Showing posts with label Tere Sheher Mein online drama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tere Sheher Mein online drama. Show all posts

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Tere Sheher Mein 8th October 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 8th October 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 8th October 2015 Written Update
Tere Sheher Mein 8th October 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 8th October 2015 Written Update

Gaura yells at Kokila to abandon her. Kokila says in the event that she needed to abandon her, why might she hold her. Dharam yells at Dharam and Kokila to leave his mother and get him out of room. Vidya says no one bolted him, rather entryway stuck because of stormy season. Gaura thinks back saying same dialog to Vidya and yells. Kokila requests that her quiets down. Gaura says on the off chance that she needs to slaughter her she can, however ought to realize that she has officially spoilt her granddaughter's lives. Vidya says she came to clear her duty. Gaura inquires as to whether she needs to rebuff her. Vidya says by what means would she be able to rebuff her saas, she came to live here. Gaura chuckles that she needed to return here finally. Kokila holds blade on her neck and yells if a scratch goes ahead her granddaughters, she will opening her blades. Gaura gets anxious. 

Kokila says Vidya is her arjun and came here deliberately to show her a lesson. Vidya says Gaura she doesn't have any acquaintance with her well, she executed her own particular sister for attempting to murder her little girl Rashi and now she is attempting to mischief her 2 girls, she won't waver to slaughter her. Gaura gets more perplexed. Dharam yells that they all will need to pay for offending his baa and says Kokila he will execute her once he liberates her. Gopi yells at him to quiets down and says he himself let it know is ladies' matter and they ought to handle themselves, he is getting a charge out of meddling in the middle of ladies and on the off chance that he tries to mischief his little girl, she will overlook that he is Vidya's sasur. 

Kokila says Vidya simply like Arjun went for fish's eye and shot it, she ought to likewise go for her objective. Kokila says they are with her in her every stride. Kokila favors Vidya and says Gopi let us go now, wishing Gaura jai shri krishna. Gaura is stunned to see Kokila and Gopi's new symbol. 

Precap: Ahem asks Gopi where is Vidya. She says she is in her sasural. Ahem says her tryst of getting to be mahaan gets everybody into inconvenience and now she pushed Vidya on her way.

Tere Sheher Mein 8th October 2015 Written Update

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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Tere Sheher Mein 7th October 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 7th October 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 7th October 2015 Written Update
Tere Sheher Mein 7th October 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 7th October 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Rama getting lift and conveying Amaya to doctor's facility. The woman requests that he store 10000rs first. He says I don't have money at this moment despite everything she demands. He reprimands the staff and requests that they treat Amaya. Kangana comes there. Rama asks what is she doing here. She says she was searching for them all over the place. She gives him cash and he expresses gratitude toward her. She supposes to illuminate Sumitra and conceals her hand. Rama thanks driver and requests that he take cash. The man says I did this for mankind, I can't acknowledge. Rama demands. The driver says I needn't bother with this. Rama still gives him cash. 

Rama meets specialist. The specialist says you got her on time, she could have slipped in trance like state, it was extreme contamination, we will screen her and release tomorrow. Rama says thanks to him. Amaya looks on. The driver welcomes Amaya and says I helped for humankind purpose and Rama gave me 5000rs, I can't acknowledge this, your spouse has spared your life, he could have go under beat and took huge danger to spare your life, you are extremely fortunate to get a cherishing and minding spouse. Rama comes and requests that driver acknowledge cash. The driver favors them and takes off. Amaya says I know you spared my life, yet in the event that anything transpired… He says if anything transpired.. you are my wife and obligation, I wedded you and offered guarantee to secure you, its my obligation being your spouse, I will dependably do my obligation. 

Its morning, Amaya gets fine. The medical caretaker says she can go home. Sumitra and Bua chide her for bringing Rama with her. Amaya says she took Rama for shopping, as he has bunch discourse landed govt position. Sumitra reprimands Amaya. Bua says why will Rama do govt work, he is representative. Sumitra thinks Rama needs to oversee shop,till when will Gupta oversee shop alone. She requests that Amaya not do this once more. Rama comes and safeguards Amaya. He says she needs me to wind up a fruitful man, its demon for me to pass govt work. He says don't meddle in our matter, she needs rest, don't insult her now. Amaya takes a gander at him. 

Bua says Amaya made Rama on her side. Rama says I will make release papers and goes. Amaya cries. Kangana helps Amaya. Amaya says I need to thank the specialist. Kangana takes her. The men whom Kangana has pummeled.. see Kangana in distinctive getup. Amaya thanks specialist. Kangana goes to purchase therapeutic and makes Amaya stay there. Amaya hears them discussing Kangana and asks them do they realize that young lady. The man says she has beaten us gravely, she was in present day dress, and tipsy. Amaya says that was Kangana's twin sister Kanika. The man tells about harming the young lady's hand by their blade. Rama comes there and requests that Amaya come. 

Kangana gets treatments and requests that Amaya hold up, she will get rickshaw. Amaya sees Kangana's hand hurt and thinks to converse with that awful fellows. She comes up with rationalization and does a reversal to converse with the men. She asks do they remember whatever else about that young lady. The man says yes, this tumbled from her handbag when she was beating us. Amaya reviews the wrist trinket she talented Kangana. She supposes is Kangana truly Kanika or is this any fortuitous event. 

Kangana deals with Amaya at home and makes her rest. She requests that amaya call her in the event that she needs anything. Amaya believes are the twins, then how could that injury go ahead Kangana's hand, I don't comprehend, I will ask Sumitra. She stops and says Sumitra dependably takes Kangana's side, I will reach to the base of this matter. She says are they diverse or same individual, I need to figure out. Rama comes and requests that her take rest. She gets some information about his GD. He says he won't make a go at abandoning her. She guarantees she will take rest and requests that he go. She supposes its not great to tell Rama, she needs to settle this mystery herself. 


Rama is anxious for the GD. Amaya helps trust in Rama and wants him to enjoy all that life has to offer. She says I know you will do well. He smiles.

Tere Sheher Mein 7th October 2015 Written Update

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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Tere Sheher Mein 24th September 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 24th September 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 24th September 2015 Written Update
Tere Sheher Mein 24th September 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 24th September 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Amaya coming to Gupta. She says Sumitra needs me to rest in path. He asks what, why. She says its custom to Shuddikaran of kitchen, I m stressed that I m recently marry lady, anybody can misjudge. He says yes, get my wheelchair. Bua gets the mat and cushion. Sumitra says dump it outside the entryway. Gupta says stop, our bahu won't rest in path and reproves Sumitra, saying individuals will make tattles. He says you are head of advisory group now, and you will lose name. Sumitra thinks Amaya played great trap, she will see her later after Maha utsav. Gupta says Amaya can rest inside home. Sumitra says fine. 

Sumitra and Amaya get contending. Amaya requests that her not terrify much that her apprehension closes. Sumitra reminds her to have shower at ganga ghat at 4am and after that perfect kitchen. Amaya rests outside. Rama sees her and gives her mosquito repellant cream. He requests that her not misjudge his worry, he doesn't need her to get sick, as he can't take her to healing center. She has done numerous shows at home, he doesn't need some other issue in Maha utsav. She supposes Rama has said right. She supposes who is doing this to make me and Sumitra battle. She says Mohini, Bua and Nani won't this, is Kangana behind this. She goes to see Kangana in her room and not discover her. 

She sees the pads and goes out to ask the street side businessperson. The man says that young lady has purchased cigarette and afterward went. The auto driver informs Amaya concerning dropping that young lady. Amaya requests that her take her to that place. Amaya comes in the bar. She sees Kangana auctioning off Sumitra's gold bangles for money. Amaya gets stunned seeing her drinking. A man distinguishes Amaya as Gupta's bahu, Rama's wife and inquires as to why did she come here. She says I had some work. She gets some information about that young lady. He says Kanika, she has gone. Amaya sees Kangana leaving and thinks in the event that she can discover any connection, she can demonstrate its Kangana. 

Amaya returns home and checks for Kangana in the room. She gets stunned seeing Kangana resting. She supposes how might this happen, are they same individual or diverse, I will discover reality. She takes off. Amaya washes up and returns home to Shuddi karan. She advises Sumitra she needs to talk. Sumitra says get prepared and come. Amaya changes garments and wants puja. She gets some information about her bangles. Sumitra consumes her to space and searches for the bangles. She doesn't get it. Amaya gets beyond any doubt that Kangana is Kanika. She says she needs to say something. Sumitra gets the bangles and demonstrates her. Amaya asks arrives comparative ones. Sumitra says what are you saying, my mum gave me this in my marriage. 

Kangana comes there and hears Amaya conversing with Sumitra. Amaya says she respects her family, she feels somebody is attempting to hurt their crew. She says she has seen Kanika yesterday night and tells everything. Kanika looks like Kangana, we ought to ask Kangana. Sumitra admonishes her for getting a charge out of in bar around evening time and pointing the finger at Kangana now. 

Kangana requests that Sumitra not battle and contends with Amaya. She asks you mean I m playing any amusement. Sumitra says Amaya is stating gibberish to shroud her activities. She chides Amaya. She says Kangana will move well, and everybody will ridicule you, you are envious of Kangana, you grabbed the opportunity to make bhog. Try not to make my name ruined, else your mum will lose regard. Kangana cries and says she will go from here, how could Amaya say all that. Sumitra requests that her practice well, when she gets extolled, Amaya will get slap. Amaya looks on and supposes she needs to discover Kanika's truth, possibly she isn't right and Kanika has no connection with Kangana.

Tere Sheher Mein 24th September 2015 Written Update

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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Tere Sheher Mein 23rd September 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 23rd September 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 23rd September 2015 Written Update
Tere Sheher Mein 23rd September 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 23rd September 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Amaya seeing Bua ruining the symbol garments. Amaya says she won't give them a chance to win. Jaz says there is no document in room, perhaps Sneha took it. Rachita requests that they have juice. Bua says we won't and insults her. They all leave. Sumitra returns home. Bua says she took every necessary step. Kangana comes and says she did great move hone. Bua says I know, nobody can move well than Kangana. Kangana says she will make nourishment for everybody. 

Sumitra says Kangana kept quick for Maha utsav. She requests that Amaya gain from Kangana. Kangana goes to make bhog. They all applause Kangana. Sumitra and everybody go to Chobey Nivaas to snicker on Sneha, when the garments will be discovered harmed by the council. They get stunned seeing the perfect garments. The council men like the garments and laud them. Bua says how could this happen, when I ruined by my hands. They take the garments and say thanks to Sneha. 

Sumitra chides Bua and Mohini for not doing anything right. Amaya says she has done this, she has seen them, ruining symbol's garments. Sumitra asks did you come clean to you're mum. Amaya says no, I won't the guarantee to you, however I guaranteed to myself as well, I have seen all of you ruining the garments and I have transformed it. FB indicates Amaya going to Chobey Nivaas as a banjaran offering utensils. Jaz says we don't need utensils, go. Amaya requests water and sends her. She swaps the garments. 

She advises Sumitra to hurt her, she will bear it, yet she can't hold up under on the off chance that they hurt Sneha and Gajanand's admiration. Bua reproves her. Kangana eats chicken and comes inside the haveli. She sees the bhog in kitchen and keeps the chicken bone there. She leaves from that point and Amaya sees her. She takes after Kangana, while Kangana runs quickly. Amaya says whats happening, this young lady knows each route here, its something incorrectly, Kangana is making bhog in kitchen, I will see there. 

She doesn't see Kangana and says it implies my uncertainty is correct, I don't know why is Kangana wearing two diverse style garments, whom she needs to trick, why is she imagining, whats the mystery. Sumitra comes there and chides Amaya seeing the non veg bone. She inquires as to why did she ruin the bhog. Amaya says why are they advising her, even Kangana stays here, call her and inquire. Sumitra raises hand to slap Amaya. Amaya holds her hand and says you can't slap me. Gupta calls them and says council men came. Bua requests that Sumitra oversee now. Sumitra asks Amaya to not tell anything. 

Pandey advises Sumitra to make bhog in immaculate way and indicates. Sneha looks on. Bua requests that Sumitra think something. Nani says we need to make bhog once more. Sumitra cries and says the kitchen channel blasted and they couldn't make bhog, Kangana has made bhog and she went out being irritated. Sneha says Pandey ji, don't stress, we will be happy to make bhog. Pandey says fine, we will go. Gupta asks Sumitra whats happening. Kangana comes and asks what happened. Bua says huge thing happened. 

Kangana asks how could this happen. Amaya says I ought to ask you, it was your obligation, the fault is going ahead me, why did you go. Kangana says stop it, my head is hurting by your words. Sumitra says Kangana went to get things and shows sack. She requests that Kangana take rest. Sumitra requests that Amaya toss bone out, themn scrub down, at exactly that point she can come inside home after Shuddhikaran, she will rest in the path, then shower at 4am and enter home. Amaya says enough. Sumitra requests that her do as told. Amaya thinks Kangana did this, I won't rest outside home, see what I do.

Tere Sheher Mein 23rd September 2015 Written Update

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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tere Sheher Mein 22nd September 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 22nd September 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 22nd September 2015 Written Update
Tere Sheher Mein 22nd September 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 22nd September 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Amaya requesting that Sumitra not battle and preventing her from saying Rachita's truth. Sneha gets furious seeing Amaya's sympathy toward Sumitra and reprimands her. Sumitra chastens Sneha and requests that her not do anything to ruin her work. Amaya cries and apologizes to Sneha in her heart. Sumitra is super furious and Rama appeases her. Kangana comes and asks what happened, I was resting in my room. Amaya supposes I checked in her room and she was not there, its weird. Bua says we will make blurbs today evening time, Rama call Mantu, he will oversee everything. Sumitra says I need to do anything. 

Amaya converses with Sumitra and says you were stating Rachita's truth, we had an arrangement, do you recall. She cries sitting in Sumitra's feet and requests that her not advise this mystery to the world, as she cherishes Sneha a great deal, if anything happens to Sneha, she can't manage. Sumitra says then ask her for what valid reason did she do this. Amaya says Sneha did not do anything. Sumitra says as much you will support you're mum. Amaya says no, I have seen that young lady, I have attempted to get some information about her some time recently, that young lady looks like Kangana, I have seen her and taking a gander at notices in unusual way. She says she has seen Kangana in the western garments, come to see the heel marks. Sumitra gets stressed and says stop this fake story in regards to Kangana. She requests that her get lost. Amaya goes. 

Kangana comes and asks what happened, don't stress over publications, Mahotsav will be fabulous. Its night, Amaya goes out and says she needs to figure out who has done this. Mantu comes there and says he has come to meet Kangana, he came to give the things, as its Eid and laborers will be going, even he is set with Chiklu to visit his Mausi, simply give these specimens to Kangana. She says fine. 

He says why do I feel you conceal something from me, Sumitra chided you and you stayed quiet, the Amaya I know does not stay noiseless, you are offending me and not conversing with me, but rather I will ask you what are you concealing, you can even impart things to me. She says overlook everything Mantu, I know I have harmed numerous individuals and did shamefulness, however its past now, the present truth is I m wedded young lady, I m beyond any doubt you will keep my and Rama's admiration. She goes and cries closing the entryway. Mantu cries. She says possibly its first time I clarified him well. I m wedded, destiny made me Rama's wife, Mantu is my past and Rama is my present truth, its better that Mantu overlooks me. 

Sneha checks some record and converses with Rachita and family about working for the Mahotsav. Pushpa says you know Sumitra well, don't do there. Sneha says Lord is seeing everything, I simply need to do my work. Rachita says Sumitra is discourteous lady. Sneha says even Amaya does not leave opportunity to affront us, I can't stop my support of sanctuary, I have my quality, my crew. Amaya comes and asks Gupta where is everybody. Gupta says Sumitra and everybody went for board of trustees meeting, Kangana went for move rehearse, Sumitra requesting that you practice move top, you and Rama need to move, and Maha utsav is tomorrow itself. She considers hit the dancefloor with Rama. 

Amaya goes to Rama and asks till when will he ponder. He inquires as to why. She says let me know when you get done with concentrating on, we need to move in Maha utsav. He asks we, are you inebriated, how might you be able to think I will hit the dancefloor with you. She says Gupta let me know that Sumitra need this. He says fine, I will move if mum needs, however not with you, you go now and let me study. She says he supposes he is Hrithik and goes. He says she is stating as though she is Madhuri, however in the event that mum said, I need to move. 

Sneha gives her proposals and individuals applaud her. Sneha says we got 15 lakhs gift and converses with the general population. Sumitra gets irate and says Chappan Bhog will be originating from their home. Sneha says Lord's gems will drop by our home, its customs and its not great to change it. Everybody regard Sneha more and give her significance. Sumitra vapor. Bua says we need to cut Sneha's quills. Sumitra says I will do something that Bhog and Vastra originate from our home. 

Amaya hones traditional move and hears somebody. She goes to see and says did Sumitra and Bua came, I will get some information about the meeting. A young lady trains Rama to move and giggles. She asks who is this, is she your wife. Rama says yes, and presents his school companion Suman and now Suman is his move educator. Suman requests that Amaya hone. Rama says no, we will rehearse in corridor and goes. Amaya says I couldn't care less if Rama rehearses with any other individual, when our strides don't coordinate, then he will know. She goes out to see Sumitra. 

She shrouds and sees Bua, Mohini and Nani going to Chobey Nivaas. She supposes its something fishy and goes to discover. Bua says she has come to take the record. Jaz goes to get record. Bua says Rachita is not requesting water as well. Rachita requests that Kripa get water. Bua requests that Rachita bring it. Rachita goes. Mohini checks the Lord's gems. Bua grins and says be ready, till I do my work, don't give anyone a chance to come here. Amaya sees them.

Tere Sheher Mein 22nd September 2015 Written Update

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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Tere Sheher Mein 19th September 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 19th September 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 19th September 2015 Written Update
Tere Sheher Mein 19th September 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 19th September 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Rama getting his books. Amaya checks it and says its common administrations books. He says yes, I will hang loose, I was irate on myself yesterday so I cleared out the sustenance, I will land a decent position and reveal to you. She says lets see and tosses the towel all over. He says discourteous. Amaya takes off. Kangana requests that Mantu help her in getting saree requests finished and Mantu consents to help her, as she is Rama's sister. He asks will she have anything. She says no, I m in rush, you can get back home, I will talk there. She takes off. 

The man gives Uma's letter to Mantu. Mantu peruses that Uma is going far from him, she can't give him bolster, she is likewise vulnerable, as Mantu has no spot for any other individual now, so I m leaving Banaras and running with Badi Amma. Mantu cries. Uma composes if destiny has us to meet once more, we will meet. He says I m sorry Uma, I made youextremely upset, yet Amaya… what she did with me, I lost confidence in affection. 

Amaya saw Kangana in diverse getup. She sees Rama get ready for his exams while working, and says he can't study like this. She irritates him. Rama asks what happened, wouldn't you be able to see I m concentrating on. She says you are irritating yourself, I can perceive how you are contemplating, you are squandering time, you are repairing music framework while concentrating on, I know you have OCD. He says yes, I know. She requests that he center and this exam is intense. He asks will she take his meeting, why is she giving him address. She says Jaz passed numerous exams, she was topper, she used to study in one go, you gain from her, concentrate. He says I concurred yesterday, it doesn't mean I will concur dependably, you don't act oversmart. Amaya says fine. He requests that her go and the ink falls on his shirt. She goes out and requests that he see the configuration on shirt. She says when somebody tells anything, it can be for good moreover. 

Mantu comes to meet Kangana. She says she needs somebody to facilitate her work. He says yes, I have begun discovering somebody, till I get somebody, I will help you. She says she will get test of her work and demonstrate to him. Amaya brings pickles there. She quits seeing Mantu. Kangana requests that Amaya get tea and snacks for Mantu. Amaya goes. Mantu says no, I will take off. Kangana requests that he sit and know the work. He says he has some other work. She says I have much work, please. 

He says fine, see this rundown. Kangana says she will get her outline books, and requests that he get book from eating table to make notes. Mantu beverages water and gets tragic seeing Rama marries Amaya… marriage photograph collection. He sees the pics and the glass falls. He sits to pick the glass and gets his hand hurt. Amaya sees this and cries. She supposes Mantu will be harmed on the off chance that he lives up to expectations with Kangana and comes here frequently, I need to make him far from me. 

Amaya says you expanded my work, why did you come here, you are a bold individual, get up, do you have self regard left or not, leave from here. Kangana comes and requests that whats along these lines talk. She requests that Mantu sit and does help. Amaya and Kangana contend. Mantu says quiet down Kangana, I m fine. Sumitra comes and sees Mantu hurt. She admonishes Amaya. Mantu says I m fine, expresses gratitude toward Kangana for the guide, I will go and complete the work. Kangana requests that Amaya be cautious. Sumitra chastens Amaya and requests that her help Kangana in coloring the sarees. 

Amaya goes to that room and thinks what to do. She checks online for the methodology for coloring. She colors the garments and grins. Mohini tells Sumitra that a few individuals from sanctuary came to Chobey Nivaas, perhaps its something huge. They all go to see. The man approaches Sneha for philanthropy sum, and says sanctuary redesign has finished. Sneha says we will do whatever we can. Sumita says Maha Utsav is extraordinary, take the gift, and give half sum receipt by our name, as we are their relatives, and Chobey said he will take exceptional tend to us. Rachita and Pushpa ask Sneha to not answer. Sumitra and her gathering likewise goes inside Chobey Nivaas to see. Sumitra says she will deal with all the organization obligations this time.

Tere Sheher Mein 19th September 2015 Written Update

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Friday, September 18, 2015

Tere Sheher Mein 18th September 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 18th September 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 18th September 2015 Written Update
Tere Sheher Mein 18th September 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 18th September 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Amaya requesting that Rama have sustenance. He says he will have it himself and is not able to eat. She cleans his face and encourages the nourishment. Music plays… … . They take a gander at one another. He inquires as to why is she seeing him like this, is she expecting sad or much appreciated. He says I would have come myself on the bicycle, don't know where keys fell. She says if this mishap happened then, what might we do. He says let mishap happen, passing is great than his life. She says fine, go and bite the dust, the greater part of you're family will be in torment, you are a weakling, you don't comprehend what family feels when anybody kicks the bucket, my father did suicide and our lives got destroyed. 

He says you feel I m the vamp, did you think in the event that you pass on, the amount of will I trouyble your family, you are the child and in charge of you're family, comprehend this. Rama says he is going to rest. Amaya cries and gets some information about kicking the bucket. She goes out to discover the bicycle keys. Rachita apologizes to Sneha for going to advertise. Sneha says no, I need you to live on your terms, I need you to live with no apprehension, I guarantee, I will get all joy for you. Rachita says she won't wed at this point. Sneha says simply believe me and embraces her. 

Sneha gets a call and gets stunned. She says we are coming. She requests that Rachita get prepared, they need to go to doctor's facility. Amaya turns out and searches for the keys. She gets the keys and sees Sneha and everybody leaving in the auto. She says did anything happen to Nana ji, I need to go doctor's facility as well, in the event that I request authorization, Sumitra will won't, everybody is resting, I will go without asking them. Kangana stops Amaya and asks where is she going. Amaya says she came to take Rama's bicycle keys, and requests that Kangana rest. Kangana says I have 2-3 hours take a shot at my requests, then I will go. Amaya stresses that Kangana will arrive outside, by what means might I go. She masterminds the cushions as though she is resting and passes by the window. Amaya goes to the healing center and wishes Nana ji is fine. 

The specialist says Gajanand had some change, it will require more opportunity for him to recuperate. Amaya gets happy and says thanks to Lord. She hears Kangana there, who is requesting a frozen yogurt on credit from the merchant. She says she will pay cash later and the man can't. Kangana grabs the frozen yogurt and runs. She wears short garments and has complete distinctive conduct. Amaya gets stunned seeing her. 

Amaya returns home and ponders Kangana's odd look and conduct, and marvels whats the matter, why was she doing as such. She comnes home and thumps the entryway. Kangana opens the entryway. Maya sees her in same salwar suit as before and reviews seeing her in dark smaller than normal dress. Amaya asks you… . Kangana asks who else will arrive, did you see any phantom, I ought to ask you where you went right now. She says she went to store room and did not see Amaya. Amaya says I had some demon work. Kangana inquires as to why did you go like hoodlum, Sumitra is correct, you are sharp. 

She requests that her say where did she go, and requests that her answer tomorrow. She says I have bolted the entryway. Amaya thinks who was that young lady if Kangana arrives. Its morning, Rama awakens and holds his head. He says how could i have been able to I return home when I was tipsy and reviews Amaya. He says he cleared out bicycle there and calls Mantu, requesting that he get his bicycle by copy keys. He expresses gratitude toward Mantu and finishes call. He says Amaya called me weakling once more, I will demonstrate her I can do anything on the off chance that I m decided. 

Kangana gets prepared and says she is going to finish her sarees request and converses with Sumitra. She sees Mantu and says this is Mantu right, Rama's companion. Sumitra says yes, he helps me a considerable measure, he does everything, he has numerous contacts here. Kangana goes. Amaya searches for Kangana and says she needs to get some information about yesterday night. Amaya thinks to ask Sumitra, as possibly Kangana won't say reality. Amaya says she went to meet Nana ji during the evening, I came bizarre thing there when I was taking auto and informs everything regarding the young lady, she was Kangana. Sumitra gets stunned and asks what gibberish, I know your arrangements, you are committing stories to shroud your error, Kangana let me know keeping so as to everyth how you went out pads, you are our bahu. Amaya says I m trying to say what I have seen. Sumitra chastens her. She shields Kangana and says she is not care for you, you will be rebuffed for this slip-up soon. Sumitra requests that Amaya get lost. She feels she was worried about the possibility that that this will happen and wishes Lord to keep Amaya far from Ka.

Tere Sheher Mein 18th September 2015 Written Update

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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Tere Sheher Mein 12th September 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 12th September 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 12th September 2015 Written Update
Tere Sheher Mein 12th September 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 12th September 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Sumitra saying in regards to pagphere custom. Sneha reprimands Amaya and requests that everybody come inside. Amaya says she got laddoos for Jaz. Sneha tosses the laddoos and says this present house's entryway is closed for you for eternity. Amaya cries. Sneha close the entryway all over. Bua says where will Amaya go, she can't go to our home without pagphere. Nani says its great, we will dispose of her. Sumitra says we will go home now and requests that Amaya think. 

Rachita requests that Sneha let Amaya come. Sneha says no, what should I do and requests that them not open the entryway. Amaya cries sitting outside. She reviews her youth minutes with Sneha. Janam hai tu howdy insignificant paas maa… … ..plays… … .Sumitra is cleaning the space for Kangana and brings Amaya's things. She tosses it and Amaya contends. Bua asks should I toss this pic and Amaya sees Rishi's pic. Bua tosses Rishi's pic and they all grin. The glass damages Amaya's foot and she cries seeing the pic edge broken. Rachita cries. Sneha gives Rudra the cash to give in healing facility for Gajanand's treatment. 

Rachita says she will present to Amaya, regardless of if Sneha gets irate. She turns out and requests that Amaya come. Amaya says however mother.. Rachita sees her hurt and takes her. Bua says this arrangement slumped. Sumitra says I have numerous arrangements. Rachita requests that Jaz get medical aid box. Amaya thinks on the off chance that she beverages water here. The pagphere rasam will be finished. Rachita says I know regardless you adore us, let us know whats the mystery you are concealing, I m nourished up asking you, let me know. 

Bua says will Sneha and Amaya unite. Sumitra says no, Amaya comprehends what I will do. Nani says discover whats going ahead there. Bua says we will hear it by the dividers. Amaya says I knew all of you will come in my words, I did this as all of you stream in feelings. Pushpa says you utilized your dead father to do pagphere rasam. Amaya says I will do anything to keep my marriage, this pagphere rasam was fundamental so I did this, now its complete, I will go now. Nani says this young lady is extremely smart. Sumitra says she is not cunning than me. Sneha admonishes Amaya for falling so low. She says I will show you out from here. She shows Amaya out. Amaya says I won't break, I will turn out to be more solid. Bua stops Amaya at the entryway. Amaya says I have finished the rasam by drinking water at Maayka. Bua says fine, however you return to inlaws with your spouse, when Rama comes to take you, then you can come, else… its custom, else you won't be stay here and there. 

Amaya says what might I do now. She sits outside her home. Its night, Amaya calls Rama from PCO and says he is not accepting my call. Rama beverages being with Mantu. Mantu says I know you are concerned, what will happen on the off chance that you drink, you don't drink, I got wine as you demanded. Rama says I needed to wed Rachita, Amaya demolished everything. Rama gets Amaya's call. She asks where is he, he was going to pick her from her Maayka. Rama chastens her and finishes call. Rama tells Mantu that this marriage began by trick, you are my companion, let me know what might I do. 

Mantu says do your obligation, satisfy the rasam. Rama says fine, you go along. He brings Mantu with him. Amaya cries and sits tight for Rama. She says when will you come Rama, I am holding up subsequent to long. Sumitra and Bua talk while having sustenance. Rama gets back home smashed. Amaya says you are inebriated Rama. Mantu holds Rama. Rama says my companion, my sibling Mantu. Amaya says I will oversee Rama and requests that Mantu go. Mantu says I have recently desire Rama, no other explanation. Amaya thumps the entryway. Sumitra opens the entryway and sees Rama. She asks what happened to Rama and cries. Nani asks what happened to Rama. Bua says he is tanked. Sumitra says its all on account of this young lady. Amaya and Mantu consume Rama to space and make him lie on the bed. Amaya requests that Mantu go, and says thanks to him for bringing her spouse home, now she can deal with him. Mantu clears out. Amaya close the entryway and cries. Mantu supposes he can't comprehend, what happened that passionate and experienced Amaya changed to such an extent. Amaya feels frustrated about Mantu, as she has harmed him a ton by her words, she knows he will forget her one day.

Tere Sheher Mein 12th September 2015 Written Update

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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tere Sheher Mein 1st September 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 1st September 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 1st September 2015 Written Update
Tere Sheher Mein 1st September 2015 Written Update

Tere Sheher Mein 1st September 2015 Written Update

The Episode begins with Gajanand asking Sumitra to let Rachita and Rama's marriage happen. He cries and keeps his pagdi in her feet. He says this stain will demolish our gang. Amaya looks on stunned. He says he will satisfy every one of her conditions. Sumitra says fine, I have two conditions and lets him know. Amaya gets stunned. Sumitra, and her mum leave. Gajanand holds his heart and says this marriage can't happen. Amaya sees him and races to him. Gajanand says this marriage ought not break. She doesn't say anything will happen, this marriage will happen as you say. Mantu comes there. She says Nana ji got heart assault perhaps, we ought to take him to clinic. They surge him to clinic. Mantu says there is no reason to worry. She asks by what means will it be fine. He says he will call at home. She says hold up here, I know whom to advise, I will simply come. Sneha gets some information about father. Pushpa says she will come. Amaya calls Sneha. Sneha asks where is she. Amaya says she is in healing center, Nana ji got heart assault, come here without saying here, this marriage ought to happen at any expense, come here soon. Sneha and Pushpa get back home and ask Mantu what happened, where is Amaya. 

Mantu says I don't have the foggiest idea, when I came to there, I saw Chobey ji lying in floor. Sneha asks Amaya what was she doing at Rama's home. Amaya says don't have the foggiest idea, I took present for Rachita and went to give Rama, sign this assent structure for surgery. She keeps a few papers beneath assent structure. She says Nana ji needs Rachita to get hitched, its your obligation now. Mantu says yes, Gajanand took guarantee from Amaya, he will oversee here. Sneha and Pushpa decline to go. Amaya requests that they go, its Nana ji's wish. Mantu requests that Amaya give healing facility papers, he will submit. She says no, I will give it, you stay here and deal with Nana ji. 

The Mathurs welcome the baraat. Kaushalya tells Rudra that something isn't right, Chobey is in doctor's facility and they are celebrating here. Sneha does tilak to Rama. Bua gets some information about Gajanand, is he resting inside. Pushpa says he is unwell, so specialist conceded him in healing facility. Sneha says he got stroke, he said this marriage ought not stop, on the off chance that you can keep his words… Sumitra acts blameless and sweet and says Gajanand will be fine. Bua gets some information about her two conditions now, if Gajanand is not here. Sumitra says she won't let this marriage happen, she needs to destroy their admiration. Nani says they don't have any acquaintance with us. Sumitra says genuine dramatization will be presently. Mohini says let young lady come in mandap, then we will see. Amaya says conditions will be satisfied, Nana ji is not here, but rather still kept his words, accompany me. She gives a few papers to Sumitra and says you needed this. 

She reviews Sumitra requesting Mathur haveli. Amaya says this is haveli papers with mum's sign, I heard you and Nana ji talking. She says you needed to destroy our name by Rachita's truth, now no compelling reason to do this, you are given the cost to close your mouth, now its your swing to stay faithful to your obligation, let this marriage happen. Sumitra says you are shrewd, let me know how could you have been able to you take your mum's sign. Amaya says I bamboozled my mum and reviews taking Sneha's sign in healing facility. She says lady will come in mandap and this marriage will happen with no obstacle. Sumitra says her second condition, the marriage will happen if second condition is satisfied, does she know it, will she ready to do it. Amaya says don't stress, I know it, I will satisfy it, however I need your assistance. She advises her arrangement and says she has done what she could, now she has her family regard in her grasp. She goes. 

Bua asks Sumitra by what means will she trust Amaya. Sumitra says Amaya will regard us to spare her regard, we are getting haveli as well, she simply needs her Nana ji not to lose regard, I m prepared to do this for haveli. Bua says if Amaya alters her opinion.. Sumitra says we will see, everything will be clear in 60 minutes. Amaya goes to her room and cries. She says what I am doing, I m sparing my family's appreciation by a major trick, they will be harmed by this, Rachita and mum will be smashed knowing I took mum's sign by trick. She says perhaps I ought to advise everything to mum, I did huge misstep to conceal this from mum, she will comprehend me why I m doing this. Sneha cries and informs Dimple regarding the happenings. Amaya comes there and hears them. Dimple says we ought to cross out marriage. Sneha says we can't do this, Gajanand took guarantee from Amaya, you have perceived how Rama's family makes issues, we can't cross out marriage else father's admiration will be demolished, this is demon. Amaya supposes she can't advise anything to mum, she needs to do what she thought. Jaz compliments Rachita. Amaya comes there holding chloroform and takes a gander at Rachit.

Tere Sheher Mein 1st September 2015 Written Update

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