over and over and says they are not in charge of my condition. Jagya says we have seen blemishes on your neck and asks her. Mangla misleads them that her dupatta was stuck in her neck. Jagya inquires as to whether she is stating truth? Mangla says yes. Jagya says alright, and requests that superintendent and Police note down her announcement. Harki looks on fortunately and goes. Anandi asks Mangla for what valid reason did she give false proclamation and secured offenders. Mangla deceives them likewise, and says they are guiltless. 

Kundan is in the adolescent home and thinks Disa may have told my name at this point. Constable comes and educates him about his discharge. Kundan thinks my mum spared me. He asks Harki did Disa enlighten anything regarding me. Harki says no and requests that he pick up the pace. 

Mangla advises Ganga that she needs to go home to her little girl. Dadisaa brings Nimboli inside the ward. Nimboli inquires as to whether you got cognizance and says she was going to God for her recuperation. Mangla looks on. Ganga gives her infusion. Nimboli inquires as to whether she is tormented. Mangla says no. Nimboli says it implies I can learn karathe now. Mangla inquires as to why would you like to learn? Nimboli is sure about learning it. Mangla declines to allow her. Dadisaa tells that karathe is for self security. Mangla says Nimboli said that she would prefer not to learn karathe. Nimboli says you had given me blade for my insurance and says Karathe is additionally for security. Nimboli says I will learn without a doubt. 

Harki and Kundan go to their town. The villagers give them an icy welcome and spit seeing him. Kundan gets irate. Harki quiets him down. 

Akhiraj is served sustenance in prison. He goes to the kindred detainees. Badri lets them know that Akhiraj needs to becomes friends with them. Akhiraj apologizes to them for his past conduct and sits to have nourishment with them. He supposes he needs to make companions with the goal that he can take revenge from his foes. Nimboli advises Mangla that she went to clinic sanctuary and petitioned God for her. She says even Chokhi Chudail asked as well and commends her. Mangla looks on. Nimboli says at times I feel if my mum arrived then she would be similar to Anandi. Mangla is stunned. Nimboli says my mum more likely than not been similar to Anandi and checks her qualities. Mangla is all that much stunned and gets mournful eyes. Nimboli says I need to meet my genuine mum. Mangla thinks to accomplish something to make Nimboli abhor Anandi. 


Mangla meets a lady in the healing facility who advises her that she needs cash for her spouse's treatment. Mangla guarantees to help her and requests that her do her work. She supposes to acquaint that lady with Nimboli as her mum.

Balika Vadhu 30th November 2015 Written Update

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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Naagin 29th November 2015 Written Update

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Naagin 29th November 2015 Written Update
Naagin 29th November 2015 Written Update

Naagin 29th November 2015 Written Update

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Comedy Nights With Kapil 29th November 2015 Written Update

Comedy Nights With Kapil 29th November 2015 Full Episode Comedy Nights With Kapil, Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 29th November 2015 Episode watch Online HD, hindi TV Serial Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 29th November 2015

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Comedy Nights With Kapil 29th November 2015 Written Update
Comedy Nights With Kapil 29th November 2015 Written Update

Comedy Nights With Kapil 29th November 2015 Written Update

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Bigg Boss Season 9 29th November 2015 Written Update

Bigg Boss Season 9 29th November 2015 Full Episode Bigg Boss Season 9, Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 29th November 2015 Episode watch Online HD, hindi TV Serial Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 29th November 2015

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Bigg Boss Season 9 29th November 2015 Written Update
Bigg Boss Season 9 29th November 2015 Written Update

Bigg Boss Season 9 29th November 2015 Written Update

Weekend Special 

Salman goes ahead stage and says it was troublesome week for detainees, they needed to buckle down in undertakings and the thing which never happened, happened in this season, Bigg manager opened entryways and asked prisoners who dont wanna live in house, simply get out, all appearances were pale, lets see what happened. 

In bigg manager house, entryways of house are opened. Mandana request whom, this is for? Rishab says this is for everybody, Mandana says on the off chance that somebody leaves then it implies that we are not regarding appear? Rishab says no he intended to say that individuals are living in house and not regarding opportunity so they ought to clear out. Rishab get Suyyash corner and says this is open door for us, dont clarify her anything. Rishab comes to Rimi and says you can go out, entryways are opened, take off. 

Rishab comes to Priya and Rochelle and says anybody can clear out. after 5minutes, entryways are shut, Priya says Rimi it was open door for you, why didnt you take off? Rimi says it was distinctive sort of clearing out. Ruler says this was lesson for every one of us to divert. Rishab says every one of the individuals who continued saying that they wanna go out, it was message for them. Kishwar says everybody said it times and again that they wanna leave, however we ought not do it once more, Mandana says to Bigg manager that it i was impolite to show then i am sad. Digi says i am stunned that Rimi didnt take off. 

Rimi is lying on her bed, Suyyash comes to Rimi and inquire as to why didnt she take off? Rimi says i have survived 7weeks in this house so why leave now, Rishab comes and inquire as to whether she wanna win now? Rimi says what i was doing entire time, i will be same. 

Digi says to Kishwar that i am really questioning Rimi now, all are confounded. 

Salman says lets see more tempests coming in house. 

In Bigg supervisor house. Around 4am, melody Jago Subah hogyi plays as alert. Ruler, Rochelle and Priya were resting which was not permitted, Rochelle leaves auto as being drained. 


I am the best melody plays. detainees wake up. 


Priya says to Suyyash that i require this invulnerability more, i told Prince that i wont conflict with him in the event that i get to be chief. Priya says to Prince that think in regards to it, its been long, you know its now simple to do thisw undertaking, to now its upto you, you wanna spare your closest companion in the wake of getting to be skipper? who are your closest companions? Ruler says Mandana(she is there), Rochelle, Kishwar and Suyyash, Priya says i wont conflict with them, Kishwar comes and inquire as to whether they have chosen anything? Sovereign tells Kishwar in ear that Priya has concurred, she will do everything for him and for his companion, he wont conflict with us, Prince says it doesnt matter to me to sit in auto for all the more long time however hatts off to Priya to be in auto for around 40hours, so i report her as champ, he leaves auto, Priya wins invulnerability undertaking. bigg supervisor says Priya has won assignment and has won invulnerability, she will get exceptional power in selections, which we will tell later, she has gotten to be chief as well. 


Bigg manager says to detainees that just about nine weeks are done of this season, half season has passed so now Bigg supervisor will demonstrate your voyage till now so you can gage yourself and arrangement for triumph, he request that Rishab come in movement range. 


Rishab's joureny is appeared, how he entered as special case participant, how he said that he is canine, how he remarked on Rochelle in pool, how he made Kishwar doggy, how he had battles with Prince then he mellow down, how he was made to keep running for his sack by Prince and Rochelle. How he got to be trick in kabaddi amusement, how he lost resistance undertaking by putting his feet down on floor himself. After clasp, Bigg supervisor says that you came in house yet didnt get to be tempest, you got to be simple joke for prisoners, you have less certainty? on the other hand would you say you are apprehensive? you need to discover responses to these, Rishab says thanks to him and clears out. 

Rishab comes in parlor, all ask him however he says wear is back. 

Rochelle inquire as to whether Rishab let him know anything? Suyyash says he will Priya just. 

Priya is conversing with Rishab and says Rochelle is slanted towards Kishwar's gathering, i dont need to be a piece of that gathering, i need you and me to be in finals as we have capacity. Rishab says i will have my battle now. 


She comes in action region, her trip with Keith is appeared, how she battled with Mandana commonly for Keith, how Mandana said to Keith that Rochelle is not brilliant, Rochelle cries seeing Keith in clasp, Keith's way out is show in clasp, their minutes are appeared in appear, then how Rochelle played without Keith in house, how she started quarrel, how Rimi said that she has demonstrated that she is solid without Keith as well. At that point how she b***ced about Mandana for assignment and needed to face Mandana's fury, how Aman said while leaving that after Keith's way out, Rochelle has ended up free. After clasp closes, Bigg manager says Miss India cannot be subordinate young lady, you were unimportant Keith's better half in begin yet after his way out, you have turn out more grounded, we trust you proceed with like this, she thanks and takes off. 

Rochelle comes in parlor, Suyyash embraces her and consoles her. 


clasp plays, his excursion is appeared. How he got to be companions with Kishwar and Suyyash then how Karan Kundra and Kamya said that he is scared by Kishwar. how Kishwar and Suyyash were incomplete towards one another and sidelined Prince ordinarily. after clasp Bigg supervisor says that one first day you were denied by 4girls to make you their accomplice yet you had fearlessness, you were on other reality appears however group of onlookers needs to see what you are doing in this house, you are stuck in the middle of sister and sibling, recall legend dependably emerge from others, Prince expresses gratitude toward him and turns out. Suyyash ask what he was appeared? Ruler says not a lot. 


her voyage as Keith's accomplice is appeared, scraper detainees claimed her that she is childish, how she kicked Kishwar in undertaking, how she called Prince and Kishwar as goons, how she cried to go out, how she got to be companions with Rochelle then how she had seen Rochelle b***cing when she was in mystery room then how she cameback and said she will take revenge from Rocheele. After clasp, Bigg manager says you dont know Hindi much however you dont delay to talk up, continue going like this. 

Rishab converses with Prince, Rishab says i came as wear however changed. Sovereign says my issue is i am stuck in gathering, i will conflict with them(Suyyash-Kishwar) in assignments, now we will play diversion with them, you bother me in errand and i will do same, we will play recreations with them now. 


her trip is appeared. How she was ruled by Kishwar, how she was said to be bore, how Kishwar assigned her without strong reason, how diversion was ceased because of Prince showering all over yet Kishwar denied it, how Salman said that she is turning out as youthful. After Clip, Bigg supervisor says that you know who is with you and who is not, you are not indicated much in this trip and you ought to discover explanation behind it, Digi expresses profound gratitude for demonstrating to, it was required. 

Digi comes to Priya and Rishab and says it was indicated how Kishwar named me. Rochelle, Aman, Mandana used to say infront of me that i work alot however get back to me bore on my. 


her clasp is appeared, how she said that she is a man, how she battled with Rishab in doggy assignment. how she got to be commander, how she has battles with Mandana in rickshaw errand, how Mandana kicked her and Kishwar requested activity against her, how Mandana selected her idiom that if lowlife is solid then it makes saint more grounded. how she had solid association with Suyyash and Prince all through, Kishwar is in tears seeing this. Bigg manager says you are most solid challenger of this season, you do what you feel right, if there is single word for you then it is resolute and you are obstinacy will take you forward, Kishwar says i am feeling roused by seeing this, i will stay like this. 


his adventure is appeared. How he didnt take coins and told Kishwar his group arrangement, how he was claimed to be one-sided towards Kishwar. At that point how he didnt take activities against Kishwar in assignments. How Shaleen said that Kishwar is administering suyyash. How Aman said that Suyyash is female in Kishwar-Suyyash connection, how he never won any group undertaking. Bigg supervisor says you are sportsman and artist yet all are confounded about you, you are simply shadow however you dont have distinction, regardless you have time. 

Priya says to Rishab that Prince Rochelle will frame bunch while Suyyash Kishwar will be on one side, all other are person. 

Sovereign says to Mandana and Rochelle that i will battle with Suyyash and Kishwar in errands, i need to be in against group with them, their existence has turn out. 


her excursion is appeared. How she needed to go out from the time she entered, how she denied doing errands. How she cried when she got Ticket to finale, how due to her prisoners lost their extravagance spending plan, how she said Bigg manager disturbs her, how she said that she needs to expand her bank adjust just, how Rishab said that she has decoded how to win without doing anything. Bigg manager request that Rimi clear out. 

Rimi comes in room and says to prisoners that i was looking entertaining in clasp, they indicated how all lost extravagance spending plan as a result of me and i was chuckling on that as well, Digi says Rimi is that k,, 

Salman says subsequent to seeing this, there will be numerous adjustments in relationship with the exception of one, whose certification nobody can take. 


Ruler says you said to me that see a young lady is contending such a great amount with you, Priya says it wasnt in regards to sexual orientation, Priya says you took Mandana's name ,, 

Mandana says there is no fellowship, do your undertakings and designations. Kishwar says the point 

Ruler says Priya you have ended up commander as a result of Prince, Priya says dont assume acknowledgment of my win, Prince says you won in light of me and Mandana, Priya says in what manner can Mandana assume praise, Mandana says dont make issue, you just wanna do battles, Rishab says to Mandana that you call yourself most exceedingly awful entertainer so dont say anything.

Bigg supervisor says to prisoners that they need to rank themselves. All rushed to secure spot, there are boxes set in patio nursery on which number is composed. Priya and Kanwal are arbitrator of undertaking Mandana secure spot at first spot while Rochelle on second spot, bigg bos request that detainees stand inside box, there is dairy animals waste inside box, Rimi stand in box on minimum number that is 8 while all other stand next to box not inside it, Rishab says Mandana is on first spot, she never finish any errand, so i ought to get first spot, suyyash says Digi is on 5ht spot and i have sixth recognize that is not right, Digi says you were supposing where to stand so i remained on fifth spot, Prince says i offer 100% to all assignments so i ought to get first spot and get some information about her third spot, Kishwar says i am solid and do what i need yet i have done missteps which i will amend now and will play pleasantly so i have taken third spot, Prince says in the event that you feel you merit third spot then fine, Priya ask what Prince needs? he says i need to remain on third spot. Priya get some information about eighth spot, she says i am most exceedingly terrible in house so in any event spot, Priya ask Suyyash for what reason he is on fifth spot and Digi on fourth spot? Suyyash says she feels she is superior to anything me, Digi says i dont get impacted like Suyyash gets. Kishwar says digi voice her sentiment after things end, Rochelle is interesting and witty so she is superior to anything me, Rochelle says individuals thought i would breakdown without Keith yet i turned out more grounded however Mandana doesnt should have been on first spot as her identity is perplexing, Mandana says i voice my conclusion so i need to be at first spot, Rishab asys i have never kicked anybody in house, i do every one of the errands so i should be at first spot, additionally Rochelle doest b***cing about others in the face of their good faith so she doesnt should be at second spot. Bigg manager says to Priya and Kanwal that they have considered prisoners to be group of onlookers so bigg supervisor is giving them chance to rank detainees from best to most noticeably awful agreeing. (Priya and Kanwal's positioning will be demonstrated tomorrow). 

Keith comes in admission room, Bigg manager invites him, Keith says i am cheerful to be here, its opportunity to return to work. Rochelle comes in admission room and discovers Keith there, she embraces him firmly. 

Salman says i am going ahead Sunday and Monday with 20lacs and who this is for, we will see that. 

PRECAP-Varun Dhawan and her costar from up and coming film Dilwale. Salman orders scene from Hum Dil Dechuke Sanam.

Bigg Boss Season 9 29th November 2015 Written Update

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