Showing posts with label Naagin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Naagin. Show all posts

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Naagin 5th December 2015 Written Update

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Naagin 5th December 2015 Written Update
Naagin 5th December 2015 Written Update

Naagin 5th December 2015 Written Update

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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Naagin 29th November 2015 Written Update

Naagin 29th November 2015 Full Episode Naagin, Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 29th November 2015 Episode watch Online HD, hindi TV Serial Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 29th November 2015

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Naagin 29th November 2015 Written Update
Naagin 29th November 2015 Written Update

Naagin 29th November 2015 Written Update

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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Naagin 28th November 2015 Written Update

Naagin 28th November 2015 Full Episode Naagin, Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 28th November 2015 Episode watch Online HD, hindi TV Serial Digital Mujhay Tera Pata Chahiye 28th November 2015

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Naagin 28th November 2015 Written Update
Naagin 28th November 2015 Written Update

Naagin 28th November 2015 Written Update

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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Naagin 22nd November 2015 Written Update

Naagin 22nd November 2015 Full Episode Naagin, Naagin 22nd November 2015 Episode watch Online HD, hindi TV Serial Naagin 22nd November 2015

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Naagin 22nd November 2015 Written Update
Naagin 22nd November 2015 Written Update

Naagin 22nd November 2015 Written Update

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Saturday, November 21, 2015

Naagin 21st November 2015 Written Update

Naagin 21st November 2015 Full Episode Naagin, Naagin 21st November 2015 Episode watch Online HD, hindi TV Serial Naagin 21st November 2015

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Naagin 21st November 2015 Written Update
Naagin 21st November 2015 Written Update

Naagin 21st November 2015 Written Update

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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Naagin 15th November 2015 Written Update

Naagin 15th November 2015 Full Episode Naagin, Naagin 15th November 2015 Episode watch Online HD, hindi TV Seril Naagin 15th November 2015

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Naagin 15th November 2015 Written Update
Naagin 15th November 2015 Written Update

Naagin 15th November 2015 Written Update

The scene begins with Shivanya demonstrating Rithik's progenitor's potrait in raja's clothing. Rithik giggles and says his mother more likely than not made this picture to perceive what he looks like as raja. She requests that him not giggle. She then discovers mystery entryway. Rithik says it is excessively restricted, in what capacity will he enter in. She says he is excessively incline and can without much of a stretch enter. He offers her some assistance with getting in first and after that tails her. 

Snake charmer holds icchadhari nagin Sesha firmly and advises he will constrain her to come into her genuine structure. Rithik's sibling giggles. Snake charmer says he is laughing so as to offend god on snake keeping in mind changing over snake into genuine structure, she may kick the bucket. Ankush says she ought not bite the dust. Rithik comes there and compels him to leave snake. Snake keeps running into wilderness. Rithik asks in what capacity would they be able to torment pure snake like this. Yamini says it was icchadhari nagin and she herself saw her evolving structure. Ankush stops her. 

At haveli, Yamini chastens Rithik for saving nagin, she won't save them now. Ankush says he is offending Tanvi and is doing incorrectly, he ought to deal with her. 

Sesha goes into mystery room harmed and taking a gander at Rithik's hereditary pic says whever he goes she will tail him and will execute him at any expense. 

Tanvi sees Rithik with Shivanya and gets discouraged. She goes to her room and inclines toward bed unfortunately. Rithik tails her and jokes with her. She says she cherishes him since she was 11 year old, however he is wandering with worker and the way he was taking a gander at her says all. He says she spared his life, so he went to spare her life, there is just that. She requests that he guarantee that he won't meet worker Shivanya once more. 

Yamini sees Shivanya and asks who is she. Shivanya stands confounded. Yamini says she doesn't know who she is, however she needs to express gratitude toward her for sparing her child. She gives her cash and requests that her not meet he child again and go far away. Shivanya says she needn't bother with cash and leaves unfortunately. Rithik comes, sees her, yet quits thinking back Tanvi's guarantee that he won't meet Shivanya once more. 

Rithik and Tanvi's engagement happens. Entire family applauds them. Ankush inquires as to whether she is glad at this point. She gestures yes. 

Snake charmer/sapera strolls in wilderness. He sees an a desolate woman and asks where is she going, imagine a scenario in which some goon hurts her. Woman says she met a goon a few seconds ago. Sapera asks who is he. She says it his him and turns her face. Sapera is stunned to see same icchadhari naagin Sesha. Sesha tries to nibble him. He plays been and gets her. Sesha says she needs to take exact retribution and will murder him at any expense. He strangulates her neck and holds her firmly. Shivanya comes there and requests that he leave lady. Sapera says she is icchadhari naagin and not lady and requests that her give his been. She tosses been and pushes sapera out. Sesha gets up. Sapera holds her once more. Bhairavnath comes there. Sapera says he will leave now as he can deal with nagin. Bhairavnath says he came to spare nagin and rebuff him and says there are 2 sorts of saperas, one who catch and execute snakes and one who spares and deals with snakes. Sapera gets tensed. Bhairavnath says nagin will take revenge at any expense. Sapera says he won't let that happen. Bhairavanth says Sesha is not the person who needs requital and calls another snake/nagin. Nagin comes and changes over into Shivanya. Bhairavnath says she needs to take revenge for shamefulness transpired. Sesha slaughters sapera. 

Shivanya proceeds with that she implored shivji 20 years during the current day and she will take revenge. Bhairavnath inquires as to whether she recalls guarantee made to her guardians. Shivanya says yes and recounts to her adolescence story where she plays with her mother. Mother says after numerous years of pooja, shivji favors snakes/bothers to end up icchadari annoy/nagin and 2 bother couples kid will be more effective than them. She proceeds with that their guardians were icchadhari pesters and were overseers of shiv sanctuary. Bhairavnath enters and illuminates folks that some haveli men are coming here to execute them and take mani. Mother requests that kid shivanya take cover behind stones and not let any solid enter her ears and supplicate god. Ankush and his sibling enter with saperas and torment mother and father to give mani/precious stone of sanctuary. Mother says it is sanctuary's property and they won't offer it to anyone. Ankush executes them both and leaves telling knows where mani is. Shivanya sees Ankush and his 2 sibling's pics in mother's eyes, however sees 2 other men's confronts obscure. At present day, Bhairavnath asks she is removed from haveli, by what means will she enter once more. She says she has discovered her direction as of now. 

At haveli, Hrithik's cousin sees him seeking something and jokes it is waste to inquiry his flexibility now after engagement. Rithik says he is looking his watch. Tanvi says it was extremely obsolete watch, it is great it is lost. Rithik says his mother talented him after his graduation is it is exceptionally dearer to him. She apologizes. He feels that he dropped watch in mystery store room when he was stuck there. He takes keys from worker forecefully. Worker runs and educates Ankush that Rithik has gone to open mystery room. Ankush runs and prevents Rithik from opening entryway. Rithik asks what is uncommon inside room. Ankush says nothing exceptional, it is store room. Rithik says he saw it yesterday and saw his imperial potrait moreover. Ankush says they ought to leave for Mumbai now. Worker brings watch. Ankush takes him from that point. 

While voyaging towards mumbai, Rithik's cousin takes him into wilderness by means of longest course and says his sweetheart will meet him here in 10 min. Rithik admonishes him and drives auto alone when Shivanya comes before his auto. Rithik turns out. Shivanya's life partner tails her. Rithik requests that not touch her. Life partner says she is her fiancee and it is their own issue. Rithik beats him and takes Shivany from that point. Life partner then changes over into Sesha. Bhairavnath comes and says Shivanya was correct, she has discovered a way. 

Yamini calls her guruji to her home and says she needed to meet him as quickly as time permits. He says he knows she is tensed in the wake of seeing nagin and says he has brought shivji's extraordinary weapon, his beltra and ties leave wreath around entryway and says if nagin enters in, she will smolder and transform into powder. 

While driving auto, Rithik reproves Shivanya for lying that she is hitched and applies ice pack on her hand. She says it torments. He says why she bears her life partner's torment. She says she needs work, her dad ows cash to her life partner and she needs to work to pay his obligation. Rithik says he will give her employment, she spare his life and now he will spare her life. 

Tanvi checks her marriage mantap. Decorator clarifies its subject. Yamini inquires as to why did she come in mantap. Tanvi requests that her unwind, nothing awful will happen now. 

Rithik conveys Shivanya to Raheja house and says this is his little house. Shivanya says it can hold 50 houses. Rithik says even he felt same when he saw her home and afterward says he is kidding. He requests that her get in. Colossal winds begin blowing. Sanctuary chimes are demonstrated moving. Rithik says it was a lovely enivornment and all of a sudden tempest came. Shivanya says tempest comes all of a sudden dependably. He requests that her enter house. She sees shivji's belptra on entryway and thinks underhandedness can't go into this house and asks shivji to help her. Belptra wreath falls. Shivanya asks Rithik who tied these dried leaves on entryway. Rithik uproots and tosses clears out. Shivanya enters in deduction this house is made on her guardian's grave, she will execute one who slaughtered her guardians. 

Precap: Shivanya taking a gander at Ankush, Yamini and Rithik's family representation says she will execute her guardians killers and needs to do it without anyone's help. Yamini goes by and asks what she will do.

Naagin 15th November 2015 Written Update

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Saturday, November 14, 2015

Naagin 14th November 2015 Written Update

Naagin 14th November 2015 Full Episode Naagin, Naagin 14th November 2015 Episode watch Online HD, Hindi TV Seril Naagin 14th November 2015

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Naagin 14th November 2015 Written Update
Naagin 14th November 2015 Written Update

Naagin 14th November 2015 Written Update

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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Naagin 8th November 2015 Written Update

Naagin 8th November 2015 Full Episode Naagin, Naagin 8th November 2015 Episode watch Online HD, Hindi TV Seril Naagin 8th November 2015

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Naagin 8th November 2015 Written Update
Naagin 8th November 2015 Written Update

Naagin 8th November 2015 Written Update

The scene begins with Rithik tumbling from precipice and holding tree limb while taking after a lady/ichchadhari nagin Shesha. Poojari Bhairvnath keeps playing been. Snakes accumulate around him. One of enormous snake tries to chomp him, yet the picks it and says history is rehashed and he has taken same structure like 20 years back. He will take revenge for whatever he did to her crew. Snake changes over into icchadhari nagin Sesha and begins moving. Rithik is seen as yet holding tight a tree. Sesha hits the dance floor with other icchadhari nagins before shiv icon. Bhairavnath orders her to destory Rithik's family and take revenge. 

Rithik's cousins and kin are seen clowning with one another and afterward insult Tanvi. Mother comes and asks where is Rithik. They say they don't have the foggiest idea. She goes to father and sees him working out with dumbells. She says it is his child's engagement tomorrow, yet he is unwinding here. He says she knows in regards to his distractions, however not child's and says he must be looking system some place. She inquires as to why did he send Rithik out, does not he recall what happened 20 years back. Father unwinds on seat and inquires as to whether she checked something. She says no. He requests that check then. She supposes why is this man so casual. Tanvi's companions insult her that Rithik is so hot, on the off chance that she purchased loungerie for their first night, and so on. Tanvi requests that discussion gradually, else relative will tune in. She will purchase a s*xy nightie to bait Rithik and won't be exhausting sari clad like her relative. She turns back and sees Yamini remaining there. Yamini inquires as to whether she saw Rithik. Tavni says he went in that bearing. 

Bhairavnath tells Sesha that today is extraordinary night and she ought to begin taking requital. Simply then, immense spout of air blows. Sesha asks Bhairavnath he told today is promising night, however what is occurring. He holds wind and says Gatakka can't lie. Somebody will get a fortunes destiny today. 

Yamini and father go with their group looking for Rithik. Yamini years somebody's yell and escapes auto. She gets stressed seeing same old shiv sanctuary and tells father this is same 20-year-old sanctuary. He reproves her that she generally draws close to this sanctuary and says he will go to hunt his child alone and leaves with his group. Yamini goes to sanctuary and begs Shiv to secure her child. 

Rithik hangs holding tree limb. A snake comes close-by, then young lady comes and holds Rithik's hand. She requests that him not pull her. Rithik says he won't and says she is 25 kg and frail, by what means will she pull him. She says with her actual will, she can force anything. She pulls Rithik up. He requests that her name express gratitude toward her. She says name is not expected to thank and takes off. 

Father accompanies group and asks where was he, what is this jabber. Rithik says he slipped from bluff. Yamini additionally comes. At that point, Tanvi comes and reproves him that she adores him since she was 10-year-old and he ought not go anyplace without educating her. They both then get into auto keeping in mind voyaging Tanvi says a young lady spared him from falling and he gets diverse young lady in his fantasy. Rithik says yes. Simply then driver stops auto seeing automobile overload. Constable comes and educates that street is obstructed because of avalanche and they can't go to mumbai. Rithik's bhabhi feels hungry. An old woman comes offering peanuts. Bhabhi purchases peanuts and gives her cash. Old woman takes off. Constable takes father/Raheja and Rithik to police headquarters and whines controller that they need to go to mumbai even subsequent to telling about avalanche. Reviewer who is caught up with perusing naagin novel keeps perusing. Father says he is Raheja. Auditor requests that he return back where he originated from. Rithik says tomorrow is his engagement and needs to achieve mumbai. Investigator rehashes samething. Raheja asks he wouldn't like to retreat to haveli. Investigator inquires as to whether he is haveli's Raheja and says he heard a ton in regards to his haveli. Raheja rewards controller and auditor says he will open a thin blocked street. Rithik's sibling comes running and educates that bhabi is voming. Rithik and Raheja go out to check. Yamini admonishes in what capacity would anyone be able to come in this downpour. Bhabhi focuses at tree. Yamini says there is nobody there. Old woman peeps from behind tree and grins and changes over into Sesha nagin. Raheja says they will go to mumbai at any expense. Rithik says they ought to go to doctor's facility first. Raheja says there are a ton of healing center in Mumbai and his words are last. Sesha changes into overseer and yells at father to backpedal to his haveli. Father says simply at some point back consented to send them by means of some blocked street. Investigator says he didn't and yells again to about-face. They all get into auto nd clear out. Sesha recaptures her structure and whatever she supposes will happen, they won't do a reversal. Entire Raheja family reaches back haveli. Raheja takes a gander at embellishment and asks Yamini he let off hirelings, then who improved haveli. Yamini says he enjoys workout and she loves dealing with her home, she got back to hirelings. Rithik gets prepared and Tavni asks where is he going as of now. He says to meet that young lady. She inquires as to whether that young lady is wonderful. He says she is same young lady who dropped sustenance. She says then she doesn't need to stress from that hacking young lady and requests that him not get hack from that young lady. Rithik goes to chief and gets some information about young lady. Director says she cleared out occupation and backtracked to Jaipur. Rithik says he needs her back, else he will lose his occupation. Supervisor gets young lady's location and says he can't morning so as to bring. Rithik says he will go himself and leaves in his auto. While driving, he sees snake on glass and slams auto into tree. He rings chime of an adjacent house for help. Young lady opens entryway and he says he was going to Jaipur yet found here itself. He enters in and says he returned to give her compensation and employment. She supposes how to send him and says her spouse has gone out and will be coming whenever. He says let him come, he will express gratitude toward him moreover. She says she can't acknowledge his cash and does what her heart says, so no need of his thank or cash. She then slips and he holds her. Their eyes lock. A sentimental melody plays out of sight. He then requests that her give portable as he is not getting system. She indicates landline. He calls Tanvi and illuminates that he is talking from young lady's home. Yamini takes telephone and asks where is he. He says he is with a young lady in a business meet and will reach back haveli soon. Young lady gives him water, supposes he is lying his family and being a tease here despite the fact that his engagement is tomrrow and uproariously inquires as to whether water is frosty. Yamini inquires as to whether he is lying. Rithik says he told he is with a young lady on a business meet and will return soon before separating call. He asks young lady his name and she says Shivanya and she needn't bother with his occupation. He says he will sit tight for her in auto and holds up outside. Repairman comes and repairs his auto and when his going to leave, Shivanya turns out and says she is prepared to go with him. He grins and remarks she would not like to come and now is prepared. He gets her into auto and leaves towards haveli. 

Raheja awakens at midnight and leaves room. Yamini sees him going and gets stressed. She calls Bhairavnath. Raheja sees Bhairvnath and asks Yamini who called him here. Bhairavnath says he came to spare his child as nagin must help following 20 years of tapasya and can change into any structure. 

Gathering begins. Sesha enters haveli and changes herself into server. She gives liquor glass to Raheja and after that supposes she began her retribution here and will complete it today. Raheja tumbles down after a boisterous yell. Yamini and others runs towards him. 

Precap: Yamini keeps running behind Sesha and requests that her stop. Tantrik stops her and says just nagin stops on been sound. She bicycles him.

Naagin 8th November 2015 Written Update

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Monday, November 2, 2015

Naagin 2nd November 2015 Written Update

Naagin 2nd November 2015 Full Episode Naagin , Naagin 2nd November 2015 Episode watch Online HD, Hindi TV Seril Naagin 2nd November 2015

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Naagin 2nd November 2015 Written Update
Naagin 2nd November 2015 Written Update

Naagin 2nd November 2015 Written Update

The scene begins with surya namaskar and gayatri mantra. A man goes in auto in a segregated street and stops it listening to a woman's anklet. He begins taking after woman who welcomes him to tail her into wilderness and afterward old shiv sanctuary. Woman says she was sitting tight for him since ages and he is just hers. She keeps signaling him to tail her. Man tails her holing up behind trees and shrubs. Insignificant sang pyar me… music plays out of sight. Exactly when man is going to catch her, he awakens from rest and yells. His life partner Tanvi calls him Rhitik and welcomes him hello. She grumbles that she knows he doesn't love her, and so on. He says he can't love her, yet will be faithful to her. she reminds him about their up and coming engagement and their trek. 

Rithik discusses his family, his father who is wellness and style crack, his mother, and so forth.. Mother and father's nok jhok. Mother advises father about Rithik's engagement and to wear white suit for shiv pooja. He wears dark. she admonishes that shivji preferences white. Shiv pooja begin and every relative is presented. Rithik's cousin, alcoholic sister, sibling, uncle and close relative, and so forth.. After pooja, panditji asks folks where is their child, pooja is for his integrity. Rithik enters with Tanvi and says he came in and takes aarti. Light passes over. Mother gets tensed. Rithik jokes with father that he was sparing panditji's whiskers. 

Mother counsels guruji who says Rithik should be hitched before he turns 25 year old, else hsi life will be in threat. 

Father gets prepared for voyaging and tells why ought to travel Panchner, 300 km far from mumbai. She reminds him around an episode happened 20 years prior. He gets furious and cautions her not to remind about that night and keep it mystery. Rithik enters and asks what mystery. Father says why did he enter in youthful couples' room without thumping and begins kidding. Rithik says his guardians are the best couple. Their clowning proceeds. 

Before voyaging, Tanvi's uncle who is Rithik's companion asks he heard that a young lady comes in his fantasy. Rithik takes a gander at Tanvi and says dream does not have any importance at all and not to stress. Family begins going in an auto. Tanvi's uncle sees chomp mark on Rithik's neck and inquires as to whether it is affection nibble. Rithik's cousin seeks on net and says it is snake nibble. A man comes in front all of a sudden and before Rithik could apply break, man tumbles down. Entire family escapes auto and food water to old man. Old man awakens and says he is fine. Rithik's mother Yamini says she knows this spot and gets perplexed acknowledging it is old Panchner shiv sanctuary they had gone to 20 years back. Old man says this sanctuary is exceptionally propitious and is seen just to fortunate individuals. Cousin says it is abnormal and tells about Rithik's snake chomp. Yamini frenzies finding out about snake chomp. Rithik says he got same dream and when woke up discovered this chomp. Yamini requests that family educate her first on the off chance that they see snake. When family leaves, old man changes over into naagin/lady. 

Family achieves their hereditary house. Individuals who are willingly sitting tight for them talk about that raja saheb/Rithik is a reproduction of odl raja saheb. All adolescents get exceptionally energized seeing such a major manor. Tanvi inquires as to whether he is truly a raja and she will be a genuine ruler. They all get hypnotized seeing old bar and huge liquor bottles, immense space, and so forth.. Yamini blessings Tanvi valuable bangles. Rithik begins insulting Tanvi. 

Father asks mother/yamini why did she brought family here, on the off chance that they don't think about their past in this chateau/haveli, imagine a scenario in which one of their past frequent their present at this point. Rithik comes and father changes examination. He acquaints family with his predecessor's pictures, extraordinary granddad, granddad, and so forth. Youths joke that their precursors were fat, look like dacoits, and so on… Rithik sees a torn picture and asks whose representation it was. Father says it was his potrait which villagers tore as they don't care for him. 

Rithik strolls around manor and sees a young woman cleaning. Hireling inquires as to whether he needs anything. Rithik says no. He sees same sanctuary from window and gets some information about soundss. Worker says it is shiv sanctuary and today is exceptionally propitious day and maha shiv pooja in which numerous snakes partcipate. 

Rithik asks father for what good reason did he choose this venue for his engagement. Father says to hotshot and to clear Yamini's obligation for bringing forth such a nice looking child. Family calls them for supper. Rithik sees same young lady moving around and begins gazing at her and thinks why is he gazing at her. Family plays antakshari. Rithik keeps gazing at young lady as opposed to singing. Tanvi sings murmur aapke ankhon me… melody.. for Rithik. Young lady clears out. Younters ask Tanvi how could she have been able to she fall into Rithik's adoration. She says affection is strange, on the off chance that you go to discover it, it will go far away, yet in the event that you go far away, it will draw close to you. She saw Rithik's eyes first and began to look all starry eyed at. Alcholic sister says even she adores liquor samy. Rithik keeps taking a gander at young lady. Yamini's turn comes next. Rithik questions what is icchadhari nagin/snake, he saw him in TV serials, and so forth., and in the event that they are in genuine. Yamini says theya re for genuine and subsequent to supplicating Shiv for a considerable length of time they get an energy to change into human or any structure. 

Guruji plays been/snake music. Snake transforms into woman and tells she petitioned God for a long time and got this human structure. She will disavow her inadequate story now. 

Family keeps clowning. Father says mother is correct, he by and by experienced ichhadhari nagin, before marriage mother was holy person and after marriage got to be nagin. Everybody snickers and mother unwinds that he didn't tell 20-year-old mystery. 

Young lady drops nourishment by misstep. Family reproves her. Her manager takes her out and fires. She argues not to. Rithik hears that and cautions him if young lady does not want his engagment party tomorrow, he won't acknowledge his providing food. Supervisor gets tensed. Rithik goes close young lady to reassure her and keeps his hand on her shoulder. Young lady quits crying. O re piya… tune plays out of sight. Young lady grins. Rithik additionally grins taking a gander at her grin and apologizes for his family's misstep and says he cautioned supervisor/manager not to suspend her from work. Young lady begins hacking. He says he will send her drugs. She tries to leave, yet her dupatta gets stuck in shrubs and she gets timid. Rithik gives back her dupatta. Supervisor comes and says he forgot her and is giving back her occupation. Young lady grins, takes a gander at Rikthik once and clears out. 

Rithik joins back his family in greenhouse. Tanvi asks where was he, they were discussing affection, mother told adoration happens at first sight. Rithik thinks back beginning to look all starry eyed at the young lady. Rithik says he doesn't have confidence in affection, be it first or fifth sight. While family gets occupied with playing, Rithik noiselessly leaves into wilderness hunting down system. He hears sanctuary chimes and understands that he sees same sanctuary in his fantasy. He then hears same young lady strolling with tere sang pyar me… music and understands that she is the same young lady whom he found in dream. He begins tailing her holing up behind trees. Young lady supposes she was sitting tight for him since years, whatever he found in dream is transforming into reality. Rithik keeps tailing her. She motions to tail her maxim he is just hers and from today, their story begins. He gets SMS and checks it. When he raises his head, he doesn't discover young lady and begins seeking her. A snake is seen climbing tree. Rithik sees young lady again and begins taking after once more. Young lady says she is naagin and entire world can't prevent her from taking her retribution. He can flee from entire world, however not from a snake/nagin. She grins taking a gander at sky and afterward Rithik. 

Precap: Yamini tells spouse that history is rehashing, their child is absent. Guruji says whoever makes sin, Bhairavnath will take care of them.

Naagin 2nd November 2015 Written Update

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